Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 402 Lost memory

Chapter 402 Lost memory

Beside the Shahe River, along the river, there are countless fishing villages, and the villagers will come to the river early in the morning for heavy rain.

On this day, the weather is sunny and the fishermen will not let go of a good opportunity.

In a village named Jiayu Village, more than a dozen families, nearly a hundred people in size, all came to the river.

Children are playing, old people are chatting, and those young people cast nets to catch fish, or jump into Hanoi to catch fish with bare hands.

These people are very experienced, even with bare hands, they can catch several big fish very quickly.

"Father... Mother, there is a sister here!"

Suddenly, among the children playing around, a little girl walked into a bush. It was playing hide-and-seek, but she saw a woman lying behind the bush.

The blood on the woman's head was congealed, and the clothes on her body were broken into countless pieces. The originally fair skin was covered with scars.


When everyone who was fishing heard this, they gathered around one after another, and they couldn't help being surprised when they saw the woman.

"What a serious injury!"

Everyone gasped, and an old man said: "Quick, see if you are still alive!"

Hearing this, a fisherman's girl stepped forward and felt it on the tip of the woman's nose. Although the woman's breath was weak, she still had breath. He was immediately overjoyed and said, "There is still breath, but she has such a big belly, she should swallow it." There's a lot of water, let's see if we can save it, okay?"

The oldest old man stared at him and said, "You're still angry, so what's the point of talking nonsense, hurry up and save people!"

When everyone heard the words, they didn't dare to hesitate, and stepped forward one after another, and got all the water out of the woman's stomach. The woman was in a coma, as if her breath had been opened, and her breathing became much smoother.

Although there were injuries all over his body, most of them were skin traumas, which were fatal.Only a few wounds on the head, which were obviously injured by stones, seemed a little serious.

The villagers who fish here are usually simple and simple.

As the saying goes, if you often walk by the river, there is no one who does not get wet shoes.After some accident happened, no one could guarantee whether he would sacrifice to the river god.

At this time, all family members hope that the people downstream can save their relatives.

Therefore, facing such people who were washed down from the upper reaches, most of them would treat them as long as they could be saved, and accumulate good deeds.

The woman was brought back by the villagers in the fishing village, and the wizard in the mountain was invited to heal the woman with the help of the wizard.

The wizards here are the same as the wizards in the Central Plains in ancient times.

In the ancient times of the Central Plains, the profession of a wizard was not a great dancer.

The so-called wizard has two important tasks, one is to sacrifice, and the other is to save people.

Finally, in the Central Plains, the wizards began to be divided, one of them became doctors, with Shennong as their ancestor, and the other became the priests of the Zhou Dynasty.

In the end, Confucius learned the sacrificial rites of shamans and incorporated them into Confucian rites. Gradually, this ritual of sacrificing became the responsibility of Confucianism, and shamans completely declined.

Of course, this is the land of the Central Plains, but in this southwest land, wizards are still sacred.

They represent the gods, beings who communicate with the heavens.

They need to save people and sacrifice.Therefore, people here are injured, and there is no doctor to turn to, but the help of wizards.

With the help of the wizard and the villagers, the woman fell into a coma for two consecutive days and one night. On this day, at dusk, the woman finally woke up leisurely.

Her beautiful eyes blinked slightly, looking at the thatch on the roof, surrounded by the sound of children playing and the sound of running water.

The woman frowned slightly, with endless doubts in her eyes. She wanted to get up, but found that her whole body was sore and unbearable, and she couldn't help but groan.

Unable to get up, the woman could only turn her head and look around.

In an unfamiliar environment, her mind was empty, and there was a burst of pain from time to time, which made her unable to remember or know anything.

"Sister, are you awake?"

At this moment, outside the house, a tall, dark-skinned man came in, and shouted in surprise, "Aniang, Aniang, that girl has woken up!"

As soon as the voice fell, an old woman in her 50s hurried in and said with a smile: "I'm awake, I'm finally awake. Amu, what are you still doing, go and bring the fish soup we prepared, first give this Girls fill their bellies!"

"Oh, yes, fill your stomach first!"

The man named Amu stretched out his hand and scratched his head, with a simple and honest expression, he smirked and walked away quickly.

"Girl, how do you feel?"

When Amu left, the old woman immediately came to the girl's side, and said with a soft smile
The woman looked at her quietly, her eyebrows slightly frowned, but she didn't answer.

She couldn't understand what these people said, and she didn't understand what they meant. She didn't even know what to say. For a while, she could only stare at the old woman quietly like a piece of wood.

"Fish soup is here!"

At this moment, the man named Amu came in, and said with a smile, "Aniang, do you want me to feed him?"

The old woman glared at Amu, and said: "Go away, you are a boy, and you are not familiar with him, how can he feed you? Give it to Aniang, Aniang!"

Hearing this, Amu smiled, and handed the fish soup to the old woman.

The old woman took the fish soup, blew it twice, took out a small spoon, handed it to the woman, and said softly: "Girl, all the water in your stomach has been drained, you must be very hungry at this moment, drink it first." Order soup to fill your stomach. Tomorrow, I will ask Amu to actually get some rice, how about cooking rice porridge for you?"

After finishing speaking, the woman did not open her mouth, but instead stared at her inexplicably, which made the old lady startled.

"Girl, drink the soup!"

The old woman hurriedly greeted and reminded.

However, the woman remained motionless, just looking at her quietly, her eyes full of doubts.

"Ma'am, she doesn't seem to understand what we're saying?"

Aside, Amu frowned.

"Besides, she doesn't seem to understand what we mean!"

The old woman frowned when she heard this.

"This is difficult. I can't understand the words, and I don't understand the meaning. Could it be that this girl has lost her memory?"

The Shahe River is a big river. There are fishermen fishing all the year round, and many of them are washed away by the flood.

Among them, there are many individuals who hit the reef in the water and smashed their heads. Although they saved their lives in the end, they lost their memory.

Amnesia is such a thing that it is very serious, but it is not serious, but it is not serious.

Because of memory loss, most of them are not life-threatening.

But anyone who has amnesia will forget all memories, including the words of his own club, etc., as if everything has started all over again.

Although most of their intelligence will not decline, they need to slowly explore and become familiar with everything in this world.

After a long time, you will learn the language of the people around you and learn the survival skills of the people around you.

(End of this chapter)

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