Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 297 Heroes Save America

Chapter 297 Heroes Save America
"Go away... go away..."

"Hey, people by the bonfire over there, help..."

Nan Yan hugged the tree trunk tightly. At this moment, because she was fleeing all the way, she was already sweating profusely, panting, and felt a burst of fatigue all over her body, dizzy and dizzy, and fell asleep just thinking about it.

But facing the hundreds of wolves below, she knew very well that once she relaxed a little at this time and fell asleep, she would definitely fall down, and then she would really be dead.

At this time, she saw a bonfire not far away, and there seemed to be two people beside the bonfire.

Although she didn't know who else would be here at this moment, she still instinctively called for help.

"You wait here, don't go away..."

Beside the bonfire, Ying Shou didn't hesitate, got up abruptly, and ran towards Nanyan.

"So handsome..."

Seeing that someone finally came over, Nan Yan couldn't help but her eyes lit up when she saw that the speed was extremely fast, like an arrow piercing through the air.

This is the first time she has seen such a handsome posture until she is this old.

Shocked in his heart, but he couldn't help but ignore the situation on the scene, let go of his hand, and the whole person immediately fell towards his subordinates.


After reacting, Nan Yan couldn't stop screaming.

Ying Shou originally went straight to the wolves, intending to deal with the wolves first and then save the people, but he didn't expect the wolves to fall down so quickly, he couldn't help frowning, then stepped on his feet, and flew up suddenly, without waiting for Nan As soon as Yan fell down, she threw herself from a height of two feet and took them all in her arms.

A fresh fragrance filled his nostrils, and Ying Shou finally saw the other party clearly.

This is a beautiful woman, without any makeup on her face, but she is as beautiful as a lotus emerging from water.Dressed in coarse linen, with a bamboo building on her back, a sickle and a small hoe on her waist, she is obviously a herbal girl who collects herbs in the mountains.

"What a beautiful, fresh girl!"

Ying Shou's heart skipped a beat, this was his first impression of the woman in his arms.

At this moment, his feet landed on the ground, and hundreds of wild wolves rushed towards him in all directions, trying to tear him and the woman in his arms apart.

"Bastard, get out!"

Ying Shou shouted loudly, holding the woman in his arms with both hands, his body leaped vertically, his legs turned into afterimages, kicked left and right, and kicked dozens of wild wolves away in an instant.

These wild wolves have flexible bodies and seem to be boneless.As an ordinary person, after being kicked and kicked by Ying Shou, his bones and tendons have already been broken, and he can't die anymore.

But after these wild wolves turned over out of thin air, they landed on the ground one after another, staring at Ying Shou eagerly.

The pack of wolves stopped rushing forward and surrounded Ying Shou one after another, surrounded by thousands of troops, ready to kill at any moment.

"Ah... I'm not dead..."

Nan Yan exclaimed, and couldn't help opening her eyes, and found that the death she had imagined was not ushered in. When she looked up, she fell into the arms of a man instead.

This man, with an unshaven face, looks very sloppy, but his eyes are piercing, more terrifying than the eyes of a wolf.

"A group of beasts, get out!"

Ying Shou didn't notice that the woman in his arms was looking at him, but stared at a pair of eyes, which seemed to contain a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, and even the hundreds of wolves couldn't help but feel a sense of shame in front of him. Fear, dare not rush forward.

It is said that the eyes are the window of the soul. Naturally, there is no way to communicate verbally between humans and animals, but the horror of the eyes can be felt by any species.

Under Ying Shou's gaze, the pack of wolves retreated one after another, and suddenly, with the sound of howling wolves, hundreds of wolves rushed out in an instant, as if the tide was receding, they rushed into the forest and disappeared.


Nanyan's face was full of incredulity, apparently she didn't expect that someone would call out and scare the wolves away.

She quickly looked at Ying Shou, but found that Ying Shou's gaze had completely softened, and he became silent. He hugged her and walked directly towards the campfire.

At this moment, Ying Shou looked cold and aloof, which made her look a little crazy.

What a strange man, is this a person, a beast, or something else?
Nan Yan was full of thoughts in her mind, but before she came back to her senses, she was put down by Ying Shou. She was startled and couldn't help but stop quickly.

"Thank you hero for saving your life, the little girl will never forget it!"

Nan Yan cupped her fists and thanked Ying Shou.

"You're welcome, the girl is frightened, let's take a rest again!"

Ying Shou sat down at the side, waved his hands, but couldn't help looking at Ziying, frowned and said, "Hey, what do you mean by staring at her girl so lewdly? Could it be love at first sight?"

Ziying glared at Ying Shou when he heard this, and said dissatisfiedly, "Nonsense!"

Nan Yan heard Ying Shou talking to someone, and then remembered that there seemed to be two people by the campfire.

Moreover, the voice of the person who was talking to him was so familiar that she couldn't help but turn her head away, and suddenly found a very familiar person sitting behind her.

"Hey, it's you, Qin Feng!"

Nan Yan exclaimed, and exclaimed inexplicably with joy.

"Hahaha, it's just me!"

Ziying laughed loudly. He also got along with this woman for more than a month. During this more than a month of getting along, Nan Yan never knew his identity, and he also made up another identity, named Qin Feng.

"I said Miss Nanyan, we just parted ways today, why don't you stay at home well, why are you running into the mountains again?"

Ziying was puzzled and stared at Nan Yandao.

For more than a month, he has been with Nan Yan, and Nan Yan has been unable to get away because of his father Zhou Zi's order. Unexpectedly, today, just as he left for the palace, Nan Yan came out.

"You still have the nerve to say, it's you, and I haven't come out to collect herbs for more than a month. The herbs I prepared before are all used up. If I don't come out again, what else can I do?"

"Who knew that today would be so unlucky. Not long after I came out, it was getting dark. I was going to find a place to rest, but I was chased by a group of wild wolves and almost died. If it wasn't for this hero..."

Nan Yan complained for a while, and while speaking, she thought of something, couldn't help but look at Ying Shou, and said, "I'm asking about the hero's name!"

Ying Shou didn't answer immediately, but looked at Ziying suspiciously, and said with a half-smile, "Okay, Qin Feng... You haven't married yet, so you already have a sweetheart!"

While speaking, Ying Shou deliberately dragged out the word Qin Feng.

Ziying was stunned when he heard this.

This is the woman he tried so hard to find for the emperor, but now she has become his sweetheart, what kind of joke is this?
But before he could explain, Ying Shou said, "You don't need to talk about it, let me..."

"Hey... shut up!"

Before Ying Shou finished speaking, Ziying quickly interrupted, glared at Ying Shou, and said, "If you talk nonsense again, be careful that I will turn against you!"

Then, Ziying looked at Nan Yan and said with a smile: "The man in front of you is not a hero. After all, he is just a small man in the world. Up to now, he has been eating and drinking with me and traveling around the world. His name is Qin Wu. My younger generation is still my grandchildren, so you have to call me grandpa!"

(End of this chapter)

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