Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 407 Great Qin Glory

Chapter 407 Great Qin Glory
"Yelang... What a Yelang..."

Hearing Zhao Qian's prompt, Ying Shou's eyes were cold, he slowly sat down on the throne, and said coldly: "Gongsun Tan listened to the order, and I ordered you to immediately send people to the southwestern countries and tell the royal families of all countries that they will come to Yunnan in a month's time. The country pays homage to me, whoever dares to delay for a moment, I will immediately destroy his country!"

"In addition, take the portrait of my beloved concubine to other countries, tell their kings, and let them use all the power of the whole country to find it for me."

"If you find it, there will be a lot of rewards. Who dares to neglect, I will take his head!"

While speaking, Ying Shou issued a series of orders, unparalleled domineering, arrogant and rude.

At this moment, in his eyes, it seems that the king of all countries is just a group of ants.

"Your Majesty, it is absolutely impossible!"

Gongsun Tan was taken aback and shouted hastily.

Now others don't know about the emptiness of the Great Qin, but as the officials of the Great Qin, how could they not know about it?

Even if Great Qin was not afraid of the countries in the Southwest during its heyday, it must not be easily provoked like this. Now the emperor's decision is tantamount to bringing disaster to Great Qin!

"If I tell you to go, then go, if you talk nonsense, I will kill you!"

Ying Shou widened his eyes and shouted: "Besides, Yuwen Chengdu obeys the order. Later, I will return to the court with my will and send [-] troops to Bashu. If anyone disobeys, I will wipe them all out!"


Yu Wencheng trembled when he heard the words, he did not expect the emperor to make such a decision.

Although he felt it was inappropriate, since the emperor had made a decision, he just did it and didn't talk too much nonsense.

Whether to fight or not to fight is a matter for the future. In his eyes, the emperor's will comes first.

"I'm going to prepare now!"

Gongsun Tan's face was extremely ugly, he wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to say it, so he had to take his leave, turned and left.

He could see that the current emperor was crazy, and he didn't care about the overall situation of the world at all.

The only thing he cared about was the woman who didn't know how to live or die.

He didn't dare to comment on whether it was right or wrong, but the emperor was crazy, so he could only follow and try to minimize the danger.

"Li Yuanba and Xu Chu listen to the order. Later, you two will ride Wan Liyun and the dragon blood horse to the Yelang Kingdom."

"When I see King Mutian of Yelang, I will break his legs first, and order him to come to the Kingdom of Dian to apologize to me within half a month. After half a minute later, I will make sure that Yelang Kingdom is completely wiped out!"

Following Yuwen Chengdu and Gongsun Tan taking orders, Ying Shou gave another order.


Li Yuanba and Xu Chu's eyes lit up when they heard the words.

This kind of thing, the two are most willing to do it.

That is a king!
Rush to other countries, break the legs of the kings of other countries, and forcefully order the other party to come to worship.

In this world, what else could be as exciting as this matter?

Ying Shou issued orders one after another, and every order made all the officials of the Dian Kingdom, including the King of Dian, tremble with fear and admire him sincerely.

The great power Tianwei is different. It is completely unreasonable to say that it can attack whoever it wants.

For a moment, these people couldn't help yearning for what an honor it would be if they were born in Qin.

Great Qin Glory, at this moment, thoroughly spread in the southwest.

After some orders were issued, Ying Shou greeted him and left the place directly with Yu Wencheng.

In the back garden of the palace, there is a secluded place, without Ying Shou's consent, no one dares to approach within a hundred feet.

"General Yuwen, take this imperial decree. Remember, this time I only want to frighten the southwestern countries. You only need to create a [-]-strong army, you don't need to mobilize a [-]-strong army, understand?"

Ying Shou delivered a copy of the imperial decree to Yuwen Chengdu, speaking earnestly.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, the general will know what to do!"

Hearing this, Yu Wencheng frowned slightly, and then relaxed, suddenly realizing.

Sure enough, the emperor is the emperor, seemingly crazy, but in fact, every step is considered dead.

What is said today is just a deterrent, and the [-] army is just a cover.

But this guise is enough to deter the countries in the Southwest.

After all, in the battle of Dian Kingdom today, less than 20 troops killed more than 30 and nearly [-] enemy troops.

Although there is a lot of luck involved in this battle, luck is also a part of strength. 5000 people can destroy 20 troops, and how many can they destroy with 500 troops?Wouldn't it be able to destroy [-] million?
It's a corollary, a frightening corollary.

But under this inference, others no longer care whether it is an inference or not, they can only care about the fear in it.

The Southwest is only a big place, and there are only a few countries in the Southwest with millions of people.Such as Dian Kingdom and Yelang Kingdom.Dian Town, Qilan, Fu Kingdom, etc., and other small countries, the population hardly exceeds one million.Dozens of countries add up to a million troops.

5000 people can destroy your army of 30 to [-], or [-], but they can't destroy your army of only a million?
Besides, they didn't say that they would fight against your coalition army. Who can compete with the land where the [-] troops have passed?

Is it Yelang Kingdom?

Is it the country of Qilan?

Is it the country of Hu?
Or Dian Town?

No one can contend, each family sweeps the snow before their own doors, and no one dares to suggest that the coalition forces deal with Daqin.

In this case, countries have no choice but to submit, to worship, and to be obedient.

This is the overall situation of the emperor. When others are still shocked by various things, he is in anger, but he easily plays with the people of the world into applause.

After understanding the meaning of the emperor, Yu Wencheng took the imperial edict without hesitation and left directly.

This place is not very far from Bashu. It only needs to pass through Zhaoguo from Dian Kingdom to arrive at Daqin Bashu.

Of course, this journey is optional, but in the southwest, the mountains and rivers are dangerous, especially after arriving in Bashu, the road is even more difficult. It is not a matter of overnight to reach Bashu.

With Yuwen Chengdu, Li Yuanba, Xu Chu, Gongsun Tan and others all sent out, only Tu Sui and Sanqian Baimayicong were left beside Ying Shou.

As for the guards of honor of the previous [-] missions, they belonged to different directions, and they went to various countries with interpreters from Yunnan to convey the emperor's will.


The coming of the emperor added a piece of supreme heavenly power to Dian Kingdom.

It is said that the king does not see the king, and one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers.

However, the emperor of Great Qin is now in the territory of Dian Kingdom, and he is above the Dian King, which makes many people very dissatisfied.

But dissatisfaction is dissatisfaction, even the king of Dian dare not resist, so what can others do?
In this battle, the Dian Kingdom was almost destroyed, and it was Daqin who made the last move to save it.At this time, they didn't dare to pay too much attention to the emperor's affairs, so they could only obediently go to clean the battlefield and make post-war statistics.

After statistics, the Dian Kingdom sadly discovered that the national strength of the Dian Kingdom was completely defeated in this battle, and it was even dozens of times more miserable than a few years ago.

Today's Dian Kingdom has the shell of a great country in the southwest, but it no longer has the strength that a big country should have. Compared with Yelang, it is more than ten times miserable.

(End of this chapter)

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