Chapter 408
"Report to His Majesty the Emperor, the King of Dian is seeking an audience outside!"

Early the next morning, Ying Shou did not retreat from the palace, and Tu Sui came to report early in the morning.

"ask to see!"

In front of the dressing table, Empress Nan Yan was arranging Ying Shou's clothes. Hearing this, Ying Shou frowned slightly and said coldly.

"That's right, what King Dian said was asking for an audience!"

Tu Sui said truthfully.

The corner of Ying Shou's mouth raised slightly, and he said coldly, "Sure enough, he is a person who understands current affairs!"


Ying Shou waved his big hand.

When the King of Dian asked to see him, he went to the hall as the supreme emperor, the meaning of which is self-evident.

As the Great Qin Emperor, it's fine if he doesn't come to the southwestern countries this time. Since he's here, there's no such thing as equality.

In Daqin, he was the emperor, and here, he is also the ruler.

Outside, Asoda waited respectfully for the call.

He is not a fool, the emperor issued an order yesterday in front of his face, although he didn't say anything to him, he knew exactly what it meant.

Today, all countries in the Southwest must come to worship, and whoever does not come will be destroyed.

What does it mean?
It is nothing more than that all countries in the Southwest must be their vassals, otherwise they are courting death.

Other countries are no exception, so how can the Dian Kingdom be an exception?

After tossing and turning all night, although he was unwilling, the King of Dian finally decided to surrender.

Otherwise, when the countries in the southwest surrendered, if the Dian Kingdom did not surrender, it would be a big trouble.Instead of this, it might be better to surrender first, perhaps there are certain benefits.

"King Xuandian sees you!"

While Asoda was waiting with a solemn expression, a voice suddenly sounded, and Tu Sui walked out of the palace.

"General Tu Sui, His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor summoned Xiao Wang?"

Asoda hurried forward and confirmed.

"King of Dian, His Majesty the Emperor is His Majesty the Emperor. Don't put the word Qin in front of the King of Dian. Everyone knows that he is the Emperor of Daqin. You don't need the Dian King to remind you of this!"

Tu Sui sneered and reminded.

Asu Da was shocked, why didn't he understand what Tu Sui meant?
This is unclear, but he is actually telling himself that this is not only the emperor of the Great Qin, but also the emperor of the world.

This world includes all countries in the new version, and of course, your Dian country is no exception.

"That's right, Xiao Wang remembered!"

King Dian felt bitter in his heart, but he could only hurriedly respond, and under the leadership of Tu Sui, he entered the bedroom where Ying Shou rested last night.

In the distance, King Dian bowed and said, "Little King Asuda, I have seen His Majesty the Emperor!"

Ying Shou raised his head abruptly, pretending to be surprised, and stepped forward, "Oh, what does the king of Dian mean? You and I are both the lords of a country, so how come we come to see you?"

When the king of Dian heard the words, his heart became even more bitter.

Are you saying this to remind yourself on purpose?

"Your Majesty the Emperor is joking. How can the Dian Kingdom be compared with the Great Qin? The Kyushu of the Great Qin, a land of one state, is even more vast than our Dian Kingdom." Keep it!"

The King of Dian smiled wryly, and said: "If His Majesty the Emperor grants permission, the little king is willing to lead the Kingdom of Dian. From today onwards, he will follow the leadership of the Great Qin and be a vassal of the Great Qin. How does Your Majesty feel?"

Ying Shou pretended to be surprised, and said, "How does this happen?"

"Why can't it be done? Please don't refuse, His Majesty the Emperor!"

The king of Dian said quickly.

"Hey, the King of Dian really made up his mind?"

Ying Shou frowned, seemingly unwilling to speak.

"Xiao Wang has made up his mind, and please His Majesty the Emperor to fulfill it!"

The king of Dian said seriously.

"In that case, that's fine. But King Dian, you have to remember one thing. You are not my subject, you are my brother. This Dian country is not my subject, but the country of my brothers. .”

"The country of Dian is in trouble, and my army will definitely be the first to kill it. Whoever dares to disrespect the country of Dian is disrespecting me!"

"From now on, you will still be the king of Dian, the king I canonize, understand?"

Ying Shou took a deep breath, reluctantly accepting it, but it was a solemn confession.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your permission. Xiao Wang will remember what your Majesty said!"

The king of Dian had a grateful expression on his face, but when he spoke, his heart was extremely bitter.

Everyone is not a fool, how could he fail to hear Ying Shou's politeness?
In name, it is a country of brothers. With this opening, he canonized himself as king, so he is a king!
Talking about brothers, after all, they are still courtiers.

"Brother Dian, you don't have to be polite. Now that Dian Kingdom has gone through repeated battles, the interior is already empty. It's time for everything to be rejuvenated."

"I stayed here for two days, just to find my beloved concubine. You still need to deal with important affairs in Dian, so ignore me, go!"

Ying Shou waved his hand, and while speaking, he was very polite, but he directly regarded the Dian Palace as his residence.

"Xiao Wang understands, Xiao Wang resigns!"

The King of Dian bid farewell with fists in his hands and left.

After leaving this place, King Dian let out a long breath.

Such humility and submission to others may seem humiliating, but in his opinion, it is a must.

Otherwise, Daqin wanted to kill him afterwards, but it would only happen in an instant.

Even if Great Qin does not destroy him, now the Dian Kingdom lacks national strength, it needs soldiers but no soldiers, money but no money, food but no food.Almost all the money and food have been seized by various countries.

Under such an emptiness of national power, in the southwestern land, all countries are eyeing up, and maybe one is not careful, and the Dian Kingdom will be wiped out directly.

Surrendering to Great Qin now seems humiliating, but it has preserved the foundation of the Dian Kingdom.

At least, with the support of Great Qin, the countries in the Southwest would have to weigh it if they wanted to target the Dian Kingdom.

With this heavy guarantee, although Dian King Asoda still felt a little uncomfortable, he was still relieved after all.

"Yan'er, have you seen it? The world has always been like this. In a world of great contention, it is only reasonable to have a hard fist."

"As long as you have enough strength, others will only seek to attach to you. But if you don't have enough strength, you will only become the target of others' bullying!"

"The Dian Kingdom used to be strong and powerful for a while, so arrogant and domineering, it wished to destroy Yelang. Now it has been beaten like this, but it can only survive by relying on the strong!"

"My Great Qin is a powerful country in the world. Those who follow me will prosper and those who oppose me will perish. Wherever I have passed, the world will prostrate and worship. The king of the southwestern countries is no exception!"

In the palace garden, as Dian King Asoda left, Ying Shou said solemnly.

"Why does Your Majesty say this?"

Nan Yan was puzzled.

"I want you to keep in mind that this world belongs to me, and it belongs to my Ying family. Today, I am here to protect all the people I need to protect."

"Under my power, you can do whatever you want. However, if I'm not here, how can you make a decision in this world? In the future, if my prince can't keep this family business, what should we do? Remember this kind of thing carefully. Feeling, don't forget, don't lose it!"

"Today, I am Yinyue, and I can dominate the southwestern land. In the future, will the emperor have the strength to win for your mother?"

Ying Shou's eyes were silent, and he spoke word by word.

At this point, he has already begun to plan for the future.

(End of this chapter)

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