Chapter 291

"Hiss... Yinyue, you said this Ziying, he didn't stay in Yongcheng well, he came all the way to Xianyang, and he didn't see me, so he ran to mess with a group of famous officials, why? Every statement, I always feel that there is something wrong with it!"

In the middle of the night, when the lights were changing, Ying Shou continued to bow his head to review the memorial. Feeling the changes in the candlelight, Ying Shou couldn't help but asked.

Yinyue is a very smart woman, except for occasional soft-heartedness, she has always seen the overall situation of the world relatively clearly.

Ying Shou kept her by his side, and usually he couldn't help asking questions when he was confused, wanting to know her opinion.

Normally, when he asked a question, Yinyue should have answered it immediately, but today, he waited for a long time, but did not hear any response, which made him a little puzzled.

When I looked up, I found that there was no one in the hall, only a few guards standing outside.


Yinyue frowned, and was about to call out, but suddenly remembered that Yinyue was no longer in the palace at this time, so she kept silent.

"Hey, I'm still not used to it for a while!"

Ying Shou shook his head and smiled wryly. Looking at the few remaining memorials, he suddenly realized that he couldn't bear to see it any longer.

It's as if when doing one thing, there is no one who shares the same interests but can communicate with each other, and everything is boring.

Ying Shou got up, walked out of the hall, and returned to the bedroom.

"Come on, undress..."

Ying Shou opened his arms and said in a deep voice.

Two maids came in from the outside, walking lightly, as if they were afraid of bumping into him, they walked slowly and did not take off their robes for a long time.

"Hey, tiptoeing, can't you hurry up?"

Ying Shou frowned, shook his head and sighed, reached out and took off the robe directly.

"Your Majesty's redemption!"

The two maids were frightened, and immediately fell to their knees, with panicked expressions on their faces.

"Get up, kneel at every turn, what kind of sin is redeemed, really!"

A trace of irritability flashed in Ying Shou's eyes, he waved his hands and said, "Go, burn incense!"

Hearing the words, the two maids got up quickly and went to shave the incense in a panic, but because it was the first time to serve the emperor like this, and the anger in the emperor's words just now, the two maids were frightened. Scratched a finger.


The lady who scraped the incense exclaimed, couldn't help but quickly hugged her fingers, and looked at Ying Shou in panic.

Ying Zheng was undressing himself, when he heard the sound, he couldn't help but turned his head and looked over, the two maids were so frightened that they immediately fell to the ground and kowtowed loudly for mercy.

"Your Majesty is careless, please make amends!"

Ying Shou frowned, seeing that the finger of one of the court ladies was still bleeding on the ground, and a large piece of skin had been peeled off by a sharp knife, and suddenly felt powerless.

"Come here and let me see!"

Ying Shou pointed at the maid and said in a deep voice.

"Your Majesty, the slaves dare not!"

The palace maid convulsed and trembled, and her face instantly turned pale.

"come over……"

Ying Shou scolded softly.

The maid's face was even paler, and her eyes were full of fear.

She had never served Ying Shou before, but she also stayed in the palace for more than three years.

When she entered the palace, it happened that Hu Hai was in power. Everyone in the palace knew very well about Hu Hai's character, he was simply a lunatic.

A lunatic who kills people for fun when something goes wrong.

In the imperial palace, there were countless people who were killed because they did something wrong, and there were also countless people who were killed by Hu Hai and Zhao Gao because of a sentence or even a wrong posture.

This eventually led to panic among the people, with the remaining courts and the withering of talents.

Now a new emperor has ushered in, but because of Yinyue, no other court lady has ever taken care of Ying Shou, and Ying Shou has no plans to continue recruiting palace ladies, which led to the removal of three thousand white horses from the palace. Besides, almost everyone is full of fear of Ying Shou.

In their minds, as the emperor, Ying Shou should be just like Hu Hai, perhaps even more terrifying than Hu Hai.

No matter how terrifying Hu Hai was, he lived in the palace and never did anything earth-shattering.

But today's emperor is different. Didn't you hear the rumors outside? This emperor has led troops to fight against foreign enemies many times.

The enemy army killed in his hands was at least one hundred and eighty thousand. It was really terrifying, like a god of death.

How can such a king be compared by Hu Hai?
Therefore, almost all court ladies are more afraid of Ying Shou than Hu Hai. If you really obey the sentence, being with you is like being with a tiger!

At this moment, hearing Ying Shou's yell, the palace lady couldn't help but crawled on the ground in fear, and shrank back, instinctively wanting to escape.


Seeing this scene, Ying Shou's face completely darkened.

He took a sudden step forward and walked up to the maid.

"No, Your Majesty..."

The maid yelled like crazy, got up in a hurry, and was about to flee outside in a panic.

"Stop for me!"

Ying Shou suddenly leaned out, grabbed the maid's arm, and pulled her back!
"Your Majesty, please forgive me. This slave will never dare again. Please forgive me, Your Majesty!"

For a moment, the escaped maid and the maid who was still prostrate on the ground yelled again and again, with unspeakable panic in their voices.

Ying Shou's face darkened completely, he really couldn't figure it out, and he didn't say anything, what was there to be afraid of among the two court ladies.

Make atonement at every turn, spare your life.

When did I say that I would punish them, and when did I say that I would kill them?
"Show me!"

Ying Shoudi snorted, took the maid's hand and looked at it, rolled up his sleeve and wiped the bloody finger, revealing the bone-deep wound.

It has to be said that the sharpening knife that Yinyue used to scrape the incense was really not so sharp, it almost cut off the lady's finger directly.

"His Majesty……"

Seeing that Ying Shou wiped the blood with his sleeves, the two maids were stunned and couldn't help shouting.

"Does it hurt?"

Ying Shou frowned, looked at the palace maid whose right index finger was injured, and said in a deep voice.

" doesn't hurt..."

The palace maid quickly shook her head in denial.

"It doesn't hurt?"

Ying Shou wiped off the blood again, stared at her and asked.


However, before Ying Shou finished speaking, he heard a scream from the palace lady, and then hurriedly shouted: "Your Majesty's atonement, Your Majesty's atonement!"

"Hey, when did I say I was going to punish you, can you say something else today besides atonement and forgiveness!"

Ying Shou had a headache, and he yelled loudly, which made the two maids tremble in fright.

Ying Shou glared at the court lady, and said helplessly, "Just say it hurts. Who taught you to endure it? Wait a minute, I'll send the imperial doctor to stop the bleeding for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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