Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 295 Baked Potatoes

Chapter 295 Baked Potatoes


Ziying and Ying Shou were both amused by the other party's words. For a while, such unscrupulous laughter was rarely heard in the palace.

"To be honest, I've been in Yongcheng for a long time, and I'm bored, so I went out for a walk. It's really very enjoyable to communicate with famous officials from various schools and factions in Jixia Academy, and talk about the world!"

"Recently, I heard that Your Majesty is depressed, so I just came here for a walk. If Your Majesty is interested, why not come out of the palace with me, how about some relaxation?"

Ziying laughed and changed the subject.

"Oh, that's a good suggestion. I'm going crazy if I stay in this palace all day. I just don't know, what's so interesting outside here?"

Ying Shou nodded and said with a smile.

"It depends on what kind of mentality you have. If you are worried about family and country affairs, go to Jixia Academy, play chess to relieve boredom, talk about ancient and modern times, and judge the world. This is a great pleasure."

"If you just want to go out to relax, you can go to the folks, walk around, and see the mountains and rivers."

"By the way, I remember, you don't seem to have married a wife yet, I have a good candidate, how about I recommend it to you?"

Ziying stared at Ying Shou and smiled.

"Are you here to find a wife for me?"

Ying Shou stared at Ziying in disbelief, and said with a smile, "If I remember correctly, since your wife was killed by Zhao Gao, it seems that you haven't looked for it until now, have you? You get married and start a business, and spread branches and leaves for my Ying clan?"


Ziying's face darkened. He really came to be a matchmaker for the emperor, but he didn't expect to be ridiculed by the other party instead.

"Don't talk about this, just say, do you want to go out with me to relax? I think that in this world, except for me, a coward, no one will dare to accompany you on a tour! This is the only chance. , don't miss it!"

Ziying stared at Ying Shou and threatened.

"Go, how can you not go? The king of the former Qin Dynasty and the emperor of the later Qin Dynasty went on an outing to relax together. What a strange story in the world, how can I miss it?"

Ying Shou made a decision without hesitation.

After some exchange, Ying Shou summoned someone to prepare some change of clothes and money, and after giving some instructions, he left the palace alone with Ziying.

As Ying Shou said, he didn't need to bring any guards when he walked around the world.If it's something that he can't even settle, no one can help unless there are hundreds of thousands of troops.

And if you take so many people on a random trip, it would be a waste of national power.

Going out of the palace and looking at the world again, Ying Shou finally witnessed with his own eyes that the world has completely changed from a few months ago.

Outside Xianyang City, countless wastelands have been planted.

Among them, the corn seeds and potato seeds he gave out have already bloomed.

Even, the potatoes have already reached the gathering of the harvest.

"Well, as expected of my Daqin's soil, the potatoes grown here are really big!"

In a field, Ying Shou dug out a potato with his hands, and saw that the potato was as big as three fists, which made people's eyes light up.

Then, he hastily stretched out his hands to dig out more than a dozen potatoes in this nest, and each of them was as big as a fist at the smallest.

Potatoes of this size are placed in future generations, and that is the result of exhausting all kinds of chemical fertilizers for irrigation.There are even some, even after all kinds of fertilizers and care are used, it is still difficult to grow so big.

However, in this day and age, there is no such thing as chemical fertilizer, and it is possible to achieve such a harvest just by using some dung to cover it. I really have to dare to say that the spiritual energy at this time is simply not comparable to that of later generations.

"Ziying, tell me, what do people in this world say about these potatoes?"

Ying Shou put these potatoes into cloth bags one after another, and said to Ziying with a smile.

"Everyone in the world hasn't started to eat it yet, so how can they say anything?"

Ziying looked at the potato and was also very puzzled. Even he had never eaten this potato.

"Hey, what a fool. It's time for the harvest. Could it be that these people still plan to wait until autumn to start?"

Ying Shou shook his head, seeing no one around, but he was digging potatoes. He couldn't help but recall the scene of stealing other people's potatoes during his spring outing in his previous life.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

At this moment, a voice sounded, as if the farmer had caught the thief. Not far away, a farmer was chasing after him with a hoe.

"Come on..."

Ying Shou's heart skipped a beat, and he pulled Ziying to escape in a hurry, came to the side of the road, got on his horse and galloped away.

"Stop, you damn thieves, how dare you steal, stop!"

The voice of the farmer behind him yelled loudly, Ying Shou laughed and ran for more than ten miles with Ziying, before stopping beside a stream with beautiful mountains and rivers.

"Your Majesty, you are the Son of Heaven anyway. Everything in this world belongs to you. If you plan two potatoes, you don't need to be so sneaky, right?"

Ziying was speechless, being dragged away by Ying Shou made him feel guilty.

"What do you know? It's fun. Look at you, you probably haven't eaten potatoes yet, right? Come, I'm treating you today. You're welcome!"

Ying Shou curled his lips and said, "Go, get me some firewood!"

Ziying stared, and said: "I am also a prince and noble, you want me to find firewood?"

Ying Shou stared back and said, "I'm still the emperor, do you want me to look for it?"

Meeting Ying Shou's eyes, Ziying was speechless immediately, so he obediently went to find firewood.

In the evening, Ying Shou raised the firewood and burned a pile of ashes. He covered the potatoes in the hot ashes and began to suffocate.

About half an hour later, Ying Shou dug out the potatoes and patted each one until they were golden and golden, so tempting, he sat by the campfire, threw one to Ziying, and said with a smile, "Come on, have a taste! "

The potatoes were peeled very well, which made people very appetizing. Ziying took a bite, but couldn't help frowning slightly, and refused it himself. The taste didn't seem very good.

Potatoes are a little glutinous, and the fragrance is not bad, but it is not a good product. He is a little confused why the emperor likes it so much.

"Does it make you a little disappointed!"

Ying Shou stared at Ziying with a half-smile, and said with a smile.

"Disappointment is not to mention, after all, it is something to satisfy the hunger. It can fill the stomach, and it is still a good thing for the people of the world!"

Ziying didn't deny it and said seriously.

"It's not just a good thing, it's the best, right? I love this thing all my life. If I really want this thing, if I don't eat for the rest of my life, I can just eat it."

"Come on, you dip a little bit of this fact!"

Ying Shou pouted, and exchanged some chili powder from the system, the prepared one, took it out, and handed it to Ziying.

(End of this chapter)

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