Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 285 Ying's Ancestral Hall

Chapter 285 Ying's Ancestral Hall
The old capital of Qin State, Yongcheng.

Although Daqin completely moved its capital to Xianyang after Shang Yang's reform more than a hundred years ago, the ancestral hall of Ying's family is still established in Yongcheng and has never been moved. It has been hundreds of years.

The once capital city of the Qin Kingdom is now extremely lonely, and there are very few people in the city. Not to mention that compared with the great Qin Xianyang, even compared with ordinary small cities, the number of people is not on the same level.

This is still the case in the city, let alone Ying's ancestral hall.Except for the hundreds of soldiers guarding the ancestral hall, it was basically difficult to see anyone.

You know, when the Qin royal family was prosperous, most of the Ying clan lived in Yongcheng, and they often came to the ancestral hall to worship, which was extremely lively.

However, now, the Ying clan is almost extinct, and there are only two of them.One Yingshou, the Great Qin Emperor, and one Ziying, the former King of Qin.

Now, Ying Shou, as the Great Qin Emperor, naturally doesn't have time to live here, so Ziying is the only one who worships again day and night and cleans the ancestral hall.

On this day, a group of people came to Yong City and stood outside the Ying's ancestral hall, begging to see Ziying, the elder of the Ying's family.

Ziying's historical defense, some people call him the son of Fusu, others call him the son of Yingzheng, and some even say he is the brother of Yingzheng.

There were all kinds of remarks, but no one could prove Ziying's identity specifically. His most important stroke in history seems to have been the King of Qin for dozens of days.

That was the King of Qin, not the Emperor of Qin.

In fact, the various excuses of later generations actually have many flaws.

Ziying is now nearly thirty, not much younger than the dead Fusu, so it is impossible for him to be the son of Fusu.

As for Ying Zheng's son, or Ying Zheng's brother, that's impossible.

In the Ying clan, the name of Ying Zheng's father was Ying Zichu, and the name of Ziying was Ying Ziying. At this point, it is needless to say which generation Ying Ziying belongs to.

Ziying's identity is not familiar with the orthodoxy of the Ying family, but only a side branch of the Ying family.

He used to be orthodox of the Ying family, but he was basically beheaded by Hu Hai and Zhao Gao, and he barely survived because he was not orthodox, so that he finally became the king of Qin.

As for Ying Shou, he could barely be regarded as the orthodox Ying family, but he was once a rebellious son, no one worried about him, and no one targeted him either.

Therefore, the two can be said to be the only remaining descendants in Ying's bloodline.

And Ziying was from Ying Shou's grandfather's generation, but he was born later and was about the same age as Ying Shou, but no matter what, he couldn't change his status as an elder.

"Reporting to the elder, a group of people came outside, claiming to be from the Daqin Jixia Academy, asking to see the elder. I wonder if the elder has summoned them?"

Ziying was taking care of the ancestral hall when a soldier's voice suddenly came from behind, saying in a deep voice.

"Who is the name of this person?"

Ziying turned around, with a haggard look on his face, and asked the soldier.

"Well, my subordinate heard from him, he seems to be called Gongsun Tan!"

The soldier replied.

"Famous master, Gongsun Tan?"

Ziying frowned. Although the former King of Qin was far away from the temple now, he still knew a little about some major events in Daqin.

He is naturally aware of the fact that Emperor Wu of the Great Qin established the Jixia Academy and called on all schools of thought.And Gongsun Tan, as a famous master and the head of the sect, is naturally also included in the Jixia Academy.

"Ask them to go to the back mountain!"

After hesitating for a moment, Ziying said to the soldier.

The soldier responded, turned and left, and Ziying also came to a courtyard in the back mountain after a little care.

The courtyard is very quiet, surrounded by birds and insects, and the sound of mountains and rivers, giving people a very wonderful feeling, as if they have come to a fairy mountain.

Ziying sat down in a gazebo in the courtyard, and after a while, a voice sounded behind him: "Gongsun talked about seeing the elder Ziying!"

Ziying turned around, saw Gongsun Tan, got up to return the salute, cupped his fists and said, "Ziying has met famous masters, so be polite!"

Gongsun Tan smiled slightly, looked Ziying up and down, couldn't help shaking his head, and said: "I didn't expect to see the elder today, the elder is so haggard, but how are you doing these days?"

"Where is it, hey, it's just a little lonely, it's not good or bad!"

Ziying shook his head, since Ying Shouwei, he didn't do anything outrageous to him, the former King of Qin, he was only asked to take care of Ying's ancestral hall, and his personal freedom was not even restricted.

As long as he wants, he can go to any place to relax at any time.

But now, there is no one in Ying's ancestral hall, so how can he leave casually.

"Mr. Gongsun, please sit down!"

While talking, Ziying greeted them, and after the two sat down in the pavilion, Ziying asked, "I don't know why you came here today, sir?"

Gongsun Tan and Ziying, the two have never met before, let alone talk about friendship, if they come here today, they will go to the Three Treasure Hall for everything, and ask for each other.

"I'm straight to the point. If you ask such a question, I won't beat around the bush. I came here today, there is indeed a major event related to the world, and I hope to get the help of the elders!"

Gongsun said with a smile.

"What's the matter?"

Ziying asked.

"Elder, may I ask how the Ying clan is now?"

As soon as Gongsun Tan opened his mouth, he made a difficult question.

In the past, the Ying family was prosperous, with thousands of people in the whole family. However, looking at it now, the blood is almost withered. This is very dangerous for any family.

Especially since the Ying family is still the Great Qin imperial family, this danger involves the entire empire.

"Hehe, now that the Ying family is not talking about the population. Only the blood remains, and only me and Your Majesty. If there is a little carelessness, the Ying family will be extinct!"

When it comes to Ying's bloodline, Ziying's eyes are full of desolation.

"That's right, the Ying family is in danger, and my Great Qin is also in danger. If the Ying family's bloodline is cut off, it will definitely cause chaos in the world and the people will live in dire straits. Today, I came here just for this!"

"To tell you the truth, I am entrusted by someone today to seek help from the elders. Can the elders know that His Majesty has no heirs and no heirs in the harem? After careful calculation, Your Majesty has passed 30 years. This person, in his life, it is rare to have a few thirty!"

When the topic was raised, Gongsun Tan immediately went straight to the point and said in a deep voice.

Although his words are not very clear, as long as he is not a fool, he can understand it at this time.

Ziying's heart moved, yes, how many thirty will this person have in his life?
Since Duke Xiao, no king of Great Qin, except King Zhuang Xiang, seems to have gone through the two thirties. Can the current Emperor, His Majesty, be able to go through?

Furthermore, the Ying family is sparsely populated, especially the generation of Ying Shou, and it must not be broken, otherwise the Ying family will be extinct and the world will be in chaos, just in a flash.

(End of this chapter)

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