Chapter 296
"what is this?"

Ziying looked curiously at the chili powder in the small box in Yingshou's hand, and couldn't help but wonder.

"Chili powder, dip it and try it!"

Ying Shou grinned.

Ziying frowned, went to dip it, put the potato in his mouth and took another bite, suddenly felt a spicy and delicious fragrance spread in his mouth, mixed with the taste of potatoes, it was really a perfect match.

"Well, it's so... so fragrant, so spicy, delicious, delicious!"

Ziying's eyes were bright, as if he had discovered the new century. After eating a large potato in two or three bites, he grabbed another one, dipped it in chili, and started eating.

One bite after another, eating with relish, one can't help but suspect that what the former king of Qin ate was not potatoes, but delicacies from mountains and seas.

After a while, Ziying, who ate three potatoes in a row, wanted to grab the potatoes and eat them again, but found that his stomach was already distended and he couldn't continue eating.

"Hey, it's so delicious, it's really rare in the world! It's a pity, this Temple of the five internal organs is a bit too small, it's a pity, it's a pity!"

Ziying looked at the potatoes in front of Ying Shou with regret on his face, as if he missed this opportunity, as if he didn't know that he could only eat them in the year of the monkey.

"Hahaha... What is so rare in the world? In my Great Qin territory, within tens of millions of acres of land, as much as you want, you can harvest it immediately."

"You like it so much, wait, after the harvest is over, I'm sending you a hundred stones, it will kill you!"

Ying Shou laughed, picked up a potato and ate it too.

Since coming to Qin Dynasty, he has never tasted this kind of baked potatoes again. Although he also opened a small stove when he was looking for the system to exchange seeds, but compared with this, it is difficult to compare.

Now it is baked and eaten like this, although it is less oily, it is more satisfying.

"Oh, I forgot. Your potatoes were dug from other people's fields. The harvest will be here soon, and I'm not worried that I won't be able to eat them."

"But it's the first time I've seen your so-called chili powder. I don't think I have it in Daqin, right? Remember, when the time comes, give me more of this chili powder, otherwise, the taste will not be so good!"

Ziying reacted and smiled immediately.

"Look at you, petty, who told you that I don't have this thing in Daqin? It's just that it's just the season for planting. You wait, in a few months, I promise you won't be able to finish it, it will kill you!"

Ying Shou gave Ziying a contemptuous look.

He was serious about farming this year, and he brought almost all the crops, as well as some main ingredients and seeds, totaling 2000 million shi.

The 1000 million stones were left in South Vietnam and distributed to the former Chu State. Most of them were rice, but there were also other kinds of seeds.In the east, west and north, most of them are corn and potatoes, and another 1000 million shi of grain seeds are distributed.

2000 million shi seeds, in future generations, one shi is about three to four five catties, two shi is about 2000 catties, 5000 million, that is a full [-] million catties of grain.In today's north-south border, Daqin's population is only [-] million, and if each person eats a catty of grain a day, it is enough for half a month without any worries.

And if so much grain is planted, based on Ying Shou's estimated harvest of at least [-] times to a maximum of [-] times, no matter how this year, more than one billion shi of grain can be harvested, which is enough to keep the people of Daqin from starving.

The [-]-fold to [-]-fold harvest, to a certain extent, is still calculated by Ying Shou's lower income.

For example, one potato, one potato, can be cut into three or four pieces to be used as three or four seeds. Even if each seed yields ten potatoes, that is thirty or forty times the harvest.

For example, in corn, one seed, not to mention two corns, even if there is one, there are at least a hundred corn kernels on it, which is not a hundredfold harvest.

And all of this is exactly what Ying Shou is confident about restoring national power within one year, and Great Qin's combat power within three years.

After this year's harvest is over, he can conscript and practice in the next year. At most, it will only take two years. When the army is first formed, won't the world let him come and go?

"Even this, you gave people seeds? Well... great, then, you have to give me some more, I found that without this, I can't eat it!"

When Ziying heard that peppers were being planted, his face was filled with excitement.

"Don't worry, I'll give you whatever you want!"

Ying Shou shook his head and smiled.

Although when he first conquered Daqin, he still looked down on Ziying a little, but felt that this person was too spineless, so he surrendered to Liu Bang and his like.

But after being the emperor for such a period of time, he also understood Ziying's painstaking efforts.

Even now, when he is full of civil and military officials, he has to worry about state affairs all the time, while Ziying at that time had nothing, basically nothing but suffering.

In the end, the only way to save the people is to surrender to Liu Bang, and there is basically no choice.

Therefore, Ying Shou no longer held on to his original thoughts, but instead had some sympathy for Ziying.

"Hahaha, since that's the case, I will once again thank the emperor for his kindness!"

Ziying laughed out loud. At this moment, the former king and the current emperor have become close friends who can talk about everything, and they are the only relatives in this world.


Suddenly, a wolf howled, which caught the attention of Ying Shou and Ziying.

The two looked up, only to realize that it was late at night before they knew it.

"Ah... help..."

After the howling of wolves, there was a sound of panic.

Ying Shou and Ziying hurriedly turned their heads to look, and saw a figure in the darkness, holding a torch, fleeing back and forth in the forest.

Upon closer inspection, this person didn't touch the ground with his feet. Every time he fled, he just jumped and tossed and tumbled on top of big trees, which were two or three feet high from the ground.

At the person's feet, a pack of small wolves was chasing crazily. Looking closely, there were hundreds of them.

Obviously, this person is very clear that once he hits the ground at this moment, he will definitely die, so he can only use his strength to jump between the big trees.

"Help... is there anyone..."

The figure was yelling while fleeing, and the voice became more and more panicked and anxious.

From the voice, it can be heard that she is short of breath at the moment, and she is already a little exhausted.

"is her……"

Ziying frowned slightly, and muttered to herself in a low voice.

"You know this woman?"

Ying Shou looked at Ziying and heard the voice. It was definitely a woman.

"Should know it!"

Ziying was very familiar with that voice, but because the forest was too dark at night, and there were hundreds of steps away, he couldn't see the other person's face clearly, so he didn't dare to make a conclusion.

"What should not be, save people first!"

Ying Shou was speechless, and when he looked up, he saw that at this moment, the woman was tightly hugging the trunk of a big tree, and she did not jump anymore. Judging by her precarious appearance, it was obvious that she was exhausted.

Below her, a pack of wolves surrounded her. There was no doubt that if she lost her balance a little and fell, she would be torn apart by the pack of wolves in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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