Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 290 Mission to Dian Kingdom

Chapter 290 Mission to Dian Kingdom

Ying Shou was a little dumbfounded, he didn't expect this woman to have such a plan.

At this moment, everyone has spoken up, Ying Shou really has no reason to continue to force others to stay.

After all, in the final analysis, Yinyue never gets paid for her work in the palace.

"Must go!"

After hesitating for a while, Ying Shou had no reason to refuse, nor did he want to let Yinyue go, so he had to ask again.


Facing Ying Shou's gaze, Yinyue couldn't bear it, but when she was about to say something, Zhao Qian interrupted, saying: "Of course, brother, you can't even leave Yinyue, right?"

Ying Shou's face turned dissatisfied and said: "In my palace, there are as many maids as I want, and I can't do without them. I just want to ask her opinion, so don't talk!"

As soon as Ying Shou's face-saving words came out, Yinyue quit.

What is the number of maids in the palace?

In this way, doesn't it mean that I can be replaced by any court lady?

Yinyue, who was still somewhat unbearable, suddenly became ruthless and insisted on going out for a walk.

"Your Majesty, I have made up my mind, and I want to go out for a walk, so please allow me!"


Ying Shou was speechless when he heard the request.

"go Go!"

Ying Shou felt helpless for a while, he didn't know what ecstasy soup Zhao Qian had poured into Yinyue during this time, so that this woman didn't think about herself anymore.

Since she wanted to go so much, she let it go.Isn't it just a few months, just gritted your teeth and passed.

"Brother Emperor, thank you, then I will take Yinyue down to make some preparations, and I will go to Dian Kingdom tomorrow!"

Zhao Qian looked happy, stood up abruptly, and while speaking, pulled Yinyue away directly.


Ying Shou still wanted to keep him, but the two women who had received the holy will would not care about him, and they had already escaped from the bedroom in a blink of an eye.

"Lonely, lonely. When will someone think about it for me?"

Ying Shou sighed and looked up at the sky, feeling very helpless.

All along, he has been waiting for Manchao Wenwu's entreaties, but up to now, Manchao Wenwu has not understood his thoughts, but this woman, Yinyue, is becoming more and more disobedient, which really makes him angry and angry.

The next day, at the court hall, Gongsun Tan listened to the order and went to the court, wearing an ambassador's official uniform.

Yu Wencheng, who hadn't been to the hall all this time, also dressed neatly and came to the main hall.

Ying Shou summoned envoys from the Dian Kingdom and told about the envoys sent by Daqin. Hearing that among the envoys was the only princess of Daqin, he was overjoyed and praised Yingshou again and again.

At noon, Ying Shou wanted to send Yinyue off again, but something went wrong after thinking about it.

It is simply unreasonable for him to be the Son of Heaven of Qin who wants to see off a maidservant.

Not to mention a maidservant, even if people like Yu Wencheng and Princess An go to see them off by themselves, they will inevitably lose their value.

If the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty knew that they were seeing off a maid, they would not know what they would take it for.

Thinking about it, Ying Shou thought about it again, called the chief eunuch, issued a decree, and asked the eunuch to deliver the things he had prepared.

Outside Xianyang City, the guard of honor of thousands of people was ready to go. Just when the envoy Gongsun Tan was about to give the order to go, a sharp voice suddenly sounded.

"The decree has arrived!"

Gongsun Tan, Yuwen Chengdu, Princess He'an, Yinyue and others all turned their heads to meet and receive the decree.

"By God's blessing, the emperor ordered me to go to Dian as an envoy this time. I originally wanted to visit Dian, but the country is busy with affairs, so I can personally send Yinyue, my personal maid."

"From now on, Yinyue represents Zhen and condolences to the King of Dian Kingdom. Along the way, the ministers must not be negligent, so please!"

The chief eunuch read out the imperial decree, which immediately caused everyone to look at each other in dismay.

This decree, in the eyes of everyone, is too weird.

With this sacred decree in hand, the team of envoys this time will not be dominated by Gongsun Tan, but by Yinyue.

This made Gongsun Tan frowned slightly, a little dissatisfied, but he didn't say anything, just accepted the imperial edict.

But in his heart, he became a little vigilant.

"It seems that, as many ministers have said, His Majesty has a serious attachment to this woman, otherwise how could he treat a court lady like this."

"But this girl is a traitor in the final analysis, and it's nothing more than being His Majesty's maid, she must not have any other relationship with the emperor!"

Gongsun Tan thought to himself, and a figure couldn't help flashing in his mind.

"I hope to eat, Nan Yan can really enter the palace, otherwise His Majesty will be in serious trouble with this girl sooner or later!"

As for Zhao Qian, she glanced at Yinyue with a smile.

Sure enough, as she expected, the emperor wanted to save face and suffer.

In official affairs, he is omnipotent, but when it comes to this female affair, he likes to hold on to face.

This time, he was obviously reluctant to part with Yinyue, and was afraid of Yinyue's suffering, but he didn't dare to come, so he sent such an imperial decree, thinking that others would not be able to see what he was thinking.

"Silver Moon accepts the order!"

Yinyue stepped forward and received the imperial edict.

"Miss Yinyue, these are the clothes that His Majesty ordered the servants to send to the girl. Your Majesty has explained that now that the girl is in charge of important affairs of the family and the country, remember to take good care of yourself and go back early!"

After the chief eunuch handed over the edict to Yinyue, he changed the subject and reminded again.

"Thank you, Eunuch, and hope that Eunuch will convey it to His Majesty, Yinyue, thank you Your Majesty!"

As she said that, Yinyue looked at the imperial decree in her hand, and then at the three boxes carried by several guards not far away, feeling inexplicably moved in her heart.

"Father-in-law, does Your Majesty have anything else to explain? If not, we'll be leaving soon!"

Gongsun Tan looked at the Chief Eunuch and said in a deep voice.

"My lord, go slowly, Your Majesty has nothing to say?"

The eunuch said quickly.

"Set off……"

Gongsun Tan's face was dark and he didn't talk nonsense. With an order, the guard of honor for this envoy set off in a mighty manner and left here.

"See, Yinyue, I said that the emperor will definitely miss you. Believe me, within half a month, he will definitely suffer without you by his side!"

In a carriage, Zhao Qian looked at Yinyue with a smile on her face, and said with an expression of holding Zhizhu.

"Princess, is it really okay for us to do this? Your Majesty has always been used to servants serving by your side. Your Majesty is not used to being served by other maids. If your servants are not around, what should your majesty do?"

Yinyue couldn't bear to say.

"Hey, I said silly Yinyue, don't take yourself too seriously, okay? In the backyard of the palace, there are hundreds of maids, thousands of guards, full of civil and military affairs. Could it be that he can't serve him alone. You leave, at most It just makes him uncomfortable."

"The more uncomfortable the better, when you come back, I don't believe that he still hasn't revealed his true feelings. Today's matchmaking, this princess has decided!"

Zhao Qian gave Yinyue a helpless look, then hummed.

(End of this chapter)

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