Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 414 History Reappears

Chapter 414 History Reappears
Han Xin glanced at everyone, and said coldly: "Now, you choose!"

The audience was silent, no one spoke.

The 12 army, you look at me, I look at you, all of them are flushed, and they feel their blood is boiling.

At this time, what Han Xin carried was the method of marching in the laws of the Great Qin Dynasty.

Once upon a time in the Central Plains, countries fought wars. However, each country had its own subjects, and those soldiers were basically the soldiers of these subjects.

These courtiers went to the battlefield, and their soldiers have never done meritorious service.Because the credit of those soldiers will eventually be slapped in the name of their masters.

In the end, if the master is happy, he will eat a piece of meat, but if he is not happy, he will get nothing.

This is a semi-feudal, semi-slavery society.

Until the Great Qin Reform, the power of the nobles was weakened, and the common people were reused. Those who made meritorious deeds were rewarded, and those who made mistakes were punished.Anyone who kills the enemy can rely on their heads to lead meritorious service and pay homage to them.

So far, the Daqin iron cavalry, on the battlefield, is a night wolf, a fierce tiger.

In their eyes, there is never an enemy, because all enemies are titles, money, fame, and good things.

Facing a powerful enemy, people's first thought is to escape, and only to fight if they cannot escape.

But if it's money, beauties, fame, titles, high officials and rich salary, who would run away?
Basically, no matter who it is, they are all scrambling for these things, and they will only rush forward desperately, as much as they can get.

Of course, this set of laws of Daqin has been deeply rooted now, but the countries in the Southwest do not have this set of rules.

Han Xin brought this system from Daqin over here, how could he not make the Yelang soldiers excited and longing?
For a while, the 12 troops who were originally full of complaints were a little reluctant to leave the barracks and Han Xin.

They are all from poor families. When they return home, they can only be sent by their masters for the rest of their lives.Staying in the army, as long as they kill the enemy, they will have the opportunity to worship generals and become marquises, benefiting their descendants for generations to come.

"I am willing to follow the general to the death!"

Suddenly, a soldier knelt down on the spot and shouted loudly.

"I am willing to follow the general to the death!"

"I am willing to follow the general to the death!"

Where there is the first, there is the second, the third, the fourth, and countless others.

As the first one made a decision, the rest knelt down one after another, and the mountain cried out.

All men have blood, and men from Southwest countries have even more blood. Unfortunately, no one can dig it out.

Now, after Han Xin's excavation, no one in the 12 army is willing to take a step back, but only wants to move forward to win the supreme fame, high officials and rich salary.

"Okay, since you are not willing to leave, from today onwards, this general will lead you on the bright and smooth road, the supreme road!"

"Everyone listens to the order, take a day off today, you all send letters home, keep safe, and make great ambitions."

"In addition, if you can pull people into the barracks. If you pull five, the general will make him a corps commander. If you pull ten, a hundred, you will be a centurion. If you pull a thousand, I will make him a general! Do you hear me clearly? ?”

While speaking, Han Xin scolded.

Han Xin at this moment is generally the same as Han Xin in history.

In history, Han Xin is best at using water warfare.His every fight seemed to be inseparable from the water.It seems that as long as there is water, it is his home field.

For example, in the last battle, he used the dead end of the water to arouse the fighting spirit of the army, and defeated the Zhao army's armor.

Another example is the flooding of the dragon and the army, just like the flooding of Yancheng, the destruction of the dragon and the [-] troops.

Then again, in the Battle of Gaixia, an ambush from all sides forced Xiang Yu to commit suicide in Wujiang.

Everything, now, he uses it so well that it makes Ying Shou furious.

Similarly, in the history of Zhao Guo's last battle, he almost became a poor commander.In the end, he dismissed his subordinates and ordered them to recruit troops.

Those who bring back five people will be named army commanders, ten people will be super commanders, hundreds of people will be commanders of hundreds of people, and those who bring back five people will be awarded the rank of generals!
In the end, a mere few thousand people brought him an army of hundreds of thousands, which established his strength, took down Qi State in one sentence, and became the king alone.

Now, his opponent is Ying Shou, he will never be reconciled to only have this 12 army, he wants more soldiers, the more the better.Therefore, when this idea is used today, it seems that the history that has been changed by Ying Shou is being staged again.

The 12 troops took orders one after another, and then retreated.

As soon as Han Xin returned to the tent of the Chinese army, at this moment, Shen Xingnan hurried over and reported: "General, Your Majesty has summoned you!"

Han Xin frowned. He didn't want to see King Yelang right now, so he said in a deep voice, "Why did you summon this general?"

Shen Xingnan looked dignified, stepped forward and said: "Just recently, the spies came to report that the Great Qin's 26 troops slaughtered [-] enemy troops!"

Han Xin raised his eyebrows, but he didn't show any surprise.

Ever since Li Yuanba and Xu Chu learned that Ying Shou had come to Dian Kingdom and sent them to break Yelang King's legs, Han Xin basically guessed that the coalition forces of all countries would undoubtedly be defeated.

He is no exception even now when he hears that more than 20 troops were massacred by 5000 people.

There is no shortage of blood in the southwestern countries, but the blood of soldiers has never been tapped, and they can't exert their due combat power at all.

What's more, the coalition forces of various countries have their own ghosts, and it is okay to deal with the Dian Kingdom. If they fight against the Qin army, they will be crushed to death in minutes.

It goes without saying that the Qin army is good at fighting.The Qin army who was able to follow the emperor was a master of all battles, a brave and invincible master.

Coupled with the power of Yingshou, the command of many famous generals, facing a group of barbarian troops, in Han Xin's view, the massacre was nothing more than normal.

It is precisely because he has seen all this that he does not feel that the countries in the Southwest today are the opponents of Ying Shou.

When these people confronted Ying Shou, it was the old birthday star who had hanged himself and was tired of working.

"King Yelang was frightened?"

Han Xin walked aside, fiddled with the bamboo slips, and said silently.

"Yes, Your Majesty was frightened. Qin Jun's record may seem familiar to us, but in Your Majesty's eyes, it is a group of killing Shuras!"

Shen Xingnan nodded, and said seriously: "Furthermore, there is another news that Ying Shou has sent an order to all countries in the southwest to go to worship within a month. Those who dare not go will be destroyed!"

"Oh, just now the king ordered me to do one thing, let me devote all my efforts to find someone!"

During the conversation, Shen Xingnan told all the news.

"Who are you looking for?"

Han Xin was taken aback.

He didn't know that Ying Shoupai Li Yuanba and others came to ask Yelang King to use all the power of the whole country to find news about Yinyue.

Even because of the time issue, he didn't know the result of the war on the Dian Kingdom until today.

"Yingshou's woman, a woman named Yinyue. After Xu Chu and Li Yuanba broke the king's leg that day, they issued an imperial edict to Yingshou, asking him to go to the Kingdom of Dian to confess the crime within half a month, and to use all the efforts of the whole country to find the king. A woman named Yinyue!"

"The woman is here, the Yelang Kingdom is here, and the woman is dead, and the Yelang Kingdom is gone!"

Shen Xingnan's eyes flickered, and as he spoke, he seemed to be laughing at Ying Shou's will.

(End of this chapter)

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