Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 283 An Embarrassing Court Meeting

Chapter 283 An Embarrassing Court Meeting

"Go, call two maids to come and make changes for me..."

Ying Shou waved his hand, and wanted the two guards to order the two maids to change his clothes, but before he finished speaking, he waved his hand helplessly and said, "Forget it, I will do it myself!"

As far as he was concerned, he would feel very uncomfortable with anyone who took care of him except Yinyue.Instead of waiting slowly for the maid to come, it is better to do it yourself and have enough food and clothing.

Immediately, Ying Shou jumped down suddenly, got up and put on the dragon robe, combed his hair himself, and then hurried to the court.

This early in the morning, I don't know how long Manchu civil and military officials have been waiting. If they don't show up again, they will probably be nagged again.

Although Ying Shou is not afraid, as an emperor, he must have his own face. If it always makes people feel uncomfortable, it will still have some influence.

"Hey, it's already the hour of the morning. As usual, the morning court is over. Why isn't the emperor still in court?"

"That's right, if it's not early today, the emperor should send someone to notify him!"

"Could it be that something happened to the emperor, he can't come here suddenly today, and he hasn't had time to let someone come to inform him?"

"Impossible. If something really happened, the emperor would definitely send someone to inform us. How can we make me wait again?"

In the court hall, the ministers whispered to each other, discussing a lot, appearing very puzzled.

In their minds, the emperor has always been a very punctual person, and it is obviously impossible for such a situation that he will not come early, why is he so late today?
"His Majesty the Emperor is here!"

Suddenly, a sharp eunuch's voice sounded and shouted loudly.

Upon hearing this, the officials immediately returned to their positions and stood still.

"See Your Majesty the Emperor, long live long live your majesty!"

When the emperor appeared, all the ministers bowed their hands and saluted loudly.


Ying Shou sat down on the dragon seat, waved his sleeves, and said in a deep voice.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The officials thanked him, got up one after another, looked up, but couldn't stop being astonished.

Under the eyes of the officials, the emperor's hair crown was obviously twisted, and his hair was also a little messy, not combed well at all.

Especially the majestic robe, which was also very disheveled at the moment, as if he had just experienced a big battle, looking very embarrassed.

This must be a far cry from the meticulous and tidy emperor of the past.

The emperor's attitude made all the officials think about it for a while.

Could it be that the emperor, who has been single for a long time and has never heard of any rumors, finally couldn't hold back his loneliness last night, and was lucky enough to meet a certain court lady, so that he went to court in a panic and disheveled after sleeping on this matter?
The more I thought about it, the more possible it became. For a while, all the ministers looked at the emperor with weird eyes, especially when they looked at the emperor's attire, they couldn't help laughing.

There was no way, when they thought that the emperor might be lucky to someone else, everyone couldn't help but think of that widow again, it was hard not to laugh.

Thanks to the powerful officials, they could still hold back, otherwise there would have been a lot of laughter in the court at this moment.

Seeing the appearance of the officials, Ying Shou's face turned dark immediately, he didn't notice that his situation was wrong at all, thinking that the officials wanted to laugh because of what happened that day.

Anyway, he has already experienced a lot of this matter in the past few days, so he didn't bother to talk nonsense, and immediately said in a deep voice: "Dear dear friends, I have not been in good health recently, so that I have fallen into a coma these days, delaying you, and I hope you don't worry about it." To blame!"

When the officials heard the words, they hurriedly cupped their hands and said: "How dare you, I will understand Your Majesty!"

Ying Shou nodded slightly, and said again: "Since that's the case, the court meeting will begin, there is a book to start playing, and there is no book to retreat!"

While speaking, the court meeting began.

Two hours later, Ying Shou just returned to the bedroom. As soon as he walked to the door, he saw Yinyue, Zhao Qian, and Yu Wencheng waiting there.

"His Majesty……"

Seeing the emperor's attire, Yinyue was shocked, and couldn't help but hurried up to greet him.

"came back?"

Ying Shou glanced at her, and said, "Choose to go to the imperial dining room and get me something to eat!"

Yinyue wanted to remind the emperor of the clothing problem, but upon hearing this, she knew that the emperor must be hungry, otherwise she would let her get food without opening her mouth, so she had no choice but to put it down first, responded, and walked towards the imperial dining room.

"Little sister has met the emperor's brother!"

"Yuwen Chengdu pays homage to Your Majesty!"

As soon as Yinyue left, Yuwen Chengdu and Zhao Qian immediately stepped forward and saluted.

"Your husband and wife came to say goodbye?"

Ying Shou looked at the two and asked.

"Well, Brother Emperor, we have already returned home, so we came here to bid farewell!"

Zhao Qian quickly replied.

"Let's eat first, and go back after eating!"

Ying Shou didn't hold back, he greeted and walked towards the bedroom.

Zhao Qian and Yu Wencheng looked at the emperor's attire from behind, which became more and more distorted and strange.

"What's going on, Your Majesty, why are you disheveled?"

Out of curiosity, Zhao Qian couldn't help but turned to the two guards on the side and asked.

"Reporting to the princess, Your Majesty woke up at the same hour today. For the sake of the morning court, he tied up his hair and dressed himself before he had time to eat, and rushed to the front hall, so..."

The guard cupped his fists, bowed and said.

Although the matter of the palace should not be discussed with outsiders, since the princess is the emperor's younger sister, she can't be considered an outsider. Since the princess asked, he answered.

"I didn't have time to eat, so I tied my hair and changed my clothes?"

Zhao Qian's expression was very exciting when she heard this, and she couldn't help but want to laugh.

"You bastard, His Majesty the Emperor comes to court every day, don't you know? He didn't even remind His Majesty, and let His Majesty tie up his hair and change his clothes. Could it be that there is no other maid serving the Emperor in this palace except Yinyue?" No?"

On the side, Yu Wencheng frowned and scolded the guard.

"General Yuwen, His Majesty's rules, after going to bed, no one is allowed to enter the palace, let alone disturb you, except for Miss Yinyue. Today, His Majesty also refuses to let other maids serve!"

The guard quickly explained.

"Hmph, look, it's all your fault!"

Yu Wencheng glanced at Zhao Qian angrily. In his opinion, if Zhao Qian hadn't forcibly pulled Yinyue away, the emperor would not have done such a thing.

This is very detrimental to the majesty of the emperor.

"He can't get up by himself, blame me..."

Zhao Qian secretly laughed in her heart, but her face was pouted, pretending to be dissatisfied.

"Forget it, let's go see His Majesty first!"

Yu Wencheng didn't bother to say much, so he greeted him and walked towards the palace.

At this moment, the emperor was sitting in the backyard, holding a scroll of memorial, looking at it with a pensive face.

Ying Shou's combat effectiveness is very strong, and he usually watches all directions and listens to all directions, but when reviewing memorials, his peers are engrossed, so his perception of the surroundings is very weak, even Yuwen Chengdu and Zhao Qian don't know when they come .

"The final general has seen His Majesty!"

"Little sister has met the emperor's brother!"

Yuwen Chengdu and Zhao Qian saluted at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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