Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 413 Impassioned

Chapter 413 Impassioned

"Han...Han are finally here..."

"Call... call the army... mobilize... mobilize the power of my whole country... today's humiliation, I will use all the power of my whole country... I will also... I will definitely pay it back a hundred times... the army... where is the army!"

Yelang Wang Munan was about to burst into tears, under the strong humiliation, his eyes were already bloodshot, and under the anger, even the arteries on his forehead were throbbing crazily.

As the king of Yelang Kingdom, when did he suffer such humiliation?
Two people, just two people!

Breaking into one's own country, killing one's own soldiers, and breaking one's own legs, is really a shame.

If he doesn't avenge this revenge, what face does he have to stand in this world.

"Your Majesty can't!"

When Han Xin heard this, his whole body trembled, and his heart was shocked.

At this moment, what he is most afraid of is that King Yelang will fight Daqin at all costs.

Don't look at the emptiness of Daqin today, but if you really want to fight Daqin, not to mention a mere Yelang, even if all the countries in the Southwest unite, in his opinion, it is not enough for Daqin to fight.

He is preparing to use the power of all the countries in the Southwest to fight to the death with Great Qin, but this battle is definitely not like this.

First of all, he has to inherit the power of the Yelang Kingdom and unify the countries in the Southwest.

At that time, he will be the king of the Southwest and command an army of millions to have a chance.

Now, if it is true that King Yelang will fight Daqin at all costs.His plan will be completely aborted.

"Han did you say?"

King Yelang turned over abruptly, ignoring the severe pain in his legs, grabbed Han Xin by the collar, and said through gritted teeth.

On the side, Shen Xingnan was born in the South, and also intersects with the Southwest. He understands Yelang Dialect, so he hurriedly translated it.

"Your Majesty, listen to me, this is definitely not the time to confront Da Qin head-on. Yelang has gone through many battles, and now his vitality has not yet recovered. Attacking Da Qin at this time is tantamount to courting death!"

"As the saying goes, ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. When we wait for the present, we should work hard to govern and strengthen the country."

"In the future, my army, Ye Lang, will march eastward, and we will definitely destroy Qin and take down the emperor of Qin. Why can't we repay today's humiliation a thousand times and a thousand times?"

Han Xin frowned and demanded loudly.

In this battle, no matter what, he must not fight.

If it weren't for the fact that King Yelang still had a lot of value to use, at this moment, he even had the idea of ​​killing King Yelang and ending the war.

It's not that he doesn't want to fight, it's just that he can't fight now.

"Go bastard, you go away..."

King Yelang was furious, spat out a big mouthful of blood, rolled his eyes, was full of energy and blood, and passed out.

Looking at the fainted King Yelang, Han Xin got up slowly, tidied his clothes, and the previous humbleness was swept away in an instant, and he said coldly: "Take care of the king, if there is anything wrong with the king, I will help you ask!"

On the side, several palace maids heard the words and hurriedly responded.

Han Xin's eyes were cold, and he walked out of the palace slowly, looking towards the direction of Dian Kingdom.

"Ying Shou, Ying Shou, you are really arrogant. Back then in the land of Baiyue, you strongly suppressed all countries, but now in this southwest land, you are still doing the same old tricks, even stronger than before. Do you really think you are invincible? Yet?"

"You wait, you wait for me, sooner or later, I will drive you out of the royal court and the throne, this world is mine, mine!"

Behind Han Xin, Shen Xingnan looked at Han Xin's back and trembled violently, with a look of horror in his eyes.

In Han Xin's body, it was impossible for him to see the arrogance of Ying Shou, and even compared to Ying Shou's arrogance, Han Xin looked humble and cowardly.

But it was such humbleness and cowardice, as well as the big ambitions and unimaginable goals that day, that shocked people.

It's hard to imagine how deep-minded a person with great ambitions can be so forbearing.

"Shen Xingnan listens to the order!"

Suddenly, Han Xin scolded.

"Shen Xingnan is here!"

Shen Xingnan hurriedly clasped his fists in response.

"Tonight, Yelang Kingdom is full of civil and military affairs, and there is no one left. Yelang Kingdom is developing vigorously, and a thousand wastes are waiting to be rejuvenated."

"Your Majesty is unconscious and in a state of confusion. In this court, there must be someone in charge of the overall situation. This general entrusts you with this matter. You should know what to do, right?"

Han Xin said coldly.

"Shen Xingnan understands!"

Shen Xingnan's eyes flashed, but he didn't understand what Han Xin meant.

This is to take advantage of the emptiness of the court of Yelang Kingdom and take advantage of all the rights of King Yelang.

As long as he seizes this opportunity and makes the court full of his own people, then Han Xin will have the final say on the royal court of Yelang?
Han Xin didn't have any nonsense, just turned his head, took a deep look at Shen Xingnan, turned around and left here, leading an army of 12 to practice day and night.

Han Xin leads the army, the military order is like a mountain, and he is merciless.

The 12 army, under his training, will kill anyone who refuses to obey!Complainers beheaded!Those who confuse the army will be killed!Those who disobey orders will be executed!Those who are not punctual will be cut off.

In a word, his soldiers must be ordered to stop, if there is a slight mistake, beheaded!
For a time, the 12 army was terrified, and no one dared to disobey the order.

The powerful military capacity was completely condensed in a short time.

On this day, in front of the barracks, on the huge square, there was a sea of ​​people, and the 12 troops of the Yelang King City Camp gathered here.

Standing on the general platform, Han Xin glanced at everyone, and said coldly, "Very well, the drums are beating today, and no one is late. You bastards have finally condensed the military appearance that my Han Xin army should have! "

"Perhaps you are all angry and dissatisfied. Why did the previous general treat the soldiers so kindly, but this general is so cruel, and he is always ready to kill you!"

"Listen to me, this general will tell you today, why!"

"The thirteen generals of the former Yelang led 13 soldiers. Yes, they are very good at bringing their own soldiers. But those soldiers who are used to living a good life, now, none of them survive, and all of them died on the battlefield!"

"Today, this general is cruel to you. In the future, when you wait on the battlefield, you will exert a hundred times, a thousand times the power, and no one can beat you. You can attack when you advance, and you can defend when you retreat. No one can hurt your life. The cruel result of this general's treatment of you today!"


Ying Shou Gao stood at the general platform, and he spoke encouragingly for more than half an hour, his voice hoarse, which can be described as impassioned.

Gradually, the 12 troops who originally had complaints in their hearts all lowered their heads and were convinced.

"Today, this general will give you a chance. Remember, this general does not want useless soldiers. This general only wants to be the general's soldiers."

"If you follow this general, you must go to the battlefield to make meritorious deeds, and you will be blessed for generations to come. Tell me, who is willing to follow this general, and who is not willing to follow this general. Anyone who is not willing to follow this general, stand up now, how far can you go? No matter how far away, this general will never stop him!"

"Of course, those who want to create eternal merits can stay. But remember what this general said, this general will never show mercy to your subordinates."

"In the future, my general's drills for you will be ten times, a hundred times, or even a thousand times more cruel than today. Anyone who disobeys, this general will definitely kill!"

(End of this chapter)

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