Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 289 Establish diplomatic relations

Chapter 289 Establish diplomatic relations
"My dear friends, you have already understood the reason for the Dian Kingdom's visit, and you have also seen their sincerity. What do you think about the establishment of diplomatic relations with the Dian Kingdom?"

After the envoy left, Ying Shou immediately looked down at the ministers and said in a deep voice.

"Your Majesty, the sincerity of the Dian Kingdom is unquestionable. The King of Dian yearns for our Central Plains culture so much, and we have no reason to refuse. According to Yichen, the establishment of diplomatic relations this time is feasible!"

As Xiangbang, Xiao He was the first to stand up and said in a deep voice.

"That's right, this Dian Kingdom is the first country to submit its credentials since the founding of His Majesty. This matter is very important."

"They value my Central Plains culture so much, and respect His Majesty the Emperor, which is commendable. I also feel that it is feasible to establish diplomatic relations at this moment and exchange needs!"

Shu Suntong also stepped forward and said.

While speaking, a group of officials followed suit.

Everyone had no reason to reject Dian Kingdom at all, and for a while, no one objected.

"Since all my loves think that the establishment of diplomatic relations is feasible, let's establish diplomatic relations! But this time, how do you think the establishment of diplomatic relations should be implemented?"

Ying Shou nodded. He also didn't think about rejecting Dian Kingdom. Although he was going to sweep the world, if someone really wanted to, he would treat him well.

"Your Majesty, according to what I said, since it is the establishment of diplomatic relations and the conclusion of an alliance of brothers, I, Da Qin, must of course reciprocate, otherwise, wouldn't it be looked down upon?"

"After all, the most important thing people value is my Daqin culture of etiquette and law. Therefore, I feel that the sincerity of the Dian kingdom has been revealed, and it is time for my Daqin to show my sincerity."

"Your Majesty is also requested to send envoys to Dian Kingdom to become the king of Dian Kingdom. In the future, I will invite the king of Dian Kingdom to our Great Qin to meet His Majesty. I wonder how His Majesty thinks?"

Shu Suntong cupped his fists again and said in a deep voice.

"What Aiqing said is reasonable, but who should I send this envoy?" Ying Shou said with a smile.

"Have you forgotten, Your Majesty? Now that Daqin has established the Jixia Academy, and the talents from all over the world gather, it can be said to be prosperous."

"In this Jixia Academy, there are hundreds of schools with their own strengths. Among them, famous debaters are the best candidates to serve as envoys. Master Gongsun Tan, as the head of a famous school, will serve as an envoy this time. Not the best?"

Shu Suntong smiled and reminded Ying Shou.

"Well, okay, let's talk to Gongsun then!"

Ying Shou's eyes lit up, not to mention, this famous person is the best candidate for the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, negotiations and other things.

Once upon a time, Great Qin fought fiercely with Wei State, one of the six kingdoms in Shandong. Wei State was no match for Qin State at all. In the end, it was because of a famous master, Huizi, who carried the entire Wei State.

It's a pity that this Huizi met Zhang Yi, a famous talker in the world, the high apprentice of Guigu.

Zhang Yi studied under Guigu, and also studied literature from famous scholars, so he really had a hard time fighting with this Huizi.

In the end, the six countries joined forces, and Zhang Yi joined forces, defeating the six countries, which shows the ability of the famous masters.

This matter has been decided, the court meeting will continue, and after the court meeting is over, Ying Shou will return to the harem.

At night, Zhao Qian came again.

Upon hearing that Princess An returned to the palace, Ying Shou really had one head and two big ones.

Before he could say anything, Princess An and Princess An came to his bedroom, and after some visits, they immediately took Yinyue's little hand and said with a smile: "Yinyue, I haven't seen you for a few days, you're skinny again, aren't you? Serving the emperor's brother during this time is too hard, why don't we go out for two more days?"

Hearing this, Ying Shou's face turned dark.

This woman came to take Yinyue away every few days, which made him very unaccustomed to it, and this time she would take away Yinyue for a few days, which made him very dissatisfied.

"Okay, but Your Majesty is here!"

Yinyue nodded and said with some hesitation.

Hearing this, Ying Shou couldn't help but close his eyes, this woman is really, she never refuses Princess An's invitation.

"It's okay, Brother Emperor, I'll tell him!"

Zhao Qian waved her hand, then came to sit next to Ying Shou, stretched out her hand and grabbed Ying Shou's arm, and said with a smile, "Brother Emperor, just now my younger sister heard that this envoy from the Kingdom of Dian intends to establish diplomatic relations with our dynasty. Your Majesty has already Promise to send envoys."

"Little sister has been bored enough to stay in Xianyang during this time, and always wants to go out for a walk. How about the emperor's elder brother let the younger sister accompany the envoys to Dian Kingdom to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Dian Kingdom?"

Ying Shou raised his brows and said, "Nonsense, this is an envoy to another country, you are a general's wife, and you are the princess of Daqin, what are you going to do?"

Zhao Qian pouted and said: "The emperor's brother is wrong. What is nonsense? The envoy of the Dian kingdom is very sincere. How can I, Daqin, lose my etiquette? It is precisely because the younger sister is the princess of Daqin, the only princess. Going there in person, that's enough to give the King of Dian enough face, the emperor's brother said, what's wrong with this?"

Ying Shou heard that, let alone, if there was Princess Daqin in the team going here, it would really give the Dian Kingdom enough face.

"Well, that's true, you and Yuwen Chengdu have been staying in Xianyang for the past few months, and you don't have much to do. This time, you can go to Dian as an envoy!"

Ying Shou nodded and said in a deep voice.

"So, the emperor brother agreed?"

Zhao Qian was overjoyed when she heard this.

"I agree, tomorrow I will send Yuwen Chengdu to the palace and ask him to escort the envoys!"

Ying Shou looked at Zhao Qian helplessly and said.

"That's great, Brother Emperor, lending Yinyue to my little sister to accompany her for a while!"

Zhao Qian was overjoyed, and borrowed Yinyue again while talking.


Ying Shou's face darkened. This trip to Dian Kingdom will take at least two or three months. If he borrows Yinyue, he will have to resist for two or three months. How can this be done?

Ying Shou refused without hesitation.

"Brother Emperor, why are you acting like this again? Look at Yinyue, who takes care of you with all her heart and effort, and loses weight without expecting anything in return. You actually treat her as a maid. She wants to go out to relax now, why don't you take care of me?" If you don’t agree, it’s too much, right?”

When Zhao Qian heard this, she pouted again, dissatisfied.

For this plan, she had already started preparing, no matter what, she had to force the emperor to take the initiative to marry Yinyue.

This mission is the best opportunity.

She didn't believe that the emperor could face Yinyue so calmly after not seeing her for several months.

"Who told you that she was going out to relax, why didn't I know?"

Ying Shou glared at Zhao Qian, this woman was purely against him.

"She said it herself, if you don't believe me, just ask her!"

Zhao Qian pointed at Yinyue and said directly.

"Yinyue, are you really planning to go out and relax?"

Ying Shou looked at Yinyue, he didn't think she was an impossible woman.

As long as Yinyue refuses, Zhao Qian can't find an excuse to say anything else.

"Your Majesty, this servant is exhausted today, and I really want to go out with the princess to relax, and I hope Your Majesty will allow me!"

Facing Ying Shou's gaze, Yinyue panicked slightly, then saw Zhao Qian's gaze, and immediately said in a firm tone.

(End of this chapter)

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