Chapter 287
Nan Yan looked at Ziying and asked doubtfully, "Who are you?"

"Nanyan, don't be rude, this is..."

On the side, Zhou Zi was about to reveal Ziying's identity, but Ziying interrupted him directly, saying, "I am a scholar who met Master Gongsun by chance."

"I heard that Master Gongsun has a good friend named Zhou Zi, who is a master of medicine. His medical skills are astonishing. He has a daughter whose medical skills are even higher than Zhou Zi's. It just so happens that I have traveled for many years and suffer from many unmentionable diseases. I would like to ask Miss to help me Let’s make a diagnosis, is it okay?”

Nan Yan nodded when she heard the words, "Oh, you traveling scholars have a lot of problems, and you are still polite when you speak, so just say that you come to see a doctor and it's fine."

"My medical skills all come from my father. How can there be more words than my father? But since you come to see a doctor, I will not refuse you. Come with me!"

Saying that, Nan Yan walked towards Zhou Zi, handed the little white rabbit in her arms to Zhou Zi, and said, "Daddy, help me take care of the little rabbit, I'll show the patient!"

Hearing this, Zhou Zi couldn't help smiling wryly, holding the rabbit in his arms, and said with a smile, "Go!"

Nanyan put down the rabbit, and she was not polite, she went directly to a gazebo in the yard and sat down, saying: "Hey, that, come here quickly, let me show you. Look at your gloomy face, slack eyes, brows In the meantime, there is still a look of deep pain, it seems that you are really sick!"

Hearing this, Ziying couldn't help being taken aback, stepped forward with a smile, and said, "Miss is so powerful, you can tell if someone is sick just by looking at them?"

While speaking, Ziying was obviously testing Nan Yan.

He was well aware of his own body, and he was not suffering from any illness, so he didn't take Nan Yan's words seriously.

"Hmph, you don't even have the ability to see people, how can you talk about healing?"

Nan Yan snorted, raised her little head a little proudly, the jade neck was very fair and beautiful.

"Hey, you need to be able to see people in order to cure diseases. Doesn't that mean you also need to be familiar with astronomy and geography?"

Ziying shook his head amusedly, a little speechless.

"That's natural. The theory of gossip, yin and yang, and nine palaces, all schools of thought have their own way. In name, the Taoist yin and yang school is very successful, but how can my doctor not have his own set of theories?"

"There are some diseases that can only be cured in a suitable place. This is by taking advantage of the right time and place. And choosing such a place will naturally change the yin and yang gossip, and the world will change!"

"Hey, let's not talk about this, let's take a look at your illness first!"

Unspeakably speaking, he realized that he had gone too far, and immediately changed the topic.

"I'm not in a hurry to see my illness. Since the young lady is so powerful, I'm curious how the young lady recognizes people's illnesses. Why don't the young lady take a look at my face and roughly calculate my illness?"

Ziying waved his hands.

"What's so difficult about this? The study of physiognomy, although it's difficult to fully explore the illness, can also give a glimpse of one out of ten. Look at your dark brows, which must be caused by long-term depression. At least it will take more than three years Sadness is the only way to do this. In the past three years or so, you should have been having trouble sleeping and eating, and you have been depressed, right?"

The corners of Nanyan's mouth raised slightly, and she gradually became more serious as she spoke.

Hearing this, Ziying's heart skipped a beat, and she couldn't help being startled. She didn't expect this little girl to see so many things with just one glance.

As a member of the Ying clan, everyone was in danger after Hu Hai had not yet been born. No matter who they were, their hearts would always be filled with fear, panic and fear.Facing the death of one's own people one by one, anyone would feel pain.

Especially him, who survived to the end, suffered even more.

He is kind by nature, he feels pain for his clan, for the world, and for Daqin.

For many years, I have been thinking about the way to save the country all the time, but in the end, I have achieved nothing, and I can be described as depressed.

Therefore, Nan Yan's words can be said to be true, and there is no falsehood.

"Miss, you seem to be looking for someone, not seeing a doctor?"

Although Ziying had to admit Nanyan's matchmaking skills, he didn't think it had anything to do with seeing a doctor.

"Hmph, the so-called matchmaking is seeing a doctor. If you don't even know how to look at people, how can you see a doctor? In my doctor's family, meeting people to see a doctor is basically the same, there is no difference!"

Nan Yan snorted and said.

"Oh, then I don't know if this has something to do with the disease?"

Ziying asked curiously.

"How can there be no connection? The appearance is born from the heart, and the disease is born from the heart. A person's life depends on one heart. Some people, who are at ease in the world, have nothing to worry about, and can live hundreds of years. Like that Peng Zu, or like that ghost Master Gu. But there are some people who have one thing in their minds and achieve nothing, they either suffocate to death with a breath of suffocation, or they succeed in one thing, spit out a breath of depression, and then they fall down!"

"If you don't talk about it, let's talk about the great sages of the Qin Dynasty, Duke Xiao of Qin. He inspired and strengthened the country all his life. He was exhausted from running around all his life, exhausted all his strength, and his internal organs were exhausted.

"Until the state of Qin prospered, when he let out a suffocating breath, his internal organs stopped functioning instantly, and if he tried to treat him again, the medicine and stones were ineffective. All of this came from heart disease!"

"The appearance is born from the heart, and the heart disease has already appeared, why can't it be seen from the face?"

It is hard to say that when talking about medical theories, there are endless reasons immediately, and the eloquence is amazing.

"You mean, I have a heart disease?"

Ziying stared, said.

"That's right, you have a heart disease. In my opinion, you are not like a wandering scholar, but more like a courtier or general with unfulfilled ambitions. In the past few years, what you have thought must be a big deal, otherwise it would be impossible in this way!"

Nanyan nodded, and once she opened her mouth, she directly pointed out Ziying's lie.

This statement made Ziying look at her with admiration, and felt that this girl was very extraordinary.

Not to mention the beautiful appearance, but also the ancient and modern knowledge, which is shocking.

After some exchanges, Ziying didn't think he was sick at first, but he became the woman's patient, so he stayed and diagnosed slowly.

Ziying also laughed at this, but in order to observe this woman, he still decided to stay here for a while.

Here, everyone is busy with the emperor's lifelong affairs, and on the other hand, Ying Shou also goes to and from the court all day long, handling the Great Qin Empire in an orderly manner.

Every day, there are memorials sent from all over the world.

As an emperor, every part of the world, whether it is stable or not, or whether there is an accident, has to be constantly played, and he is constantly observing and controlling the world from these memorials.

The world is so big, there is a memorial in every place, that is, there is a mountain of existence, and the approval every day can be exhausting.

These days, Princess An and Zhao Qian also ran into the palace at every turn, and every time they came, they always dragged Yinyue away, which really annoyed Ying Shou.

The key point is that the two women played very well and never tired of it, and Ying Shou couldn't stop him too much, which made Ying Shou not know what to say.

(End of this chapter)

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