Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 401 Rush to the Southwest

Chapter 401 Rush to the Southwest
"The last general, Tu Sui, pays homage to His Majesty, Your Majesty, long live, long live, long live!"

As soon as Xiao He, Shusun Tong and Zhang Sai left, Tu Sui immediately entered the hall, knelt down on one knee and bowed down.

"Tu Sui listens to the order, and I order you to rush to the Southwest Dian Kingdom immediately for eight hundred miles, and wait for my dispatch at any time!"

Seeing Tu Sui prostrate on the ground, Ying Shou gave the order without hesitation.

"Your Majesty, the final general will rush to Dian Kingdom, so what about building an army?"

Tu Sui was shocked, this time Ying Shou called him back to the imperial court to prepare him to train new soldiers and prepare for battle at any time.

During this time, he has been preparing for this matter, and he has not even rested until midnight.

He just got the transfer order, and immediately rushed over without stopping, after all, he was still one step behind Xiao He and the others.

It can be said that preparing the army for war is the most important thing at this moment.

At this time, the emperor transferred him away, which made him a little confused.

"I have handed over the military training to Zhang Liang, Minister of the Ministry of War. This trip to the southwest is more important. Don't slack off. Go!"

Ying Shou waved his hand and said coldly.


Hearing this, Tu Sui didn't dare to continue talking nonsense, so he agreed, left the hall, didn't even go back to the house to clean up, and rushed straight to the Southwest Dian Kingdom overnight without stopping.

On the side, Nan Yan watched all this quietly. Seeing that everyone in the hall had left, only Ying Shou was the only one who reached out to rub his temples again. Nan Yan showed a worried expression and walked forward.

"Your Majesty, if you dispatch these generals to the southwest, what will you do if you can't find Miss Yinyue?"

Nan Yan came behind Ying Shou, stretched out a pair of small white hands, gently pressed Ying Shou's temples, and said softly.

Ying Shou's eyes sharpened, and he said coldly: "The countries in the southwest should pray that I can find them, and that my silver moon is safe and sound, otherwise, I will turn the countries in the southwest upside down, and there will be no tile left!"

Nan Yan shuddered and looked at Ying Shou in disbelief.

She has always been very clear that this is an emperor who dominates the world, but in the past, he was only domineering for the world, but now he is domineering for a woman.

This made her feel a little bit unavoidable, but the heroic spirit of the man made her even more fascinated.

"Your Majesty, can you take Yan'er to the southwest?"

Nan Yan removed her hand from Ying Shou's temple, leaned gently on Ying Shou's broad back, and said softly.

"Are you going to the Southwest?"

Ying Shou frowned, his voice lowered.

"Well, Your Majesty, there is no need to manage the harem. Even Yan'er can't help His Majesty with matters in the court."

"Now His Majesty's mood is unstable, I just ask His Majesty to take Yan'er with you, and let Yan'er take care of Your Majesty at any time."

"On the way to find Sister Yinyue, if Yan'er can help, she will be very happy!"

Nan Yan nodded slightly, and what she said was irrefutable.

Ying Shou remained silent. He now needs to rush to various parts of the Southwest as quickly as possible, and he doesn't want to bring more people with him.But Nan Yan's words made him unable to refuse.

"Okay, you go and pack up and change into casual clothes, I'll leave overnight!"

Finally, Ying Shou took a deep breath and ordered.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Nan Yan hurriedly thanked her, got up and left.

A quarter of an hour later, Li Yuanba had eaten and drank enough, and he and Nan Yan came to Ying Shou.

"Yuanba, you have been traveling for several days, do you need to rest?"

Ying Shou stared at Li Yuanba and said in a deep voice.

"Brother, don't worry, Yuanba doesn't need to rest!"

Li Yuanba said with firm eyes.

During this battle in the Southwest, Ying Shou sent him and Xu Chu to protect Yinyue and the mission, but now Yinyue was washed away by the flood. Although he was immature, he kept blaming himself in his heart.As long as he can't find Yinyue, he won't feel at ease.

"Okay, let's go!"

Ying Shou didn't talk nonsense, he took the two of them out of the hall and came to the stables.

Here, the dragon blood horse and Wan Liyun were ready to set off. Ying Shou carried Nanyan onto the horse, and Li Yuanba, who was on the horse with him, galloped out and headed for the southwest.

"Open the door, Your Majesty is on tour!"

When they came to the gate of the city, Nan Yan gave an order, and the soldiers did not dare to hesitate at all, opened the gate, and watched the three of them gallop away.

That night, all the soldiers guarding Xianyang were shocked. They didn't know what happened.

A series of imperial edicts were sent out of Xianyang, and three thousand forbidden troops headed southwest. His Majesty the Emperor, General Tu Sui, Young Master Li Yuanba, and the Empress also went southwest.

This southwest land is obviously a sign of something big happening!
On this side, when Ying Shou and others rushed to the southwest without stopping, on the other side, in the southwest, the Kingdom of Dian was already in chaos.

Just now, the Dian Kingdom of Yelang Kingdom was almost wiped out. It never occurred to me that only [-] of the [-] troops at the time of the expedition were left after the battles, and finally another [-] were swallowed by the flood.

At this moment, there is only fifty thousand troops in the territory of Dian Kingdom. Facing the siege of various countries, there is not a single top-ranked general in command, and they are directly defeated and retreated.

Although Yuwen Chengdu, Aguda and the others were rushing back desperately, they penetrated too deep into the territory of Yelang Kingdom. In just a few days, before reaching Dian Kingdom, more than half of the [-] troops had been lost.

The territory of the Dian Kingdom has been swallowed up by more than half of the countries.

The war is raging day and night, and the Dian Kingdom, which was once strong and prosperous before, has come to the point of life and death in a blink of an eye.

When Yuwen Chengdu and A Guda came back from fighting, the situation of the Dian Kingdom was over. Rao Yuwen Chengdu, A Guda and others fought hard to fight the war, and it was difficult to recover the defeat after all.

But here, when the Dian Kingdom was in danger, Yelang Kingdom started to develop wildly.

Following the death of Yelang Wang Mutian, Munan, under Han Xin's plan and plan, broke through [-] enemy troops with water, killed more than [-] enemies, and completely saved the defeat.

And with the newly formed 20 army in his hands, Mu Nan directly dominated Yelang overnight.

They did not continue to participate in the war and attack the Dian Kingdom, but vigorously developed Yelang's troops to make up for the [-] troops that were wiped out before.

Yelang Kingdom has dominated the southwestern region for nearly a hundred years. Needless to say, its national strength, with the support of its strong national strength, it is not a problem at all to develop its military strength.

Coupled with the handsome talent of Han Xin, most of Yelang Kingdom's power has been restored in a short period of time.

In the world of great conflict, some people were beaten to death in the war, and some people were preparing for the upcoming war. However, the 10,000+ people who were washed away by the flood did not have anyone's attention. .

In the land where the flood of Yancheng passed, corpses were scattered all over the field, and it was thousands of miles away.

In the downstream area thousands of miles away from Yancheng, this place has left the border of Yelang Kingdom and entered the southwest land, a border named Zhao Kingdom.

Here, in a small town, there is a big river named Shahe.

On the river bank, the sun shines down, and there are colorful pebbles. On the surrounding river bed, there are patches of green grasslands, which look very elegant and beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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