Chapter 410

There was a sound of piercing the sky, and the rain of arrows covered the sky and the sun, and they came towards Xu Chu.

"Your grandma's!"

Xu Chu was taken aback, turned his horse's head, turned around and fled.

Speaking of working face-to-face, he was not afraid of these untrained soldiers, as long as his strength was exhausted, he would kill as many as they came.

But this kind of long-range shooting is too much, even if he is powerful, he can't stop the rain of thousands of arrows.

At this time, the advantages of the war horse are reflected.

The dragon's blood horse, twirling and moving, galloping at high speed, raced against the arrows.

That speed, almost flying.

Arrows rained down all over the sky, but Xu Chu ran hundreds of meters away in an instant, directly surpassing the rain of arrows and shooting.

For a while, the ground behind was filled with arrows, but none of them hit him.

"If you want to fight, I will accompany you to the end!"

Xu Chu stared with a pair of bull's eyes, turned his horse's head again, turned into a red cloud, rushed directly under the top of the city, crossed the moat, and rushed into the maelstrom in front of the city gate.

At this time, Li Yuanba had already swung the hammer in his hand and smashed it on the city gate.


With a hammer, the city gate shook.


With another hammer, it seemed that the entire city wall was shaking, and countless sand and dust floated down from above.


With another blow, cracks were cracked in the thick city gate.

"Boom boom boom..."

Suddenly, Li Yuanba let out a roar, and with all his strength, hit the hammer three times in a row. The force was so great that thousands of miles of clouds under his crotch were shaking backwards.

But in the end, with a roar, the city gate shattered.


At this moment, [-] soldiers rushed down from the top of the city. Seeing that the city gate was smashed to pieces with hammers, the faces of these [-] soldiers were full of horror.

But as Li Yuanba and Xu Chu rushed in, the [-] soldiers had no choice but to fight out.

"I'll come first!"

Xu Chu was so excited that he rushed out with a machete in his hand, and slashed with the knife, blood flashed suddenly, and more than a dozen people were directly chopped and flew backwards.

Wan Liyun leaped vertically, and Li Yuanba rushed up to Xu Chu and shouted, "Just follow me!"

Or, Li Yuanba swung his hammers with great force and directly sent them flying.

"Why, look down on me, let's compare who can kill faster!"

When Xu Chu heard this, he gave up immediately. He rode his horse into the city and rushed into the thousands of troops. He hacked everywhere with the machete in his hand, bringing down countless blood, and knocked down a lot of corpses.

"Come on!"

Li Yuanba refused to admit defeat, and shouted, the two of them didn't go past the [-] soldiers and rushed into the palace directly, interrupting the plan of King Yelang's legs, instead they used the [-] soldiers to practice hand-to-hand competition.

All of a sudden, the city was covered in blood, screams continued, roars followed.

"Take it, take it for me!"

In the palace, Yelang Wang Munan had already known that someone was coming against him, so he specially prepared an army of [-] to wait here.

At this moment, he was standing at the end of the long street in the city. Seeing that Xu Chu and Li Yuanba seemed to be killing gods, preventing the [-] army from getting close at all, his face was contorted together, full of rage.

"Kill me, take down these two bastards!"

Seeing that Xu Chu and Li Yuanba were killing more and more fiercely, his eyes even turned red, and he couldn't believe that even with the strength of [-] troops, they still couldn't take them down.

However, as time passed, the facts seemed to continue to prove one thing to him, that the [-] army really couldn't take down Xu Chu and Li Yuanba.

The battle lasted only two hours, and the [-] army had more than [-] casualties, leaving less than [-].

That's all for Xu Chu, although he was full of lethality, after a big battle, he also showed some signs of exhaustion, and he also had several wounds on his body.

But Li Yuanba is simply a monster.

In such a battle, he never blushed, breathless, and wielded a pair of big hammers vigorously, with the momentum of being invincible in the world.

"Where is the general, where did the general go? Let the general mobilize troops and horses!"

Seeing this scene, Mu Nan was completely terrified, and immediately thought of Han Xin in his mind.

In the previous war, Yelang raised 20 troops.

None of the 20 troops had been trained. Among them, 15 troops were taken by Han Xin for training, and the other [-] troops had already been defeated by these two people one by one in the previous checkpoint.

Today, 15 of Han Xin's [-] troops are here, and they are already showing signs of fleeing. They can no longer resist the crazy Li Yuanba and Xu Chu, and he will confess to being here today.

At this time, Han Xin still had an army of 12. As long as they were mobilized, he believed that with so many people, even if they piled up, they would be able to pile them up to death, and they would be powerless to fight back.

"Wait a minute, my lord, I'm going to tell the general!"

Beside Mu Nan, a civil servant had already been frightened by Xu Chu and Li Yuanba, and at this moment, without hesitation, he agreed, and planned to leave here first, looking for the general Han Xin, and asking for protection.

Han Xin's army training base is not too far from Wangcheng, only tens of miles away, in a huge valley.

At this time, the 12 troops were resting on their own, and no one was training, which made the whole valley very quiet, and the soldiers dared not even say a word.

"My lord, you know very well that it is Li Yuanba and Xu Chu who threatened to break King Yelang's legs this time. Both of them are powerful generals under Ying Shou's command."

"Especially that Li Yuanba, who together with Ying Shou destroyed 30 troops back then, it's not something that [-] untrained soldiers can compete with. You really don't intend to help King Yelang?"

In the large tent of the Chinese army, Shen Xingnan, Han Xin's subordinate, frowned.

"Hehe, go help him now, are you courting death?"

Han Xin shook his head and said with a sneer, "Although the Yelang Kingdom is known as a great country in the southwest, compared with the Great Qin Dynasty, it has no small land. There are only more than three million people in the whole country. It is not easy to recruit 30 troops."

"In the previous battle, more than 12 people were lost, and another [-] people were killed by these two men. Now the general has dispatched another [-] troops, and the remaining troops are only [-]. The [-] troops are enough to show off. Already!"

"I have to keep the 20 troops, otherwise, how can I have the strength to compete with that Ying Shou?"

While speaking, Han Xin looked far away, looking in the direction of Daqin, without any worry at all because King Yelang was in danger.

"My lord, if something happens to King Yelang, the Yelang Kingdom will be in danger. At that time, we will not be able to order the Yelang Kingdom!"

Shen Xingnan also knew what Han Xin meant, but when he thought of the consequences of King Yelang's accident, he couldn't help reminding him.

(End of this chapter)

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