Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 409 Infinite Arrogance

Chapter 409 Infinite Arrogance
"Your Majesty, Yan'er is not yet a prince!"

Nan Yan's pretty face flushed, and she couldn't help but shyly said.

"Sooner or later there will be!"

Ying Shou glanced at her. Such ambiguous words came out of Ying Shou's mouth at this moment, but they were serious.

Although Ying Shou is still scheming against other countries, when it comes to Gao, the most important thing to him is Yinyue's safety.

If he doesn't find Yinyue for a day, he won't be happy.

These days, every time he thinks that the girl who sacrificed everything for him may have died in the flood, his heart is filled with endless anger, and he almost wants to burn the sky.

"Your Majesty, you don't have to worry so much. Yan'er believes that Yinyue Jiren has his own celestial appearance and will be fine!"

Seeing Ying Shou's expression, Nan Yan couldn't help but feel a twitch in her heart, and comforted her.

"I hope so!"

Ying Shou nodded and said in a deep voice.

As time passed, the Great Qin Mission, divided into dozens of horses, entered dozens of countries in the southwest to publicize the emperor's imperial edict.

And when the imperial decree was sent to the countries, the news that the five thousand soldiers of the Great Qin slaughtered 26 troops also swept through the countries at an unimaginable speed, causing shocks in all countries.

Especially when Zhaoguo and Louwo, who were just next to Dianguo, learned of the news, they immediately exploded like thunder, shaking the whole country uneasy.

"What, 26 soldiers and horses, slaughtered [-] troops, what are you kidding?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, how could there be such a powerful army in this world?"

"What, our country's [-] troops were all buried in it, and none of them survived?"

"No, what exactly is this Great Qin, and why is it so powerful!"

The frightened voice began to spread in various countries.

The coalition forces of various countries encircled and suppressed the Dian Kingdom. This is a land in the southwest, and that was a major event. Just like decades ago, during the Warring States Period of the Central Plains, the Six Kingdoms Company encircled and suppressed the Great Qin Dynasty. It always affected the hearts of the world and attracted attention.

This country of Dian is like the Great Qin in the past. When all countries are encircling and suppressing, all countries in the southwest will send spies to get the latest news at any time.

However, there is no other news now. Among the secret reports sent back by spies from various countries, the news explaining the annihilation of 20 troops, how can it not shock the countries?
And after this news came out, another news came right after.

The concubine of His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor was swept away by the flood during the war with Dian Kingdom and Yelang Kingdom. The Great Qin Emperor was furious. He went to Dian Kingdom this time to find the Great Qin Imperial Concubine.

In order to find the Great Qin Concubine, the Great Qin Emperor has sent missions to various countries, ordering all countries to devote all their efforts to search on the land of each country.

At the same time, within one month, the heads of all countries need to go to Dian Kingdom to pay homage to His Majesty the Emperor of Qin. Whoever dares to refuse will be tantamount to provoking Qin.

Great General of the Great Qin, Yu Wencheng has rushed to the land of the Great Qin Bashu, mobilized one hundred thousand troops, and is ready for the battle of destroying the country at any time.

As soon as this news came out, it once again shocked the countries in the Southwest, making them feel uneasy.

Five thousand soldiers and horses can slaughter nearly 30 troops. If one hundred thousand troops overwhelm the border, who can compete with the countries in the Southwest?

I'm afraid that even if all the countries in the southwest unite, they will not be opponents, right?

At this time, almost all the countries are frantically sending orders, not allowing anyone to stop the Great Qin envoys, allowing the Great Qin envoys to enter their own borders, and convey the imperial edict of the Great Qin Emperor.

So far, Ying Shou's plan has obviously been more than half successful.

Of course, not long after these news came out, there was another news that shocked the Southwestern countries again, making the Southwestern countries even more terrified.

The Kingdom of Dian is adjacent to Yelang. On the day of the battle of the Kingdom of Dian, Ying Shou sent Li Yuanba and Xu Chu to Yelang Kingdom.

One of the two rode Wanliyun, the other rode a dragon blood horse. Both of them were supreme war horses that traveled thousands of miles a day and eight thousand nights.

Originally running with all his strength, it would take nearly ten days to get to the distance of Yelang King City. Li Yuanba and Xu Chu only took two days to reach Yelang King City.

This is still the result of being delayed along the way, after all, the two men came in a menacing way, and the army guarding the city arranged by Xin Yelang Wang Munan would not let them pass the level easily.

However, although the Yelang Kingdom now claims to have an army of 20, 15 of them guard various checkpoints, and the remaining [-] are undergoing training.

But in fact, the soldiers guarding each town have no combat experience, and their equipment is not complete. In addition, they are scattered in various towns. In each town, there are less than [-] soldiers guarding each town.

Facing Li Yuanba and Xu Chu, not to mention five thousand, even fifty thousand can't stop them.

The two passed all the way, and when the city gate was closed, Li Yuanba rushed forward with a few hammers.

That guy, more powerful than a siege engine, directly smashed the city gate into pieces.

After repeated delays like this, it took the two of them two days to arrive at Yelang King City.

At this time, news of someone intruding into Yelang King City was also received. For a while, the city was heavily guarded, and [-] soldiers gathered to guard here.

"Who is coming!"

Li Yuanba and Xu Chu had just rushed under Yelang King City, when a voice sounded on the tower, it was actually the language of the Central Plains.

"Hey, it's rare to meet someone who doesn't talk like a bird today. Very good, listen to me. This general is Xu Chu, the great general of the Qin Dynasty!"

"General Japan and Young Master Li Yuanba were ordered to break the leg of your king today, so hurry up and open the door!"

Xu Chu pointed at the big knife in his hand, and scolded unceremoniously.


On the tower, the person who spoke was a pawn who had escaped from Baiyue with Han Xin before. Hearing this, he immediately flew into a rage.

Now, they have taken refuge in King Yelang and have been taken in by Yelang Kingdom.

Now, these two bastards, two people and two riders came to fight, but they didn't see thousands of troops, but they dared to clamor to break the king's legs.

What does this mean, look down on yourself and others, or look down on the [-] army?

I have seen crazy people in front of me, but I have never seen such crazy people.

"Don't you understand human language? Then I'll say it again, I'm ordered to break Yelang Wang Munan's dog legs, open the door quickly!"

Xu Chu looked like Lao Tzu was number one in the world, as crazy as he wanted to be.

"Bastard, court death!"

The man was mad with rage, and beside him, other soldiers of Yelang Kingdom also became furious after hearing his translation.

"You talk too much!"

Under the gate tower, looking at Xu Chu who was clamoring, Li Yuanba looked contemptuously, galloped forward, and said, "Since they won't open the door, let's just go in!"

While speaking, Li Yuanba had already jumped across the moat on his horse, jumped under the tower, and stood in front of the city gate.

"Kill me!"

At the same time, there was a roar from the top of the city tower, and 3 soldiers drew their bows and arrows at the same time. Seeing that Li Yuanba was standing under the city gate and couldn't shoot, the arrows of these [-] soldiers immediately aimed at Xu Chu.

(End of this chapter)

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