Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 282 Zhao Qian's Thoughts

Chapter 282 Zhao Qian's Thoughts

Zhao Qian has no relatives or reason here in Xianyang, apart from her husband Yuwen Chengdu, she is also relatively close to Yinyue who made her wedding dress by herself.

After giving the wedding dress that time, she already regarded Yinyue as her own sister, and she always thought about Yinyue's lifelong event, and only hoped that one day, she would be able to make something for Yinyue with her own hands. Set of wedding dresses.

At this moment, planning for Yinyue's future is really exhausting.

"What kind of opportunity does His Majesty need to accept a concubine?"

Yinyue was a little puzzled, looked at Zhao Qian and said.

"Stupid, you, what a proud emperor, even if he likes a woman, how can he go through all kinds of twists and turns for a woman."

"You think your identity is still a secret in Daqin. After all, you were also a traitor back then, the murderer who assassinated the emperor."

"If the emperor opens his mouth to accept you as a concubine, if nothing else is said, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty will be the first to stand up and refuse!"

Zhao Qian looked at Yinyue with a foolish expression on her face, and said very speechlessly.

"But the emperor really wants to decide what to do. From what I know about him, it seems that no one in this world can stop him!"

Silver Moon said.

"That's right, the emperor really has to make a decision, not to mention the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, even if his father Cheng Jiaojun crawls out, it won't work."

"But how many twists and turns will there be in the process, do you think the emperor can make him lose his face? If he is not careful, the emperor may be cursed as a tyrant who loves beauties and dislikes the country, like King Xia Jie and Zhou. You, too, will become the same concubine who beat Baosi. Do you think the emperor is willing to endure such abuse?"

"So, the emperor is waiting for an opportunity, waiting for a chance for the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty to accept you. He wants the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty to beg him to accept you as his concubine, all of which are true. If the emperor meets everyone's request, why not do it? "

"Look now, if you are serving as a maid by His Majesty's side, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty do not object, but if you really become a concubine, it will not be so easy!"

Zhao Qian shook her head, and while speaking, sorted out all the twists and turns clearly.

"But if the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty don't give this opportunity, wouldn't His Majesty have nothing to do?"

Yinyue looked a little disappointed, it turned out that even if the emperor really wanted to accept herself as a concubine, there was no chance.

"Besides, who said there is nothing to do? In the end, it's just that His Majesty the Emperor doesn't want to give up that effort."

"You don't even know what kind of person he is, he's a ghost. I'm afraid that now, I already have thousands of ways in my mind, but I just haven't been bothered to use them. In this way, we might as well force him!"

Zhao Qian curled her lips in disdain, and said as if she had already seen through the emperor.

"How to force?"

Yinyue was a little nervous and asked cautiously.

"I haven't thought about this yet. In the future, if I have any plans, you just listen to me. Huh, the emperor wants to wait for an opportunity, and I don't know that he will have to wait until the year of the monkey. Let's not give him time to wait for the opportunity, let him Decide for yourself!"

While speaking, Zhao Qian had a sinister look on her face, as if being able to play tricks on the emperor once was the greatest satisfaction for her.

"His Royal Highness, I'm afraid this is not good? The emperor himself is very tired. If we continue like this, will it add burden to him?"

Yinyue hesitated, after all, she still felt sorry for the emperor.

"Stupid woman, you just think about whether he is tired or not, don't you need to think about yourself? Just say, do you want to marry the emperor as a concubine or not!"

Zhao Qian rolled her eyes and solemnly reminded.

Yin Yue's pretty face blushed, it was difficult to speak.

"Say, do you want to?"

"Do you want to?"

"Do you want to?"

Seeing this, Zhao Qian pressed him again and again.

"Hey, if you don't want to, then forget it, I'll be a matchmaker for the emperor's brother, and find another one!"

Seeing that Yinyue still didn't answer, Zhao Qian said with a disappointed expression.

"Don't...I...I want to..."

Yin Yue's pretty face turned pale, and she quickly grabbed Zhao Qian. After she finished speaking, her pretty face turned red again, as if on fire, and two red clouds hung on her cheeks.

"Hee hee, you're right to think so."

"Let me tell you, whether this woman is valued or not depends on how much a man pays for him."

"Other men, at most, have three wives and four concubines. Even so, as a gentleman, the Sangong and the Sixth Courtyard, basically have no choice but to run away. If the emperor is not willing to pay for you, in the future you want to be favored, but just It's even more difficult. The emperor will treat you like a slave at best!"

Seeing this, Yinyue gave Yinyue a sincere and earnest expression.

Yinyue was silent, it was fine that she hadn't thought about these things before, but now that Zhao Qian mentioned it like this, after thinking about it carefully, she still didn't understand.

It's just that when she thought that she might cause trouble for the emperor, she was still somewhat hesitant.

But think about it again, this is a matter of his life, if the emperor can't find a chance, ten or twenty years later, the officials finally accept him for the sake of the royal blood.
Instead of waiting, give it a try.

Thinking of this, Yinyue felt relieved.

Before midnight, Yinyue instinctively wanted to get up early to greet the emperor and cook for him, but was stopped by Zhao Qian.

"Princess, what are you doing?"

Silver Moon frowned.

"Keep going to sleep, don't get up early in the morning, are you tired? Don't forget, what you promised me last night, you will listen to me!"

Zhao Qian rubbed her eyes and said firmly to Yinyue.

"All right!"

When Yinyue heard this, she immediately knew that this woman was playing tricks again, and it was all for her own sake anyway, so she let her go.

Immediately, she really fell asleep obediently, but she tossed and turned, but couldn't fall asleep again.

On the other side, Ying Shou has long been used to Yinyue's greetings and never looks at the sky.

Originally, he should be ready to get up in the middle of the night, but without Yinyue's greeting, he seemed to be unaware of the passage of time, and fell asleep until the sky was bright.

At this time, outside the main hall, the civil and military officials had already waited for nearly two hours.

When Ying Shou turned over from the bed, feeling a little uncomfortable under the bright light outside, he opened his eyes suddenly, and his expression changed immediately.

"What's going on, Yinyue, why didn't you wake me up?"

Ying Shou exchanged instinctively, but no one responded.

"Come, come, come!"

Ying Shou sat up and shouted loudly.

"His Majesty!"

Outside, two guards hurried in, knelt down on one knee, and paid homage.

"Silver Moon, where is Silver Moon?"

Ying Shou was a little irritable. In his impression, Yinyue didn't seem to be such an irresponsible person.

"Report to Your Majesty, Miss Yinyue is not here today, so I will go and summon you!"

The two guards responded.

"not coming?"

Ying Shou frowned slightly.

"Oh, forget it, no need to go!"

Suddenly, Ying Shou realized that Yinyue was dragged away by Zhao Qian last night, how could he greet him, and immediately stopped the guards.

(End of this chapter)

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