Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 281 Love Saint Zhao Qian

Chapter 281 Love Saint Zhao Qian

"Her Royal Highness, are you sure?"

Yinyue couldn't help but blushed slightly, and couldn't help feeling a little moved in her heart.

"Of course, if you don't believe me, let's try it tonight!"

A hint of playfulness appeared in Zhao Qian's eyes, and said with a smile.

"How to try?"

The shrewd Yinyue was gradually led by Zhao Qian, and couldn't help saying.

"Listen to me telling you..."

Zhao Qian moved closer to Yinyue's ear and whispered something.

At dusk that day, Yinyue personally cooked for the emperor, Princess He'an and Yuwen Chengdu who came back home. During the meal, Zhao Qian looked at Yinyue behind Yingshou, blinked playfully, and turned to Yingshou. Shou said: "Brother Emperor, this little girl just got married, and it's the first time she returns home. I have something to ask, can you agree to my little sister!"

Ying Shou looked up and said, "Say!"

Zhao Qian hurriedly said: "Emperor brother didn't refuse, so I agreed as the emperor's brother. Actually, it doesn't matter. Does my younger sister have any friends in Xianyang? After living in the palace for a few months, I can talk to Yinyue. So my younger sister wants to beg the emperor's brother to give up Yinyue to my younger sister and be her personal maid?"

When Ying Shou heard this, his face immediately darkened.

"No, change someone!"

Ying Shou refused without hesitation.

As he got along longer, he became more and more used to being served by Yinyue. If it were another person, he didn't know how long it would take to get used to it.

The key point is that Yinyue's feeling is not comparable to that of others. How could he agree to release Yinyue?
"Brother Emperor, this little girl is more familiar with Yinyue alone, and now I want to talk to Yinyue, you let the little girl change, who will the little girl replace!"

Zhao Qian refused to let go, pouted and said.

"I told you, let you change someone else, Yinyue can't!"

Ying Shou frowned slightly, his tone turned cold.

"If you don't borrow it, don't borrow it, why are you so fierce!"

Zhao Qian's eyes turned red, she was very aggrieved, looking at her little face, she seemed to be about to shed tears.

Seeing this, Ying Shou frowned even tighter.

He couldn't help looking at Yinyue, and saw Yinyue standing behind with her head down, as if she didn't hear anything.

"Hey, forget it, you will live in the palace tonight, so let Yinyue accompany you. If you have anything to say, let's talk tonight. If you want to chat with her in the future, you can also enter the palace!"

Ying Shou sighed, waved his hands and said.

Although the two are not siblings, Ying Shou can't treat Zhao Qian badly.

To put it bluntly, he has done a great thing for himself, stabilizing the hearts of the world.If this is wronged, it is spread by others, and they say that the emperor crossed the river and demolished the bridge.

"Really? Thank you, Brother Emperor!"

Zhao Qian was overjoyed, and hurriedly bowed her body.

"You don't need to thank me, I still have a memorial to review, so take it easy!"

Ying Shou got up, didn't bother to continue eating, turned around and left here.

"Congratulations to Your Majesty..."

"Congratulations to the emperor's brother!"

Yuwen Chengdu, Zhao Qian hurriedly stood up and saluted.

Looking up, Zhao Qian winked playfully at Yinyue, with a gesture of complete control.


In the middle of the night, in the palace where Zhao Qian lived before, Zhao Qian drove Yuwen Chengdu to another room to sleep, and pulled Yinyue to the bed, and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Princess, what are you laughing at? What's so funny?"

Yinyue was a little puzzled and asked in doubt.

"Silly Yinyue, you haven't seen it yet!"

Zhao Qian glanced at Yinyue, and said a little speechlessly.

"See what?"

Silver Moon was puzzled.

"The emperor didn't lend you to me!"

Zhao Qian took it for granted.

"I see it, but what's the matter?"

Silver Moon was even more puzzled.

"Hey, you are such a silly woman. I see that you are quite smart when you usually work for the emperor. Why are you so confused about this matter?"

"Tell me, is there any kind of maid in the backyard of the palace? Even if there is no one in the backyard, the emperor ordered that all the women in the world can be chosen by him, but why does he have to ask you to be his personal maid? He didn't even ask me to ask, but just let me spend one night with you, don't you understand?"

Zhao Qian sighed, she found that Yinyue was really stupid in this matter.

"What's the matter, the emperor has so many things that I need to do every day. It's difficult to adapt to other court ladies for a while, what should I do if I can't take care of the emperor?"

Yinyue gave the answer as if it was a matter of course.

"Oh, my silly Yinyue, besides the rules and regulations, these complicated things are in your mind, can't you think about it in another way? This is clearly because His Majesty the Emperor cannot leave you, and he can't bear you, you This silly woman!"

Zhao Qian looked as if she hated iron and steel, she had already woken up so clearly, how could this woman still not understand?
"Reluctant to bear me? Well, that's true. I remember His Majesty the Emperor once told me that he liked me to serve him, and he was not used to others! And His Majesty the Emperor also said that he could not bear to bear me!"

Yinyue thought about it carefully, the emperor seemed to have really told her that if he didn't kill him and Lie Yang at the beginning, the most important thing was that he couldn't bear her, this is undeniable.

"Now do you understand? The emperor has been unwilling to accept concubines because of you. If I'm not wrong, the emperor wants you to be his concubine even more!"

Zhao Qian had the expression of a female Zhuge, as if everything was under control.

"The emperor wants me to be his concubine?"

Yinyue's heart moved, and she couldn't help looking at Shenghui, recalling the scene that happened in Baiyue Land in her mind.

I remember that at that time, Lie Yang once asked the emperor if he wanted to make himself a concubine, and the emperor really said that he would make himself a concubine.

At that time, Yinyue thought that what the emperor said was just a moment of anger, but thinking about it now, it seems that it is not that simple.

What kind of person is the emperor, how can his anger break through his reason so easily, and he can speak freely.Since he said so, he must have thought so.

For a moment, Yinyue's heart suddenly became alive.

"How about it, silly girl, judging by your appearance, you should have figured it out, right?"

Zhao Qian paid attention to Yinyue's appearance, seeing her looking forward to the bright, shrewd appearance flashed in her eyes again, she joked with a smile.

"Your Highness, if you don't tell me, I don't know. When I said it, I really remembered that His Majesty seemed to have really said that I would be made a concubine. But the situation at that time was like this..."

As she said that, Yinyue changed her description of the original situation, saying: "I always felt that His Majesty the Emperor was angry with my brother, so he deliberately said it to be angry with my brother. After that, His Majesty the Emperor never mentioned this matter. I gradually forgot about it!"

"Silly woman, don't you know what kind of person the emperor is? It's always only when he plays with others and gets angry with others."

"Others want to anger him, why are you kidding? Don't think that the emperor made a mistake unintentionally, just talk about it casually. Since he dared to say it, he must have thought about it."

"This matter is correct. The emperor definitely wants to make you a concubine, but he has never found a suitable opportunity!"

After Zhao Qian heard this, she immediately looked at Yinyue with a look of hatred for iron and steel, and said.

(End of this chapter)

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