Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 412 Han Xin is Guilty

Chapter 412 Han Xin is Guilty
"Uh, General, do you really want Caomin to say that?"

When the man heard this, he immediately hesitated.

This has seen ferocious ones, and has never seen ferocious ones.

After all, he is the majestic king of a country. If you say you want to break his leg, you have to ask him to stretch out his leg obediently.

If these words are translated, how can he continue to hang around here!
"What, is there a problem?"

Xu Chu stared.

"General, you are embarrassing the grass people. If you say that, he will have to skin the grass people!"

The man said in fear.

"Oh, I really didn't think of this."

"Don't worry about translating, I'll warn him later. If he dares to touch a hair of my Daqin people, I will break his legs today, and I will blow his head off tomorrow!"

When Xu Chu heard it, it seemed that this was the case.

But he didn't pay attention to King Yelang at all, he let out a cold snort, and said domineeringly.

"OK then!"

When the man heard this, he immediately gained confidence.

My own country is so powerful, if I say to hit you, I will hit you, even the Heavenly King and I can't save them, who dares to touch them!

"King Yelang, I am a Daqin businessman. This is my Great Qin General. He told me to tell you that he is going to break your legs. If you don't want to suffer, just stretch out your legs obediently. Otherwise, don't blame me when the time comes." The general is merciless!"

The business man turned his head and said to King Yelang immediately.

As soon as these words came out, King Yelang wanted to cry.

Before he became a king, no one dared to insult him, but now that he is a king, he never expected to be so despised by others.

But contempt is contempt, he is afraid.

Under the intense fear, he dared not even speak a strong word.

"No...General, listen to me, can't do anything to me, I am the king, I am the king of Yelang Kingdom."

"As long as you let me go, I can give you high officials and rich salary. I will let you be the Grand Marshal, the Grand Marshal of my Yelang Kingdom, and command the soldiers and horses of the world!"

King Yelang's heart trembled and he stammered.

The business man heard the words and quickly translated.

When Xu Chu heard it, he was immediately happy. Was he fooling himself?

How rare is he, a general of soldiers and horses of the Yelang Kingdom?
He was loyal to His Majesty the Emperor all his life, not to mention the Generalissimo of the Yelang Kingdom, even if the Generalissimo of the Xiongnu was in front of him, he would not betray His Majesty the Emperor.

Xu Chu wanted to say something else, but Li Yuanba was a little impatient at this moment.

"I said you guys are finished, my brother is still waiting for our news, what are you doing with so much nonsense? If you don't fight, I will fight!"

Li Yuanba snorted coldly, before he finished speaking, he raised the hammer and smashed it down without giving King Yelang a chance to react.


Xu Chu still wanted to stop it, but he had no chance.


Accompanied by a scream, Xu Chu looked at King Yelang's legs that had been smashed into pulp under his knees, couldn't help his teeth sore, and said dissatisfiedly: "You can't leave me one. Your Majesty Order to break his legs, now that you are done beating, what should I do?"

"This is the leg of the lord of a country. It's not always possible to smash it. If I break his hand now, I will definitely be blamed by His Majesty again, really!"

As he said that, Xu Chu gave Li Yuanba an annoyed look.

"Who told you to talk so much nonsense!"

Li Yuanba curled his lips. From his point of view, his elder brother was in a bad mood, and elder sister Yinyue was washed away by this guy again.

It's good enough that he didn't kill this guy, so it's unreasonable to give him back.

"Oh ah……"

When the two were very dissatisfied and blamed each other, King Yelang also screamed heart-piercingly, and the severe pain made him almost pass out.

"Stop calling!"

Li Yuanba kicked King Yelang impatiently, then turned to the businessman and said, "Tell him, His Majesty the Emperor has an order,"

While speaking, Li Yuanba was about to read the emperor's will, but he couldn't remember how to read it for a while.

"Look at you!"

At the side, Xu Chu glared at him, and told the business man, "Your Majesty has ordered to break his legs today, but it is a minor punishment and a major punishment."

"Let him roll obediently to the territory of Dian Kingdom within half a month, to plead guilty to His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor, and at the same time use all the power of the whole country to find my Great Qin Concubine, Miss Yinyue."

"This is the portrait of my Great Concubine Qin. If you dare to be negligent, or if you can't find anyone within a certain period of time, let him wait to destroy the country!"

As he spoke, Xu Chu took out the portrait of Yinyue painted by Ying Shou from Li Yuanba, and placed it on King Yelang's body.

Hearing the words, the businessman quickly responded and translated his words for King Yelang.

"Finally, you tell him that if he hurts even a single hair of my Daqin people in the future, I will definitely pay Yelang back ten thousand times. This is the promise of this general, and it is also the promise of my Daqin. He had better weigh it!"

Then, Xu Chu spoke again.

Hearing this, the business man knew that it was for the benefit of businessmen like himself, so he was excited and quickly translated.

While speaking, I couldn't help being proud.

Great Qin is Great Qin. As the people of Great Qin, even if they stand on the territory of other countries and face other kings, they all have invisible arrogance and domineering.

After the business man finished translating, Xu Chu and Li Yuanba got on their horses without talking nonsense, turned their horses around, and headed directly towards Dian Kingdom.

King Yelang was sent by the Emperor of Qin, two people, just two people, entered Yelang Kingdom in two days, massacred [-] troops, and finally broke the legs of King Yelang. The spies from all over the world were sent back to their home country.

All of a sudden, after the Great Qin's 30 troops massacred nearly [-] troops, and the news that the Emperor of the Great Qin ordered all nations to worship and prepare for war, the news spread like a thunderclap, frightening the Southwest countries.

Two people, just two people.

Attacked day and night, slaughtered [-] troops, entered Yelang King City, and broke Yelang King's legs.

This news is definitely more terrifying than the massacre of nearly 30 troops by the five thousand troops of the Great Qin Dynasty, and even more shocking than the hoarding of one hundred thousand troops by the Great Qin Dynasty.

Only two people in Daqin can set off such a storm. If a hundred thousand troops take action, wouldn't the world be turned upside down?

This time, the missions to various countries have no more pressure.

Everyone was afraid of Daqin, humiliated to Daqin's envoys, accepted the emperor's will, and decided to go to Dian Kingdom to worship.

Of course, these are things for later, and it is also a matter for each country.

After Xu Chu and Li Yuanba left, Han Xin finally led an army of more than [-] people to rescue him.

Entering the city, the war had already ended. With a look of self-blame on his face, Han Xin took King Yelang back to the palace, and said guiltily: "My lord, it's not good for the last general, and the last general should not go out at this time, otherwise If the last general is in the camp, he will definitely lead an army to rescue him. It is Han Xin who is guilty, and please forgive him!"

While speaking, Han Xin sniveled and burst into tears, as touching as he wanted.

(End of this chapter)

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