Chapter 403
"Soup... ah..."

After repeated testing, the old woman was sure that the woman had really lost her memory, so she had no choice but to give her advice in various ways.

She opened her mouth and said, "Ah..."

The woman was puzzled, but she could feel that the old woman was not malicious, so she instinctively followed the example of the old woman and opened her mouth slightly.

Seeing this, the old woman quickly fed the soup.

The woman hurriedly shut her mouth, only to feel a sweetness spreading from the tip of her tongue. This feeling was so good that she couldn't help opening her small mouth again.

"Hey, that's right!"

The old woman was overjoyed and said with a smile: "This is called drinking soup, do you understand, drink soup! Come on, ah!"

The woman muttered to herself: "Do you want soup?"

Then, she opened her small mouth and drank another spoonful of soup.

Seeing this, the old woman was even happier, and while feeding her soup, she said, "Soup, drink soup!"

Before, a person with amnesia was rescued in the village, and people used this method when teaching this person with amnesia to speak.

When drinking soup, say drink soup, when eating, say eating, and when you see something, call it by its name. Gradually, that person knows how to speak, just like a child.

Now, this old woman is considered to have some experience, and she taught it very smoothly.

With the help of the family and the surrounding fishermen, the woman was finally able to get out of bed and walk after two days.

She walked out the door, dressed in linen clothes, with scars from injuries all over her body, but she couldn't stop her peerless elegance.

She came to the river step by step, watching the fishermen fishing and the children laughing, but she was confused and didn't know what to do.

"Hee hee, sister, I heard that you have amnesia, do you not understand what we are saying?"

At this moment, a group of children came behind her, and one of the girls was holding a piece of cloth with black edges and plain white in the middle, and said with a smile while wiping sweat.

The woman turned her head strangely, she couldn't understand what these children were saying, but her eyes were suddenly attracted by the cloth.

Instinctively, she quickly stretched out her hand and snatched it away. When she opened it, she saw several words written in black ink on the cloth.

She didn't know these words either.

In the lower right corner, there is a red seal.

She also didn't know what it was, but the cloth gave her a very familiar feeling, as if it was her life, and she held it tightly in her arms, unwilling to let go.

"Sister, this is what we found from you. What is it?"

The little girl had a strange look for a year, and she was puzzled.

They had never seen such fine cloth before, even the clothes worn by the elders in the city were not so fine.

The woman looked confused. She couldn't understand the children's words, and she didn't answer. She didn't know how to answer. She just hugged the cloth tightly, as if she wanted to find the familiar feeling, but no matter how hard she searched, she just couldn't remember it. What is a piece of cloth, where does it come from, and what does it have to do with me.

After thinking for a long time, she didn't think of anything, but instead caused a headache, so she got up, walked around a few girls, and slowly walked towards Amu's house.

Several children looked at this scene with strange expressions on their faces.

Suddenly, the little girl said: "I see, my sister has amnesia and doesn't understand what we are talking about."

"It's okay, let's go teach my sister to speak, and he can talk to us like Uncle Stone in the future!"

"Well, okay, let's go teach my sister how to speak!"

The other children became excited when they heard this.

The stone uncle they talked about was a man who was washed down by the flood two years ago and lost his memory.

This guy is also a quick learner. With the help of the villagers, he learned the dialect and survival skills, and finally settled down here, so the children here call him Uncle.

Just because he lost his memory, was stupid, didn't understand anything, and was like a stone all day long, so people called him Shishi, and the children also added the word "Shishi" before "Abo", and called him "Shitou Abo".

In the following time, these children seemed to have found a very interesting thing. They ran towards Amu’s house when they had nothing to do all day long, pulled the girl out, taught the girl to know various things, and taught the girl say.

Seeing this, the surrounding villagers were also happy to see the success.They don't have time to teach women slowly. With the guidance of these children, they pass the time instead, which can be said to be the best result.

After a long time, the villagers also gave the girl a new name, Xiaoyu.

Although Xiaoyu has amnesia, he is extremely smart and learns things very quickly. It didn't take long for him to be able to talk to people around him.It's just that her memory seemed to be completely dusty, without any sign of recovery.

The surrounding villagers were not surprised by this, because there was no way to cure this amnesia, not even the wizards.

Shahe Fishing Village is like a paradise where fishermen work at sunrise and rest at sunset.In the event of heavy rain, they also followed the rest.

However, outside of this paradise, the troubled times still continue, and in the world of great strife, countries are at war.

Dian Kingdom, under the siege of various countries, was defeated again and again.

At the beginning, the [-] troops of Yuwen Chengdu who stayed in the country suffered casualties, and even the [-] troops they withdrew back with more than half of them were killed or injured.

But no matter how crazy the people of Dian Kingdom are, they are desperate, but facing less than one-tenth of the territory left, it will be difficult to resist the siege of nearly ten countries with 30 million soldiers.

On this day, the decisive battle came. Outside the capital of the Dian Kingdom, there were 28 ministers from the coalition forces of various countries.

On the top of the city, besides the more than 1 exhausted defenders of the Dian Kingdom, there are [-] people left, men, women, old and young, stepping on the top of the city to guard it.

Accompanied by the sound of beating drums, the sound of horns continued, and the sound of shouts of killing soared into the sky.

Hundreds of thousands of troops attacked the city!
In Yuwen Chengdu, Aguda commanded the battle.

Xu Chu stood at the head of the city, a place that could barely be called quiet, guarding Gongsun Tan, the envoy of the Great Qin Dynasty.

"The Kingdom of Dian is dead!"

Gongsun Tan watched the hundreds of thousands of troops coming one after another, shook his head slightly, and muttered to himself, with deep helplessness in his eyes.

Such a result, he seems to have expected.

From the time when Aguda and others violated Yinyue's plan, this day was destined to come sooner or later, but the fierceness of the onslaught still made Gongsun Tan somewhat unacceptable.

After all, Daqin still overestimated Dian Kingdom.

Originally, in the battle of Yelang, according to Gongsun Tan and Yinyue's plan, the Yelang Kingdom must not be destroyed, what they had to do was to defeat Yelang.

But it is difficult for them to say this, otherwise they will be misunderstood by the officials of the Dian Kingdom and even the King of Dian.So they can only prevent the Dian army from destroying Yelang in various ways.

(End of this chapter)

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