Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 406 Enemies with the Heavens Only for Iraqis

Chapter 406 Enemies with the Heavens Only for Iraqis
The endless might and earth-shattering aura swept across the entire city of the Dian Kingdom, leaving all the surviving Dian people, Dian soldiers, Dian courtiers, Dian generals, including Aguda, stunned.

I just felt the invisible aura oppressing my body, making me almost breathless, as if my chest was about to explode.

Behind Ying Shou, the Dian king Asuda who had just come up trembled, looking up at the figure of the man who was holding a woman in his eyes, he was shocked by his heroic appearance, and his legs became weak.

A generation of kings almost followed him to the ground.

"Pingshen, come with me!"

Ying Shou waved his sleeves, walked directly towards the city with a cold face.

Wherever he passed, no one dared to stop him, as if this was not another country, but Xianyang, the capital of Great Qin.


All the officers and men promised, got up one after another, followed behind the emperor, walked towards the royal city, and finally entered the royal palace.

Behind the army, King Asuda of Dian, General Aguda of Dian Kingdom, and the courtiers of Dian Kingdom followed one after another and came to the palace hall.

But I saw Ying Shou dragging Nan Yan, Empress of Qin, to sit directly on the high throne, without paying any attention to the face of King Asuda of Dian.

However, facing the cold face of the Great Qin Emperor and his superior attitude, all the courtiers of the Dian Kingdom, even A Guda, could not feel dissatisfied and confident.

Even Asoda, looking at the Great Qin Emperor sitting in his seat, couldn't help but feel that it should be so.

"Who is Aguda..."

When everyone was shocked, Ying Shou narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

The audience was silent, and even Yu Wencheng and other generals of the Qin Dynasty did not dare to say a word at this moment, and could only look at Aguda one by one.

Ying Shou followed everyone's eyes, finally fixed on Aguda, and said coldly: "Are you Aguda?"

Aguda looked at his king, stepped forward and said, "Emperor Daqin, I am Aguda!"

"Hahaha, okay, okay... Aguda, come up..."

Ying Shou laughed loudly and made a big move, saying that he couldn't resist.

A Guda frowned, and for some reason, suddenly felt a very uneasy feeling in his heart.

He hesitated, stepped forward step by step, and came to the throne.


Ying Shou stood up abruptly, and slapped him across the face with his backhand.


A Guda was taken aback and couldn't help being furious.

Down below, the officials of the Dian Kingdom and the generals of the Great Qin Dynasty, including Asuda, all changed their expressions, and couldn't help taking a breath.

"what are you doing?"

When was Aguda ever slapped in the face?For a moment, furious in his heart, he pointed at Ying Shou and shouted loudly.

If the opponent was not the Great Qin Emperor, at this moment, he would definitely tear him apart.

"You ask me what I do, today I will tell you what I am doing!"

Ying Shou was icy cold, his eyes were full of murderous intent, he stepped forward, and kicked out with such force that A Guda's strong body fell directly from the side of the throne along the steps.


A Guda felt his viscera shifted, his bones all over his body seemed to be broken, and what he couldn't stop was spurting out a big mouthful of blood.

"His Majesty……"

Yuwen Chengdu, Gongsun Tan, Zhao Qian and others turned pale with shock, and hurried forward and shouted.

"Emperor Qin, what do you mean?"

Asoda, the officials of the Dian Kingdom were not happy either.

Although the emperor had just saved the Dian Kingdom, it was a little too much to beat the general of the Dian Kingdom in such a face-to-face manner.

Where is this hitting someone?It's clearly slapping Dian Kingdom in the face!
"Your Majesty, no!"

Nan Yan also grabbed Ying Shou's hand. After all, this is the territory of Dian Kingdom. No matter how you say it, Daqin is also on good terms with Dian Kingdom. This behavior is rude.

If the fight continues, unless the emperor destroys the Dian Kingdom, it will be an endless fight with the Dian Kingdom.


Ying Shou didn't continue to fight, but closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and calmed down a bit, then looked at Aguda who forced himself to stand up with blood on his mouth, and said coldly: "You bastard, if today It's not for the sake of your king, even if I smash your corpse into thousands of pieces, it will be difficult to vent my hatred!"

"Why, you should be wondering, why did I hit you?"

While talking, seeing Aguda's confused face, Ying Shou sneered again.

"That's right, Emperor Daqin, I, Aguda, didn't offend you. Why are you being so rude? Is this how your Daqin state of etiquette treats people?"

A Gu let out a bah, spit out a mouthful of blood, and said coldly.

As soon as these words came out, the Dian King Asuda and the officials of the Dian Kingdom also glared at Ying Shou.

Today, they also want to hear what the Great Qin Emperor can say, otherwise, no matter how strong Great Qin is, they will never give up.

"Okay, let me tell you, why did I beat you today?"

"Remember, Yinyue is my beloved concubine. This time I sent her as an envoy to your Dian Kingdom to give you Dian Kingdom face."

"On the battlefield, you use my beloved concubine as your advisor. I don't blame you, but since you do this, you can't disobey her orders."

"Now, because of your disobedience, I don't know whether my beloved concubine is alive or dead!"

"Remember, today I'm just punishing you slightly. If my beloved concubine is fine, it's fine. If it's true that my beloved concubine can't return safely, I will definitely tear you into pieces and bury you with my beloved concubine!"

Ying Shou gritted his teeth, and the words fell, which directly shocked the hearts of everyone present.

King Asuda of Dian, ministers of Dian Kingdom, and General Aguda all looked at Ying Shou in disbelief. They obviously didn't expect that the Great Qin Emperor was so angry this time because of only one woman.

Similarly, Yuwen Chengdu, Gongsun Tan and others also understood that the emperor's trip was only to save the Dian Kingdom incidentally, and the main thing was to find the Great Qin Concubine.

Such actions, in the eyes of everyone, are unwise and incomprehensible.

After all, as an emperor, what kind of woman do you want?Is it necessary to be an enemy of all countries and the world for a woman?
This is definitely not what Ming Jun said.

However, what everyone thinks is what everyone thinks, seeing Ying Shou's domineering, Great Qin Empress, Nan Yan's eyes flickered.

She knew that today the emperor can make an enemy of the world for Yinyue, and if something happens to her, the emperor can do the same.

The woman said, "If you have a husband like this, what more can you ask for?"
"Brother Emperor, are you here to look for Sister Yinyue? Sister Yinyue was washed away by the flood in Yelang Country. Can you go to Yelang Country to search immediately?"

At the same time, Princess Daqin, Zhao Qian also agreed with Ying Shou's approach.

At this moment, Zhao Qian couldn't help thinking about what the emperor said that day when she got married.

A woman only gets married once in her life, so she should be a phoenix crown and Xiapei, high above her, and she must not be underestimated by her husband's family.

As a man, if he can't even protect his own woman, what face does he have to stand between heaven and earth?
At the beginning, these words were just listening to, but now the emperor's actions are all reality, which moved her and admired her.

(End of this chapter)

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