Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 298 Was Taught by a Woman

Chapter 298 Was Taught By A Woman
Obviously, Ziying didn't intend to let Nan Yan know Ying Shou's identity, so he changed Ying Shou's name directly.

"Hey, what did you say, you say it again!"

Ying Shou was upset when he heard Ziying's words, and couldn't help shouting.

"Isn't it? You kid, don't forget who your ancestor is. I'm from your grandfather's generation. Why, did I say something wrong?"

Faced with Ying Shou's dissatisfaction, Ziying is not afraid at all.

It can be said that in today's world, the only person who is not afraid of Ying Shou is probably the only one.

As for death, Ziying never cared about it. As for the extermination of the nine clans, he is completely alone now, and the entire Ying clan is only him and Ying Shou. Ying Shou won't kill himself, right?
He came out this time just for Yingshou's marriage, but he didn't want to force Yingshou in this matter, and he wanted to obey Yingshou's wishes more.

Now that he ran into Nan Yan here, he didn't reveal Ying Shou's identity, he just wanted the two to get along first.

As long as this matter is facilitated, he no longer cares whether he dies or returns to Yong City alive.

"You... yes, you are right!"

Faced with Ziying, who is not afraid of boiling water, Ying Shou is really helpless. Although his name has been changed inexplicably, he has to say that what the other party said is not a lie.

"Hehe, the hero of Qin Wu is really interesting. Here, the little girl thanked the hero for saving her life first. The little girl's name is Nanyan. The swallow returns to its nest. There is Nanyan with wood in the South China Sea."

"I live outside of Xianyang, and I was born to study medicine. If the hero needs help in the future, I can come to the little girl, and the little girl will never refuse!"

Seeing the two quarreling, Nan Yan giggled and said in a very majestic way while talking.

"Well, if there is anything that needs help, I will definitely not be polite!"

Ying Shou nodded and said with a smile.


Nan Yan smiled lightly, but suddenly thought of something, and said, "Zhen?"

"Hey, what this kid is talking about is that if you need help pointing it out, I really won't be polite to you. He has a problem with his tongue and said the wrong thing!"

On the side, Ziying heard something bad and said quickly.

Ying Shou glared at Ziying, he just spoke quickly and said out of habit, why did this guy hate him again.

"Hehe, that's right, if one day I really need a girl's help, I won't be polite!"

Although Ying Shou didn't know why Ziying concealed his identity, he still laughed.

"Oh, don't worry, I, Nanyan, will repay my kindness. The whole world knows this, so you don't have to be polite to me!"

Nan Yan smiled, patted her chest and laughed.

She was originally born in Jianghu, born with a bold personality, ready to be a woman, but more often she has the true qualities of a man. When she said these words, she did not seem to be twisted at all.

"Okay, Miss Nanyan, let's not talk about this for now. You haven't returned in the middle of the night, so you must be hungry."

"Hey, this kid just baked a lot of potatoes, how about trying it out? I can guarantee that this is the first time you have tasted it in your life!"

Seeing this, Ziying shook his head and smiled, and said from the side.

"Oh, what a good thing, it's my first taste?"

Yinyue was puzzled for a while. She herself loved food very much. She had never eaten such food in this world. She would never believe that it was the first time to taste something.

"Try it!"

Ziying handed him a potato and said with a smile.

As a result, Nanyan took a bite, tasted it carefully, frowned slightly, and said, "This taste doesn't seem too good, I said it was something unusual."

"By the way, what is this called?"

On the side, Ying Shou shook his head slightly, and said with a smile: "The name of this thing is potatoes, and it will be one of the main dishes on my Daqin table in the future. Naturally, it doesn't have much taste when it tastes like this. You can try it with this! "

With that said, Ying Shou handed over the chili powder.

Nan Yan took the potato, lightly dipped it in the chili powder, put it in her mouth and took a small bite, the posture of chewing and swallowing was very beautiful.

"Yeah,'s delicious, the taste is suddenly different!"

Nan Yan was inexplicably surprised, her eyes lit up.

"Does it taste good?"

Ziying said with a smile on the side.

"'s so delicious. By the way, where did you get this thing? I really only saw it in my life. It would be great if I could eat this often in the future!"

Nan Yan was overjoyed for no reason.

"Miss Nanyan, don't worry, just as Qin Wu said, this thing will become the main dish on my Daqin table in the future. Now in Daqin, such crops are everywhere. These potatoes, but Qin Wu just got them from other people's fields. It was stolen."

"If you like it, I'll ask Qin Wu to take you to steal some more tomorrow!"

Ziying grinned, and while speaking, looked at Ying Shou with a half-smile.

Ying Shou glared at him. This guy is simply ruining his reputation.

But he doesn't care, he doesn't do such sneaky things, but he doesn't think it's a big deal to eat a few potatoes from other fields.

It's easy to do, and it's not really stealing with a sling on your back.

"What, is this stolen?"

"Bah bah bah..."

"I said, Qin Feng, you are a well-known official who has traveled all over the world, how could you do such a stealthy thing? And you, Qin Wu, your martial arts are so strong, no matter what, you can't afford to steal things to satisfy your hunger, right? I don't want to eat this stolen food, so eat it slowly!"

When Nan Yan heard that the potatoes had been dug secretly, she immediately became unhappy, and gave the remaining half of the potatoes directly to Ziying.


Ying Shou and Ziying were taken aback at the same time, but they never expected that this little girl would be so principled.

"Girl, there's no need to do this, right? I've taken everything. If I don't eat it, it will be a waste. This is not a good habit!"

Ying Shou was a little speechless.

"Cut, waste is not a good habit, but stealing is a good habit?"

"Qin Wu, even if you are a martial arts practitioner, you don't cultivate interests, but Qin Feng is still a famous official. Didn't he tell you that a gentleman doesn't eat stolen things? Let me tell you, I don't want this thing! "

Nan Yan sneered, and as she spoke, she even became dissatisfied with her savior.

"But you're just a woman!"

Ying Shou smiled bitterly. He never thought that one day, he would be taught a lesson by a woman. This feeling is quite novel.

"What's the matter with women? Gentleman lies in etiquette. Who told you that a gentleman divides men and women? Forget it, forget it, if you have no money, you can take mine first."

"I took all of this stuff, and it's really bad to waste it. I'll eat it first, and I don't know if it's enough for you to take these Qin Banliang tomorrow. Where did you steal the potatoes from? Just put the money back there as a gift in return." With people."

"Remember, you can't do this kind of sneaky business again. You are my lifesaver, Nanyan. If you don't have money to live on, come to me. I don't guarantee that you will eat well, but you will never go hungry You. But if you do this kind of sneaky thing again, don't say that I, Nanyan, don't want to save my life!"

Facing Ying Shou's remarks, Nan Yan stared dissatisfiedly, then changed the subject and said helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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