Chapter 416
"Han Xin's next words, please, my lord, is really hard to hear, listen clearly, understand clearly, and keep it firmly in your heart!"

While speaking, Han Xin suddenly came to King Yelang and knelt down, with a bitter and deep hatred, and said with an expression of unshakable hatred with Daqin.

King Yelang trembled all over, his face turned blue.

He couldn't even bear the humiliation of Yue King Goujian, and now he has to suffer even greater humiliation, how can he bear it?

"General... general... please say..."

King Yelang gritted his teeth, and said in a hoarse and trembling voice.

"Your Majesty, God's will tricks people this time. A flood quelled the chaos of the Dian Kingdom, but it drew the wrath of the even more powerful Qin Kingdom. Everything was unexpected."

"Now that the emperor of Qin is here in person, it can be seen that he values ​​that woman even more."

"At this time, the king must bear everything and go to plead guilty. I can't help but plead guilty, and I have to bear the thorns."

"Going this time, the king's humiliation is indispensable, but as long as he listens to Han Xin, the king's life will be safe."

"At that time, as long as the Emperor of Qin relaxes his vigilance, it will be my chance for Yelang to take revenge!"

As Han Xin spoke, tears rolled down his face, as if he was weeping for the humiliation that King Yelang was about to suffer.

"Really... really want me to go? I... I can't do it!"

King Yelang cried, wailed, and burst into tears.

Had he known today, back then, he would never have done such a stupid thing.

Even if you don't become the king, those few days of glory are better than such humiliation.

"Your Majesty..."

Han Xin was heartbroken, and with a cry, he also burst into tears, stepped forward, and hugged King Yelang, like a brother in distress who shared weal and woe.

"Your Majesty, Han Xin knows that His Majesty cannot be humiliated. As the saying goes, the king humiliates his ministers to death. If His Majesty is humiliated like this, will Han Xin"

"But have you thought about it clearly, your majesty? If you don't accept the humiliation today, in the future, the Daqin cavalry will kill me, and Yelang will die as well."

"The king's flesh and blood will all be slaughtered by the Qin army. His underage daughters will be ravaged, and his concubine will be ravaged by Qin. Then, what will happen to the king's humiliation?"

Han Xin was crying, and when he said something, it was moving and tears flowed down his face.

After wailing, King Yelang rubbed his red eyes, pushed Han Xin away, and said desolately: "What the general said is true, since this is the case, I will do my best! General, please continue to teach me!"

" can't be like this, Han Xin can't teach the king anymore. Han Xin really can't bear to be humiliated by the king. In this way, Han Xin has a plan to protect the safety of my Yelang country!"

"Your Majesty, tie Han Xin up and hand him over. Ying Shou is most afraid of Han Xin."

"Just hand over Han Xin and tell him that Han Xin did the flooding of Yancheng this time, and let Han Xin bear all the crimes."

"In the end, Yelang surrendered to Daqin, so maybe Yingshou will let the king go and Yelang go. King, please, tie up Han Xin!"

As he spoke, Han Xin changed his previous words and knelt down again.

"General? So, how is it different from this king being humiliated?"

King Yelang was moved when he heard this.

Before, he was still a little dissatisfied with Han Xin, but he never thought that Han Xin would do so at all costs for Yelang.

Especially Yelang's sentence, Emperor Daqin Yingshou was most afraid of him, and it aroused King Yelang's idea.

Even the emperor of Daqin was so afraid of him, one can imagine the ability of Han Xin.

With him here, Yelang Kingdom will definitely have a powerful opportunity in the future.And once he handed him over, not only would he have to bow down to Ying Shou, but in the future, he wouldn't even have a chance to wash away his shame.

"I beg your Majesty, tie up Han Xin!"

Han Xin burst into tears and shouted loudly.

"No, general, don't do this. How could this king break his own arm? Now that I, Yelang, have come to this point, if I lose the general, what face does this king have to live in this world? General, please get up quickly and tell this king, you There are other ways, hurry up and teach me, Mu Nan begs the general!"

As he said that, King Yelang snotted and burst into tears, how desolate and desolate it really is.

"Your Majesty..."

Han Xin choked up, sucked back the snot that flowed out, and kowtowed with a look of despair on his face: "Your Majesty treats Han Xin as a national soldier, and today Han Xin made another oath that if he doesn't enter the Daqin royal clan in the future, he will live a life of injustice and die in peace! "

As soon as the words fell, Han Xin slapped his head three times, causing Han Xin's head to bleed.

Blood flowed into his eyes, Han Xin stared at King Yelang without blinking, and said cautiously: "Since the king has made a decision, Han Xin will continue talking!"

"To go to the Kingdom of Dian this time, Your Majesty has to take a prison car, wear a prison uniform, and wear thorns. When you see Ying Shou, you must bow three times and kowtow nine times. Whatever he says, Your Majesty must listen to it. It has to be endured."

"Also, please remember, Your Majesty, don't mention Han Xin. Otherwise, once Han Xin's name comes out, even if Ying Shou spares Yelang, he will definitely raise his troops."

"At that time, Han Xin's name will completely harm the Yelang Kingdom!"

Han Xin got up, and said a little bit about the plan he had thought up before.

In the evening, Han Xin just left the capital.

Standing outside the royal city, he rubbed his eyes that were red from crying, but a sneer formed at the corner of his mouth.

Shame, he, Han Xin, was never afraid.He could bear the humiliation in his crotch back then, so what humiliation could he not bear?
Besides, the one who is about to be humiliated now is King Yelang, he just needs to cry, why not do it?
As long as he can achieve his goal, he can do whatever it takes.

On this day, a volume of orders was issued in Yelang King City, and all the power of the whole country was sent to find Yinyue, the great Qin imperial concubine.

Dressed in prison uniform, King Yelang led his family, more than 30 concubines, [-] sons, and [-] daughters, all of whom pleaded guilty and rushed to the Kingdom of Dian.


Dianding, in the royal city, on this day, Gongsun Tan, as an envoy, came to the royal city of Dianding in person.

From a distance, only the king of Dianding and the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty were waiting outside.

Now all countries are terrified of Great Qin.

Daqin had 26 soldiers and horses and slaughtered [-] troops.

Now all countries are ordered to go to the Dian Kingdom to worship, and those who do not go will destroy the country.

For this reason, the Great Qin's [-] troops have been equipped for battle.

Furthermore, King Munan of the Yelang Kingdom, after Ying Shou gave an order, two generals rushed into Yelang's country and forcibly broke both of King Yelang's legs.

How shameful is this to the Yelang Kingdom?And how majestic and domineering is Da Qin?

Who would dare to provoke Daqin on this matter?


Not only did he not, like the King of Dian, he even waited outside the city gate early, waiting for the envoys of the Great Qin Dynasty.

"The Great Qin Envoy said!"

With a mountain call, King Dian Ding hurried forward with his ministers to welcome Gongsun Tan, the envoy of the Great Qin Dynasty.

"Dian Town King Ou Jing led the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty to welcome the envoy of the Great Qin Dynasty, Lord Gongsun!"

The voice of King Dian Ding resounded far away, and after being interpreted by the translator, it reached the ears of Gongsun Tanhe and the missions.

(End of this chapter)

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