Chapter 405
" drive..."

With Nan Yan in his arms, Ying Shou held the reins with one hand, and faced thousands of troops, he galloped wildly, facing thousands of troops, he was happy and fearless.

"go away!"

With a loud shout, Li Yuanba galloped out, holding a pair of golden hammers for beating drums and urns, carrying the power to break mountains and crack rocks, gods block and kill gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas.

The coalition forces of the opposite countries are located on the plateau, and almost all of them are cavalry.And the war horses under their crotch, under the dragon's blood horse's natural dragon power, had no resistance at all, and they surrendered to the ground from a distance, causing the soldiers on their backs to be thrown away by inertia one by one.

Faced with the sudden chaos, Li Yuanba swung his hammer and smashed one by one, and smashed all those in front of him, forcefully opening up a reason for Ying Shou.

Ying Shou had no other distractions, only staring at the Wangcheng in front of him, with a strong murderous look in his eyes.

"His Majesty!"

Before arriving at Wangcheng, I saw that Yuwen Chengdu and others had stopped their horses one after another, disregarding the thousands of troops around them, they got off their horses and bowed down.


Ying Shou stopped galloping, his eyes were cold, and he shouted: "Rebels, kill without mercy, leave no one behind!"

Yuwen Chengdu, Gongsun Tan, Zhao Qian and others were all taken aback.

They never imagined that at such a moment, the emperor would come to Dian Kingdom, and he would just say, kill.

Although the 20 guards of honor are all the elite among the elite, they can be called one against ten, but there are more than [-] enemy troops, how to fight?
Just when several people were shocked, a roar sounded from all directions.

"Kill me!"


The sound fell, the earth trembled, and thousands of white horse warriors galloped in all directions, and in the distance, arrows rained down and shot wildly.

The 20 White Horse Yicong, under the leadership of General Tu Sui, unexpectedly surrounded more than 20 coalition forces from various countries, and beat the coalition forces of more than [-] countries by surprise, unable to fight back.

"No, there is an ambush!"

"Run away!"


This sudden change directly frightened the coalition forces of various countries.

They are originally from various countries, so it's fine if they don't have the same heart.

He thought he had the chance to win, but the two of them were killed suddenly. They were so frightened that all the horses under their legs were paralyzed, and most of their combat power was lost in an instant.

Coupled with this sudden attack, in the chaos, no one could carefully measure the number of enemy troops.

Even if the generals of various countries forcibly kept calm, saw clearly the strength of the enemy and us, and were determined to fight, but in the face of the continuous rain of arrows, those soldiers were already frightened, how could they organize effective resistance?

As the first chaos started, the scene became more and more chaotic, and the coalition forces of various countries swarmed into chaos, becoming the target of the three thousand white horses.

The three thousand white horses are all carrying the most advanced bows and crossbows of the Great Qin Dynasty.

This bow and crossbow shooting is different from bow and arrow, it is like a thick gun, prepare short arrows, that is one arrow at a time, no need to draw the bow and set the arrow, the speed is extremely fast.

Therefore, although there are only a few thousand people in the area, they are stunned to play the posture of a hundred thousand troops. It is even more frightening that the coalition forces of various countries dare not even raise their heads, and can only run around with their heads depressed.


Yuwen Chengdu and others also saw this scene. For a moment, Yuwen Chengdu was shocked. The war had already broken out. This was a battle between Daqin and other countries. How could he hide behind?
Following an order, Yu Wencheng did not hesitate, and rushed into the rebellious army.

Even the war horse under his crotch was too pressed by the dragon's blood horse's dragon power to dare to move at this moment, so he could only attack with his legs alone.

However, even so, under his gold-plated phoenix wings, gods block and kill gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas.

There are a few generals from various countries who can fight him for a few rounds, but often after a few rounds, they are directly beheaded by him on the spot.


As Yuwen Chengdu rushed out, Xu Chu was not far behind, and with a roar, he rushed into the chaotic army, slammed left and right, and charged with a machete first, hissing a bloody field.

The three thousand white horse justices shot all the crossbow arrows, and when they came to the front, the coalition forces of various countries were in complete chaos. In front of the three thousand white horse justices, they had completely become melons and vegetables in cutting melons and vegetables, without any pressure.

At the same time, [-] guards of honor from the diplomatic corps followed suit, and nearly [-] Qin cavalry, plus Li Yuanba, Yuwen Chengdu, Tu Sui, Xu Chu and other fierce generals, completely turned into a nightmare for the coalition forces of various countries.

Inside the city, Aguda looked at the situation outside and was instantly dumbfounded.

The sudden arrival of three thousand reinforcements shocked him unceasingly.

He couldn't imagine what kind of army this was. Just now, it directly hit hundreds of thousands of troops in a panic and became a living target.

But now is the time when the enemy army is at its weakest. Although the army in the city has been killed and wounded, he is still alive. He immediately gritted his teeth and rushed out to join the melee.

The battle continued, and in this battle, Ying Shou completely brought out the swiftness of the wind in the Art of War orthographic Judgment to the fullest.

Facing an army of more than 20, he only had 5000. According to reason, no matter how powerful they are, no matter how incompetent the army of more than 20 or nearly 30 is, they can be piled up to death.

But when he set fire to the company camp, he was startled and the coalition forces of various countries were in a panic.Coupled with the appearance of his dragon blood horse, it completely abolished the combat power of all the cavalry in the coalition forces of various countries.

Without giving these people a chance to react, the three thousand white horses fought out with the momentum of an army of one hundred thousand, and completely overwhelmed the enemy army, so they could only confuse themselves.

In the case of self-disruption, as before, he, Li Yuanba, and Lie Yang could wipe out more than 20 enemy troops, let alone more than [-] enemy troops. Two thousand Qin elites were massacred without much effort.

Everything was done in one go, resulting in this war, which will undoubtedly win. .

As time passed, an hour later, none of the 26 enemy soldiers survived, and the corpses were piled up outside the royal city of Dian Kingdom, and the blood stained the moat of Dian Kingdom.

" drive..."

At this time, Ying Shou had already dismounted and sent the dragon blood horse aside.The horses of Yuwen Chengdu and the others had recovered, and for a while, one by one rode their horses, leaped forward, rushed to Ying Shou, immediately got off their horses, and prostrated themselves on the ground.

"See Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Long Live Long Live Long Live Long Live Your Majesty!"

"See Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Long Live Long Live Long Live Long Live Your Majesty!"

"See Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Long Live Long Live Long Live Long Live Your Majesty!"

The voices sounded one after another, wave after wave spread, and went straight to the sky, shaking the sky and shaking the earth.

First the major generals prostrated themselves, followed by [-] guards of honor, and finally [-] white horse followers.

(End of this chapter)

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