Chapter 294
"Your Majesty, are you really going to drive out all the eunuchs and maids in the palace?"

On this day, in the inner garden of the palace, Sima Xun, the leader of the three thousand white horses, stood beside Ying Shou, and said with cupped fists.

"Let them go. Everyone distributes Qin Banliang and sends them out of the palace. Let them live their own lives. It's useless for such a group of people to stay in the palace. It's better to let them go free!"

Ying Shou sighed, and couldn't help thinking of Yinyue in his mind.

If this woman is by my side now, it would be great, and I don't need to worry about everything inside or outside the palace.

Occasionally, when I get tired from reading the memorial, I can ask this girl to read it to me, or I can directly ask this girl who has a strong opinion to review it for me.

It's a pity, now that the person is gone, the harem is in a mess, not to mention, I don't even like the food, and there are a lot of shit every day, I really can't even sleep well.

"The last general takes orders!"

When Sima Xun heard the words, he clasped his fists in response, turned and left.

Soon, all the eunuchs and maids in the palace were kicked out of the palace, resulting in the entire palace being empty, only Sanqian Baimayi was working here, but it was still extremely empty.

In the following period of time, Ying Shou still did not go to court, and almost all state affairs were transferred to Xiao He's hands, only occasionally some major events would be sent to Ying Shou's hands.

For example, regarding the war between the Xiongnu and Donghu in the frontier, but considering the emperor's physical and mental distress, Xiao He will also give a solution in the memorial he sent.

Even if one person can't think of it, they will go to Jixia Academy to find a group of famous people to discuss, record the solution, and then send it to Ying Shou.

After seeing it, Ying Shou was also very satisfied and directly agreed.

As a result, Ying Shou was free, had nothing to do, and only drank a little wine all day long. He was probably bored and walked around the palace, but he couldn't help recalling a figure in his mind.

In the past, when she was here, she could always come up with all kinds of things to relieve boredom, but now it is no longer, nor is it annoying, nor is it boring. The palace is, on the contrary, a prison.

On this day, I will report below, and Ziying asks to see you.

Ying Shou was at a time when he was bored. During this period, in order to take care of him, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty basically had nothing to bother him. Finally, a baby came, and Ying Shou sent an order to summon him immediately.

Ziying came to the gazebo in the garden, looked at Ying Shou's lonely back holding the wine cup in one hand and the flagon in the other, and couldn't help frowning slightly.

I have to take a closer look, at this moment, Ying Shou doesn't have the slightest vigor to conquer the world at the beginning, he is completely a drunkard, with red eyes, two big dark circles under his eyes, a pile of stubble, and a thin person It's scary.

"Your Majesty, you..."

Ziying frowned, a little hard to imagine that this was really the Ying Shou he knew.

"Hehe, Ziying is here, you are an elder, let's not be polite, sit down!"

Ying Shou looked up at Ziying, smiled and said, "Shall I give you a wine bar?"

Ziying frowned, stepped forward and sat down, and said, "Your Majesty, if you don't see this, you don't know it. I was shocked when I saw it. It's hard to believe that you are still the Ying Shou I knew before!"

Ying Shou looked at Ziying, and said with a smile: "But you are still the Ziying I knew before, doing nothing all day long, but worrying about the country and the people. When you are not qualified, you think more than anyone else. When you are qualified , doing less than anyone else!"

Hearing this, Ziying couldn't help smiling wryly, it was simply mocking.

Thinking about it carefully, he indeed has this character. He used to worry about the world, but unfortunately, after he became the King of Qin, he did nothing.

It's not that he doesn't want to do it, but that he is powerless and can only follow the general trend of the world.

The only thing he can do is to kill Zhao Gao at all costs.

"You are right. In many things, I am not as good as you, and I envy you very much!"

Ziying shook his head and sighed, with a gloomy look in his eyes.

"Envy me? What is there to envy? It's not like you haven't done this position before. You can't do anything except endless shit every day."

"Tell me, if I give you another chance, are you still willing to come to this position?"

Ying Shou sneered and said with contempt on his face.

"That's true, but you have to think about it. It's been more than half a year now, and the court is already different from what it was before!"

"At the beginning, I was forced by Zhao Gao to take the position. I wanted to save the world, but unfortunately I couldn't do it. Above the court, I have no generals who can be used, and no one who can be adjusted. Looking at the present, Daqin seems to be You are poor, but people of insight all over the world gather here. You have the Jixia Academy for your literature, and your military office for your military affairs."

"Hundreds of scholars advise you, think about the country day and night for you, and hundreds of thousands of troops are at your disposal. Except for being poor, you can attack countries when you enter, and protect the country and people when you retreat. We are not on the same starting line at all! "

Ziying smiled wryly, and when he said it, his heart was almost full of tears.

If at the beginning, he also had so many generals who were good at fighting, and so many great talents, there was no need for him to do anything, and the Great Qin Jiangshan Sheji Artifact could operate freely. How could he be allowed to knelt down and surrendered to others the point?

It was really thrown into the face of Daqin, and the face of all the ancestors.

Ying Shou's eyes lit up as he listened, and Ziying didn't say anything, he really didn't realize that he had unknowingly developed the state of Qin so well.

The world is home to one's heart, and there is no shortage of civil and military affairs. Even if such a Great Qin is temporarily impoverished, why worry about not being able to stand up?

"Okay, don't lament these things anymore. I also know that you are in trouble. To be honest, when I first came to power, I was miserable."

"There are Zhao Tuo's 60 troops in the south, the Xiongnu in the northwest, and the barbarians in the northeast. There is no harvest in the country, and the people are covered with cloth and food. How easy is it to make it this far?"

"Tell me, you have been in Xianyang for more than a month. For more than a month, you have been in contact with those famous officials in Jixia Academy and talked about something. Don't tell me, you want to collude with rebellion, these people are not you If you say collusion, you will be able to collude!"

Ying Shou waved his hand, changed the subject, and said with a smile.

"Hehe, you just believe that I don't have the heart to seize the throne?"

Hearing this, Ziying couldn't help smiling wryly.

"Everyone in the world has them, but you don't. You have nothing but fear for this position!"

Ying Shou unceremoniously tore open Ziying's wound.

"You, you, you are really not polite to me, an elder!"

Ziying pointed at Ying Shou and said with a smile.

"What's the matter, have you ever been polite to the emperor?"

Ying Shou sneered, and took another sip of wine.

(End of this chapter)

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