Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 404 The Period of Subjugation

Chapter 404 The Period of Subjugation
It's a pity that no matter how hard they try to stop him, Aguda is too conceited and doesn't care about the consequences. As a result, he hurts his soldiers and leaves the country empty, which is an opportunity for people to take advantage of!
If Yuwen Chengdu hadn't left [-] troops to guard the Dian Kingdom in the past, but had taken all [-] troops out, I am afraid that it would not have to wait until today, and the Dian Kingdom has already disappeared among the historical relics.

"Master Gongsun, Dian Kingdom has been defeated, what shall we do next?"

Xu Chu suddenly looked at Gongsun Tan and asked.

"Get ready, go back to Qin!"

Gongsun Tan closed his eyes, and after a long time, let out a long breath of foul air, and said in a deep voice.

"Okay, Lord Gongsun, don't worry, with us here, even if Dian Kingdom falls, no one will dare to stop us. I will definitely protect you and return to Qin safely!"

Xu Chu nodded. At this moment, his expression was unprecedentedly solemn.

Just thinking that after going back, he didn't know how to explain Yinyue's matter to the emperor, and he felt distressed for a while.

While the two were talking, they looked in all directions and surrounded the soldiers and horses from all over the world.

The violent wind and rain of arrows swept in, and corpses were scattered all over the city.

Although all the people in the capital of the Dian Kingdom tried their best, they couldn't resist after all.

As time passed, the enemy stepped onto the top of the city and began to kill wildly.

The army of the Dian kingdom was constantly dying. Seeing that the city gate was broken and the army entered the city, the Dian king Asoda led his courtiers to fight out. Standing on the street, holding a long sword in his hand, he shouted: "Kill, kill me!" !"

"The people of our Dian Kingdom are endless, and our Dian Kingdom is about to fight the enemy to the end, kill them!"


Hundreds of courtiers drew their swords and joined the battle.

"Brother, let's go!"

Suddenly, a figure rushed over, it was Aguda, who pulled Asuda's arm and shouted.

"Aguda, what are you talking about? You let me escape?"

When Asuda heard this, his eyes widened, and he shouted angrily.

"I can't beat it, brother, let's go!"

Aguda shouted loudly.

"You bastard, why don't you just run away if you can't fight? Our Dian subjects only died in battle, and no one escaped."

"If the king escapes today, how can he go to see his ancestors? You bastard, if you are greedy for life and afraid of death, get out!"

Asuda was furious, put his foot on Aguda's body, and charged out with a long sword. Facing the flow of enemy soldiers rushing in not far away, he rushed forward, and directly slashed and killed one person with his sword.

The next moment, dozens of saber lights directly enveloped him and greeted him.

"Big brother!"

A Guda was taken aback, and flew forward, sweeping the wheel ax in his hand, directly cut off the swords in the hands of these soldiers, and chopped off the heads of dozens of soldiers.

"You go, I'm not afraid of death, but you are the king of the Dian Kingdom, if you die, the Dian Kingdom will really disappear. I will protect you, you go, and the country will be restored in the future, and everything will be recovered!"

A Guda's eyes were about to burst, and he shouted angrily at his elder brother Asuda.

He really didn't understand how his always wise elder brother would be so stupid today.

"Hahaha, restoration of the country? It sounds good. Since ancient times, who can restore the country that has been destroyed? Today, my Dian country is also dead. Even if this king dies, he will never let it go!"

Asoda laughed out loud, his eyes turned red, and he had no intention of restoring the country.

As he said, since ancient times, how can a country that has been destroyed have a chance to make a comeback?
Instead of looking for that illusory opportunity, it would be better to have a vigorous one.

On this side, the two brothers got into an argument, but on the other side, Yu Wencheng, Xu Chu, and Gongsun Tan did not hesitate to retreat into the city, summoned the [-] soldiers of the Qin Dynasty who had never fought, and led the princess towards the city gate. Kill outside.

When he got close, Gongsun Tan suddenly stopped and shouted: "Your Majesty, now that the situation is over, please follow me to Qin State. As long as we return to Da Qin, no one will dare to invade!"

At this time, Gongsun Tan still didn't give up.

Although the demise of the Dian Kingdom is a certainty, as long as the Dian King is still alive and submits to the Great Qin Emperor, the Great Qin Emperor will be able to use his status as the Dian King to establish a foothold on this land, which will play a very good role in disintegrating the Southwest. the role of countries.

"Mr. Gongsun, let's go!"

King Dian turned his head. At this moment, although these people were about to flee, you and he didn't complain, but were moved.

At least, the Qin Mission accompanied Dian to the last step.

Now he had no choice but to return to Qin, but he still did not abandon him.

But if the mission didn't abandon him, it didn't mean he would leave with him.

As the king of the Dian Kingdom, the affairs of the family and the country are a matter of life and death.The country lives and the people live, and the country dies and the people die.

"Brother, hurry up, now only Emperor Qin can save my country of Dian!"

Seeing this, Ah Guda turned around and shouted loudly.

Asuda shook his head and said with a smile: "No need, this king can't save this country, so what's the use of relying on others? Mr. Gongsun, General Yuwen, it's our Dian Kingdom that failed you."

"You wait to go back. If you have a chance to break through, remember to tell Emperor Qin that I, Asoda, have no chance to visit Emperor Qin in this life. It is really a pity. If there is an afterlife, Asoda will be respected by Emperor Qin!"

As he said that, Asuda turned his head abruptly, without talking nonsense, he directly rushed into the rebellious army and killed the iron blood.


Seeing this, Gongsun Tan couldn't help but sigh.

"Go, if you don't go, you won't be able to go!"

On the side, Yu Wencheng said coldly.

"Well, let's go!"

Gongsun didn't talk nonsense, waved his hand, and ordered.

"Xu Chu, protect Her Highness the Princess and Lord Gongsun, this general will lead the way!"

Yuwen Chengdu shouted, galloped away, and waved the gold-plated phoenix wings in his hands. The gods blocked and killed the gods, and the Buddha blocked and killed the Buddha, leading a bloody road and rushing out of the city gate.

The [-] Qin ceremonial soldiers are all elites selected from the thousands of troops. They are all capable of conscripting and fighting. One is against ten. Under such sprints, they form a line, unstoppable invincible.

It would be a joke if these more than 1000 people were to stop an army dozens of times larger than their own, but using them to protect and escape is not something that can be stopped by a [-]-strong army.

You must know that this army of [-] came from all over the world, and it was already very difficult to destroy the Dian Kingdom with one mind. If there was no cooperation between them, this made more opportunities for this army.

Seeing that the Dian King City was destroyed, the army entered, and the Dian Kingdom was subjugated, Yuwen Chengdu and others began to fight out. When they fled, suddenly, a burst of thick smoke hit the camp where the coalition forces of various countries were located, and a catastrophe swept over. Completely devour all tents.

"No, there is an enemy attack!"

"The camp is on fire!"

"There are enemies attacking the camp!"

All of a sudden, there was a sound of panic, and the companies of various countries no longer cared about the battle in the city of Dian King, and retreated one after another, preparing to save lives.

But at this moment, not far away, two war horses galloped towards them. As soon as they touched these two war horses, the war horses of the companies from various countries suddenly softened to the ground. .

(End of this chapter)

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