Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 299 Diagnosis

Chapter 299 Diagnosis
"Hehe...hahahaha...well...I'm rude, I'm wrong, thank you for the gift, girl, tomorrow I will return this Qin Banliang, and return the courtesy to others!"

Ying Shou couldn't help laughing. Although he was uncomfortable being taught a lesson by a woman, he still had to feel admiration for the character of the woman in front of him.

In this world, how many people can be so polite?

"That's right. As a man, how can you lose your integrity. Hurry up and eat first, and then go to bed early. I have to do my homework tomorrow!"

Nan Yan glanced at Ying Shou in relief, only to feel that she had pulled back a prodigal son again.


Ying Shou was a little puzzled.

"That's right, homework. My father often warns us that as a doctor, practice makes perfect. Therefore, in order to improve medical skills, all my father's disciples, including me, must treat at least ten people every month. The result is good. Before that, Qin The wind has been delayed for a month, and now I have to treat at least twenty people, I am so busy!"

Nan Yan sighed and said helplessly.

"Aren't you at a loss for free outpatient visits?"

Ying Shou's heart skipped a beat. He never expected that Nan Yan's father would have such rules.

"What's wrong? My father said that the reason why people are human is because they have a heart of compassion. Doctors should be considerate of the world. As long as you don't starve to death, you have to live out your own value. The value of our doctors , isn’t it the hanging pot to save the world, save the people of the world from suffering?”

Nan Yan smiled slightly and said very seriously.

"I admire you……"

Upon hearing this, Ying Shou had no choice but to stick out his thumb.

It's hard not to admire a woman who is so polite and has such a mentality.

While talking, Ying Shou also picked up a potato and ate it.

After eating and drinking enough, Nan Yan walked aside and was about to rest, not caring at all that there were two men beside her.

I don't know if she is innocent, or if she is reassuring.

"Hey, miss Nanyan, please don't rest, Qin Feng has something to ask, I wonder if the girl can do Qin Feng a favor!"

Suddenly, without waiting for Nanyan to lie down, Ziying called out quickly.

"What do you need help with?"

Nan Yan turned around and asked in doubt.

"That's what happened. Qin's health has been getting worse and worse in recent days, and he is always very irritable. Look, his beard is so deep, and he doesn't want to shave it. Since the girl diagnosed me last time, bye This kid, I always think there is something wrong with him, I wonder if the girl can diagnose him?"

Ziying frowned and sighed.

"I'm just bored these days. It's good to go out for a walk. I'm not sick. What's the diagnosis?"

Ying Shou was not happy when he heard this. This guy, for a while, concealed his identity, and for a while, he did this and that, and now he directly declares that he is sick, which is simply unreasonable.

"Whether you are sick or not is not up to you, you have to see a doctor!"

Ziying heard this and waited for him.

Nan Yan also came over when she heard the words, because it was dark and she couldn't see Ying Shou's face clearly with the light of the fire, so she didn't pay attention.

"Come on, let me show you!"

Walking to Ying Shou's side, Nan Yan was not polite, directly grabbed Ying Shou's wrist, and diagnosed his pulse with her fingers, then picked up the torch, looked for Ying Shou's face, frowned slightly, and said: "Qin Feng is right, you are sick!"

When Ying Shou heard this, his face turned dark immediately, and he said, "I'm so strong, what's wrong with me?"

Nan Yan shook her head and said, "Some illnesses have nothing to do with your physical strength. There is no doubt that you have enough energy and blood, and your body does not seem to have any problems."

"But you have been depressed recently, you have something on your mind. You are depressed, and you don't do things smoothly, so that you have qi in your heart. The qi knot hurts the liver and hurts the spirit. You have a heart disease!"

"Although the disease didn't last long, it was so fast that you were exhausted, your body was getting worse and worse, and your powerful blood couldn't support you to consume it like this. If it doesn't solve it, it won't take three months if it goes on like this." month, you will fall, and within half a year, you will die!"

"So serious?"

When Ying Shou heard this, he was shocked.

He didn't expect that Nanyan could see his own situation so clearly just by observing it like this. This kind of diagnosis method is simply stronger than the palace doctor.

"Don't you believe it, throughout the ages, there are not one or two people who were pissed to death. The reason why these people were pissed to death was because they kept holding their breath, so that in the end they hurt their spirits and liver, and dragged their bodies down!"

Nanyan snorted, turned her head to look at Ziying, and said, "Don't worry, he is also my savior. Since I met him today, I will not let his illness continue to protract. Starting tomorrow, I will Regulate his body, and within a month, I promise to return you a healthy Qin Wu!"

Hearing this, Ziying was overjoyed. Sure enough, his method still worked. In this way, he could successfully keep this girl by Ying Shou's side. At that time, as long as he was around to make some arrangements, the two of them would not be believed. We can't go together.

"Since that's the case, it's time to trouble the girl!"

Ziying cupped her fists, cupped her hands and said with a smile.

"You're welcome!"

Nan Yan returned the salute, then turned around and walked aside, saying: "It's late tonight, let's rest first. Only when you rest well can you maintain your body, otherwise you won't even be able to rest. No matter how much you maintain your body, it will be useless!"

After finishing speaking, Nan Yan lay down on a boulder by the stream, and fell asleep after a while.

It was so easy, one had to doubt that she seemed to be able to control her own sleep.

Ying Shou and Ziying looked at each other, and Ying Shou's eyes were full of surprise.

"Zhouzi's daughter, this is a family-inspired regimen. I have learned a little bit in the past month. Would you like me to teach you?"

Ziying said with a smile.

"No, why do I feel that after this woman appeared tonight, something is wrong with you, say, are you arranging something?"

Ying Shou waved his hands, stared at Ziying suspiciously and said.

"What can I arrange? Aren't you going to come out to relax? Isn't it good to have such a pretty woman by your side after a tiring journey?"

Ziying shrugged his shoulders, and said like a gentleman.

"You really didn't arrange anything?"

Ying Shou still didn't believe it, but he had to say that it's really good to have such a beautiful woman with him all the way.

But he only promised to take care of his body, but he never said that he would go with him.

If you leave, what is there to take care of?
"Okay, let's rest first, be obedient!"

Ziying smiled mysteriously, obviously not wanting to say much to Ying Shou.

Ying Shou didn't understand Nan Yan's so-called nursing care, but he was nursed by Nan Yan for a month, but he knew what this nursing care was all about. From now on, the two of them would be stuck together for a while.

During this period of time, even if Ying Shou wanted to get rid of Nan Yan, as a madman in treating diseases, it would be difficult for him to do so.

(End of this chapter)

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