Chapter 288
"Your Majesty, in the southwest direction of my Great Qin Dynasty, on the border of Bashu, there is a small country called Dian Kingdom, who yearns for our Central Plains culture very much."

"He has been in contact with our Daqin Bashu county guard many times, hoping to communicate with our Daqin. This time, he sent envoys here, hoping to meet His Majesty and see the dragon face of His Majesty the Emperor. I wonder if His Majesty can call him to the palace. ?”

On this day, Xiangbang Xiao He cupped his hands in the court hall and said.

"Oh, this matter of the Dian Kingdom was mentioned last month. I didn't expect the envoys of the Dian Kingdom to come so fast. If that's the case, let the Dian Kingdom's envoys go to the palace!"

Ying Shou raised his eyebrows and said in a deep voice.

The Kingdom of Dian is located in the southwest, although it is an effect in terms of Daqin, but it is also a big country in the southwest boundary.

This southwest land is exactly the land of Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau in later generations.

The three provinces of Yunnan, Guizhou, and Sichuan were established as brothers in later generations. Among them, Sichuan Province was the largest. In the Warring States Period, there were two countries, Ba and Shu.

And in your land, there is Yelang Kingdom.The so-called Yelang arrogance in later generations comes from this Yelang country.As for the south of Caiyun, there is a country named Dian.

Today, the land of Bashu has already fallen into the hands of Great Qin, but Yelang Kingdom and Dian Kingdom have always existed.Now that Dian Kingdom wants to attach itself to Great Qin, Ying Shou naturally has no objection.

"Send the envoy to the palace!"

With a sound of harmony, the envoy of the Dian Kingdom came with a guard of honor, entered the hall, folded his hands on his chest, bowed and said in the official words of the Qin Dynasty: "The envoy of the Dian Kingdom, Mudala has seen the Great Qin Celestial Dynasty, His Majesty the Emperor, Long Live Long Live Your Majesty!"

Ying Shou looked up and down the envoy of the Dian Kingdom, and saw that he had a dark face, bearded face, and very strange clothes, which were somewhat similar to those in Bashu, but there were also differences.

Looking at their costumes, they are somewhat similar to the Yi people of later generations.

"The envoy is flattened!"

Ying Shou waved his sleeves and said, "I've always heard that outside of Bashu, there are Yelang and Dian kingdoms."

"Whether this is Dian Kingdom, Yelang Kingdom, or Bashu, they are all descendants of Emperor Chiyou's Jiuli clan in ancient times. I don't know which clan you belong to?"

The envoy laughed and said: "Your Majesty's words, I don't know. But according to what I said, whether it is the Jiuli tribe or the Yanhuang people, it seems that they have been inseparable from each other in the thousands of years of evolution. In my country of Dian, the barbarians are the main ones, and the Bai barbarians are the most important among them. Just like the Yelang country, the Sanmiao people are the main ones!"


Ying Shou nodded, as if he understood something.

Sure enough, as he thought, most of these barbarians were from Dian.

"Okay, let's not talk about this matter, the king of Dian ordered you to come for dinner, what do you want to say?"

Ying Shou changed the subject, stared at the envoy and asked.

"His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor, my great king of the Dian Kingdom, has always respected the culture of the Central Plains. There is one thing that His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor may not believe."

"Just a few years ago, my great king of the Dian Kingdom was an official in Daqin. After returning to the country to succeed, he sent people to Daqin many times, hoping to exchange information with Daqin."

"However, the Central Plains are in chaos at this time. Hey, this matter can only be shelved. Now that the Great Qin Dynasty is waiting to be rejuvenated, my king sighs and regrets it. Therefore, I sent my ministers here to submit credentials and exchange information."

"From now on, if Daqin needs any help, just ask, and the king of Dian Kingdom will definitely help you at all costs. This is the letter of credence and gift list sent by my king. Please have a look at it, Your Majesty!"

The envoy bowed, and while speaking, handed over a roll of credentials.

"Come on, bring it up!"

Ying Shou raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect that the Dian Kingdom would attach so much importance to the establishment of diplomatic relations.

The eunuch went down, took the letter of credence and the gift list from the envoy, and sent them to Ying Shou.

Ying Shou opened the letter of credence and read it, and it was the same as what the envoy said.

Opening the gift list again, most of them are gold, silver and jewelry. Although these things are expensive, Ying Shou doesn't care much about them.

But among them were presents, which made his eyes shine.

Camellia from Dian.

In later generations, the tea of ​​this Dian Kingdom is famous all over the world.

It is as good as a certain tea in Fujian and Yue, but the tea in Dian even surpasses the tea in this tea capital.

However, in today's world, although the tea ceremony exists, it has not fully risen. The tea that Daqin drinks is mostly bitter tea or something.

Ying Shou did not expect that the Dian Kingdom would develop tea so quickly.

"Minister of the Dian Kingdom, what is the matter with the Dian tea on your king's list? Could it be that your Dian Kingdom has already studied the theory of tea?"

Ying Shou looked at the envoy of Dian Kingdom and said with a smile.

"His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor, it has only been two years since we started talking about tea in the Dian Kingdom. Although the Dian Kingdom is small, it is not as big as the Qin Kingdom. However, there are some things in the land of beautiful mountains and rivers that cannot be compared to the Central Plains. !"

"Oh, speaking of this, His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor, don't be surprised. What the minister said is not that the Qin Kingdom is inferior to the Dian Kingdom, but that the power of the Creator will never favor one over another."

"The Central Plains has the beauty of the Central Plains, and the Dian Kingdom has the spirit of the Dian Kingdom. My king taught me this!"

The envoy smiled, and when he spoke, he was neither humble nor overbearing, and very polite.

"Hahaha, the envoy's words are justified. The world is so big that the Creator will never favor one or the other. What I have, you may not have, and what you have, I may not have. This is the world, otherwise how can we communicate with each other?" Do you have anything to say?"

Ying Shou laughed and said indifferently.

"Your Majesty can say that, and my ministers are relieved."

"The tea of ​​my Dian Kingdom is my king who tasted the tea of ​​the Central Plains in the Central Plains. After returning home, when he cultivated it carefully, he found a beautiful camellia in a mountain. He picked the tea leaves, stir-fried them carefully, soaked them in In the water, it is sweet and delicious, very delicious."

"In these years, my king has only cultivated hundreds of tea leaves, and the tea leaves collected every year are only one bucket. It can be said to be very precious, even my king is reluctant to drink it."

"This time, my king took out all the survivors, a total of two buckets of tea leaves, and sent them to my servants. I hope His Majesty will taste them!"

The envoy smiled slightly and talked about camellia again.

"Okay, come here, and serve the tea leaves brought by the envoys, I want to have a good review!"

Ying Shou nodded, and delivered the order directly while speaking.

Not long after, someone told Ying Shou that the tea was brewed, filled it up, and brought it up.

Ying Shou took a sip, and the hot tea flowed down his throat, and a wonderful feeling came to his heart immediately.

The sweet aftertaste is really more delicate than Daqin tea.

"Good... good good... this tea is very good, very good!"

"Envoy of the Dian Kingdom, I have received the sincerity from the king of the Dian Kingdom. You go down and rest first. When diplomatic relations are established, give me two more days to think about how to improve it. At that time, I will reply to you with the letter." how are you?"

Ying Shou even said a few good words, then changed the subject and said to the envoy of Dian Kingdom.

"Your servant is waiting for the good news!"

The envoy of the Dian Kingdom paid a salute, said goodbye and left without saying much.

(End of this chapter)

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