Chapter 286 Nanyan
"Mr. came here today, is it for Daqin to establish a queen?"

"Sir, I don't know that the current Ziying has no words to gain a foothold in the imperial court. Facing His Majesty's literary and military strategy, he is even more ashamed to meet people. I am afraid that Ziying can't help you in this matter!"

Ziying shook his head and sighed, he knew very well that becoming an empress is the most important matter in Daqin today, but there are some things that he really feels helpless.

"The elder's words are serious. It is undeniable that the current Emperor Wudi of the Great Qin Dynasty is a generation of holy emperors. But it is precisely because of this that His Majesty respects the elder even more."

"The past, His Majesty never took it to heart, and all the possibilities, His Majesty never cared about it. It can be seen that His Majesty respects the elders?"

"Nowadays, civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty are not allowed to intervene too much in the affairs of the harem. However, the elder is the only senior of the Ying family. This matter must belong to the elder!"

Gongsun Tan waved his hands, clarifying the stakes.

"In the final analysis, this is a family matter of the Ying clan. I believe the elders understand that no one in this world can interfere except the elders, right?"

While speaking, Ziying fell into silence.

In his life, Ziying didn't have any desire to compete. Even when he ascended the throne, he was forced by Zhao Gao. Therefore, he didn't have any thoughts about the current Great Qin throne.

But he really couldn't let go of the matter of Ying's blood.

Before, he had made an oath that he would stay with the ancestral hall all his life, and he no longer had the idea of ​​marrying a wife and having children, but Ying Shou, as the emperor, must not have this idea, otherwise, the Ying family would be truly unprecedented.

"Hey, since Mister said that, Ziying can only be cheeky and see His Majesty the Emperor again. I just don't know, what is Mister going to ask Ziying to do?"

Thinking about it, Ziying sighed, and decided to go out of the mountain to interfere with this matter.

"It's good that the elder agrees. In fact, I have already discussed this matter with many ministers. For this reason, I have found a few most suitable candidates. And the most suitable person is the master doctor in Jixia Academy. , Zhou Zi's daughter, Nan Yan."

"This girl has the appearance of a closed moon and shameful flowers, and the posture of sinking fish and wild goose. She is kind in nature and helpful to the world. If this girl is made the empress, she will be able to take good care of the emperor!"

Gongsun Tan opened his mouth and told the previous discussions of many ministers one by one for Ziying to prepare.

In the end, after some conversation, Ziying followed Gongsun Tan out of the mountain, ready to gradually find these few good women.

On this day, Ziying and Gongsun Tan came to Jixia Academy and met the current head of the medical school, Zhou Zi.

Zhou Zi's real name is Zhou Xun, and he has become the head of the medical family since the previous head of the medical family died in battle in Shuicheng.

He is about forty-three, with a kind face and a long beard, giving people the feeling of a superior person.

Ziying talked with Gongsun, and after seeing Zhou Zi, several of them sat down one after another after being polite.

Gongsun Tan didn't talk nonsense, and said directly: "Zhou Zi, the elder has come here, why don't you let your little girl come out to meet the elder?"

Hearing this, Zhou Zi smiled wryly and said: "Today is not the right time for the elder to come. My little girl has an out-of-the-way personality. She is not a lady of the family. She hunts all over the mountains and plains all day long. No, she went out yesterday and hasn't come back yet! "

"Oh, by the way, I have sent someone to look for it before, and if I come back, I ask the elder and brother Gongsun not to mention the matter of becoming a queen in front of him. With this matter still undecided, I really don't want to The little girl is carrying too much burden!"

"What, this little girl, hasn't come back yet?"

Gongsun Tan was also a little helpless when he heard the words. He also knew a little about Nan Yan's character.

"It's okay, it's okay, we just wait a few more days. Zhou Zi can rest assured, I will keep silent about this matter!"

Ziying smiled slightly and said to Zhou Zi.

"So, I'm relieved!"

Zhou Zi smiled bitterly and said gratefully.

"Come on, come on, come on, hurry up!"

While several people were talking, an anxious voice suddenly sounded outside.

"what happened!"

"Miss, what's the matter?"

Then, one after another voices came from the courtyard.

"Come here and help me, this rabbit was bitten by a snake, come and help me wash the rabbit's wound, I will prepare medicine for the rabbit!"

Outside, the voice that sounded earlier said hastily.

"Hey, okay, miss!"

In the courtyard, everyone responded, and a group of servants and disciples stepped forward to help.

"Hey, here we come!"

In the lobby, Gongsun Tan's eyes lit up when he heard the voice, and he said with a smile.

"Hehe, elder, the little girl is back!"

Zhou Zi also smiled and said to Ziying.

"Go, let's take a look!"

Ziying heard the words, got up and walked outside.

They walked into the backyard and saw a group of servants and disciples very busy. A little girl was wearing a coarse cloth coat and carrying a small bamboo basket on her back. The bamboo building was full of medicinal herbs. I was busy grabbing medicine everywhere.

"Hurry up and boil this medicine into a plaster, and apply it to the rabbit's wound!"

The woman came with a pack of medicinal materials, handed it to one of the male disciples who were about thirty years old and said.

"Alright, Junior Sister!"

The medical disciple responded, took the herbs and left.

I saw the little girl quickly picked up the little white rabbit surrounded by everyone, with a look of pity on her face, she said: "Little rabbit, little rabbit, you must be in pain? It's okay, with me here, I can definitely give it to you." Detoxified!"

Ziying, Zhou Zi, and Gongsun Tan stood behind a rockery and watched this scene.

"Elder, that is Nan Yan, what do you think?"

Gongsun Tan smiled slightly and said to Ziying.

Ziying looked at this girl seriously, not to mention, this girl has a melon-shaped face with willow-leaf eyebrows, almond eyes and peach cheeks, and a small cherry mouth.

Wearing a coarse cloth coat, she still couldn't conceal her beautiful aura, she was really the best among women.


Ziying said three good words in a row, and said with a smile: "You two don't talk too much later, let me talk to her."

Saying that, Ziying slowly walked forward.

Behind, Gongsun Tan and Zhou Zi looked at each other, smiled slightly, and followed.

"Master... Master Gongsun!"

"Teacher, Master Gongsun!"

When a group of disciples and servants saw Zhou Zi talking with Gongsun, they immediately saluted.

"You go down first!"

Zhou Zi nodded slightly and said to everyone.

Everyone responded, and immediately turned and left.


Nan Yan raised her head, stretched out her hands to stroke her hair, saluted Zhou Zi, then looked at Gongsun Tan, and said with a smile: "Oh, Master Gongsun is here too. The person who was killed today shouldn't come to see Nan Yan for medical treatment, right?"

Before Gongsun Tan could speak, Ziying smiled and said, "Mr. Gongsun did come to see a doctor today, but it was not for himself, but for my subordinate. Miss is Nan Yan?"

(End of this chapter)

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