Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 411 Breaking His Leg

Chapter 411 Breaking His Leg

"Don't worry, King Yelang won't die."

"Since Ying Shou said he would only break his legs, he would never hurt him a single hair. A pair of legs, in exchange for future development, is not a loss!"

Han Xin waved his hand, in front of his confidant, he didn't hide his words at all.

This was Han Xin, and also the reason why Ying Shou was still unwilling to use him.

In history, Han Xin himself was such a person.

In history, Han Xin took refuge in Liu Bang and was reused to lead the three armies.

However, Liu Bang was in danger many times and was almost killed by Xiang Yu. He sent Han Xin to rescue countless times, but he never saw a rescue.

When someone else is the commander in chief, he has always devoted himself to his master and died.Protect the safety of the master at all costs.

But Han Xin is different. In his words, he never fights uncertain battles.

Historically, he was unable to defeat Xiang Yu, so no matter whether Liu Bang died or not, he would never send troops.

So much so that in the end, he united with all parties against the king, ambushed on all sides, and took Xiang Yu in one fell swoop.

The same is true now, he is not sure that the 12 troops under his command can take down Li Yuanba, so he is willing to see King Yelang humiliated and his legs broken, and he will never send troops.

He needs to wait for the opportunity, to wait for an opportunity to compete with Daqin after unifying the southwest.

At that time, it will be the time for him to fight to the death with Da Qin.

"By the way, King Yelang will send someone to tell me to lead the troops to rescue him later, so I will go out first. Just tell the person that you have no right to mobilize the army without the general's order!"

Suddenly, Han Xin thought of something, got up and said.

"Okay, since the general must pay attention, the subordinates will obey!"

Shen Xingnan sighed and looked towards the direction of Yelang King City. He could only blame the Yelang King for being unlucky. When he met Li Yuanba, he was so fearless that he dared to single-handedly challenge an army of 30.

Everything was as Han Xin expected, he had just left for a while, and the courtiers sent by King Yelang had already rushed to the barracks.

"Where is the general, the king has an order, let the general send troops to rescue him immediately!"

The courtier just rushed in and shouted loudly.

"Oh, isn't this Master Tulu? Didn't the general dispatch [-] troops to rescue him?"

Shen Xingnan received Han Xin's explanation, and immediately went up to meet him, puzzled.

"If you can't beat it, if you can't beat it, then you two have to be good, and a [-] army can't beat it. What about the general, where is the general? Quickly dispatch troops and go to the king city to save King Qin!"

The courtier named Tulu's face was pale and he was trembling all over. It was obvious that Li Yuanba and Xu Chu had already emboldened him.

"Hey, Mr. Tulu, you came at the wrong time. The general went out early in the morning. I don't know where he is now. I'm afraid it's too late!"

When Shen Xingnan heard this, he pretended to be anxious and sighed.

"What? The general is not here?"

"Hurry up, since the general is not here, you have to send troops to rescue him first!"

Tulu's face changed, and he shouted in a deep voice.

"This won't work. I'm not a general. I don't have military power in my hands. How can I mobilize the army? Well, wait a moment, my lord. I'll send someone to look for the general. As soon as the general arrives, I will immediately send troops to rescue him!"

Shen Xingnan spread his hands and said helplessly.


Tulu is short of breath, this is burning his brows, and he has to find someone slowly?

I'm afraid that by the time someone finds it, the king will have already been beaten to death.

But he didn't know that at this moment, even if he really sent out rescuers, he would have no chance to save King Yelang.

Seeing the 2 army, more than [-] people were beheaded, and the remaining [-] army guarding the Yelang King City completely lost their will to fight, scattered in a crowd, and fled in all directions.

Xu Chu and Li Yuanba didn't enjoy the killing enough, and chased after them frantically.But there are too many people, and there are too many directions to run, even if two people come and go, the speed is extremely fast, and it is difficult to kill them all.

As for the people in the city, they were already trembling at this moment, and it was impossible for the two of them to come to practice their hands with the people, so they could only rush towards King Yelang at the same time.


Behind Yelang Wang Munan, a group of civil servants and military generals were already frightened, but seeing the two men coming to kill them, they had no choice but to rush out for the sake of the king, and blocked them in front.

"Go away!"

Xu Chu and Li Yuanba stared, shouted, and shot at the same time.

The tens of thousands of troops were beaten to death by the two, and they fled. How could the hundreds of civil servants and military generals in this area be able to stop the two?
For a moment, these people had no power to resist, and were directly beaten to the ground, and the dead could not die again.

So far, the court hall of Yelang Kingdom has been completely emptied by the two of them.

Yelang Wang Munan was so frightened by this bloody scene that his whole body trembled, his legs became weak, and he didn't even have the strength to escape.


Accompanied by a muffled sound, King Yelang fell to his knees directly, facing Li Yuanba and Xu Chu who dismounted from their horses and came step by step, their faces were full of horror.

"You... what do you want... what do you want to do?"

King Yelang pointed at the two of them and shouted.

"what did he say?"

Li Yuanba and Xu Chu looked at each other, neither of them could understand Yelanguo's words, and they seemed a little confused for a moment.

"Two generals, two generals!"

At this moment, not far away, a man in brocade clothes suddenly came out, hurriedly came behind Li Yuanba and Xu Chu and shouted.

"who are you?"

Xu Chu turned his head and looked, but he didn't expect that there are still people here who can speak the Central Plains dialect.

You know, the soldier who could speak the Central Plains dialect didn't know whether he escaped or died at this moment.

"Caomin is a business traveler from Bashu who went to Yelang country to do business. I didn't expect my Daqin to have such a powerful and domineering general. He single-handedly entered the capital of Yelang. He is a heavenly soldier. Caomin can understand the words of King Yelang, but he doesn't know the general. Do you need a translation!!"

The man said hastily.

It turned out to be the land in the southwest of Great Qin. The merchants from Bashu who came to do business heard that General Daqin single-handedly came to Yelang King City and threatened to break Yelang King's legs.

At this moment, seeing that Xu Chu and Li Yuanba could not understand what King Yelang said, they volunteered and asked for orders.

"Yo, that's the best. I'm still thinking, if this guy can't understand me, how can I explain His Majesty's will to him!"

When Xu Chu heard it, he was immediately happy, and said, "Quickly tell me, what did he say!"

"Oh, General, he asked what you want to do!"

The man said quickly.

"Hey, what are you doing? Tell him that he released water earlier and washed away my concubine, the Great Qin Emperor. His Majesty the Emperor was very angry and sent us to break his legs."

"Sensible, let him stretch out his legs, and save a lot of hardships, otherwise we will do it ourselves, it will not be that simple!"

Xu Chu chuckled and said proudly.

(End of this chapter)

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