Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 417 Great Qin Youli

Chapter 417 Great Qin Youli
"What is your majesty doing? You are a king, and Gongsun Tan is a minister. Although you are not a minister of the king, how can you accept such a great gift from the king?"

Gongsun Tan got off his horse and hurried to Oujing, the king of Dianding. He immediately bowed and said, "The foreign envoy, Gongsun Tan, has met the king of Dianding!"

On the side, the translator translated Gongsun Tan's words, which made Dian Dingwang jump.

"Sir, please, you are a minister of the Heavenly Dynasty, how can you be so courteous as Xiao Wang?"

King Dianding hurriedly supported Gongsun Tan. Now he dare not put on airs as a king in front of the Daqin envoys.

"Your Majesty's words are wrong. The celestial dynasty is the celestial dynasty, and the ministers are the ministers. As a minister of the celestial dynasty, how can you be disrespectful to others? Besides, my Great Qin governs the country with propriety. If I am disrespectful here today, how can Gongsun Tan go to see you?" My Majesty the Great Qin Emperor?"

"Your Majesty was born to be a king. How is it with my son of heaven? That is a matter between the king and your majesty, but the courtesies still have to be fulfilled!"

Gongsun Tan waved his hand and said something, which made Dian Ding Wang's expression unpredictable.

He only thought that Daqin was oppressing others with power, but he didn't expect that Daqin's courtiers came here without any arrogance and domineering, let alone gaining his face in the slightest.

On the contrary, it was some words that made him have to obey.

This Great Qin has power, but it is also polite.

"Great Qin's gift, Xiao Wang respects it, most importantly, sir, please hurry up!"

Dian Ding Wang sincerely convinced.

As the saying goes, people respect me one foot, and I respect others one foot.

Today, Great Qin is powerful and invincible in the world.

However, if the envoys of Daqin can be so polite and give him enough face as the little king of Xiaodian Town, how can he be disrespectful to others?

"Your Majesty please!"

Gongsun Tan waved his hand and said with a smile.

"Hey, sir, you are an envoy of the Heavenly Dynasty. Seeing you is like seeing His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor. How can you let Xiao Wang go first before His Majesty the Emperor?"

King Dian Ding shook his head and said hastily.

"Your Majesty's words are wrong. Gongsun Tan has already said that a king is a king, and a minister is a minister. How can they be confused? The envoys of the Great Qin represent His Majesty the Emperor, but what they really represent is His Majesty's rites. It is not His Majesty the Emperor himself. If you are rude today, Gongsun Tan will be ashamed of His Majesty. Your Majesty please first!"

Gongsun Tan waved his hands and said respectfully.

"Hey, well, since the master said so, Xiao Wang will go first, and the master will follow!"

King Dian Ding was speechless. Facing Da Qin, he was already terrified. Now, the gift of Da Qin made him fear and admire him even more, which gave him enough face.

Under the leadership of King Dianding, everyone came to the main hall of King Dingding.

At this time, Dian Ding Wang had already prepared the banquet, and everyone came up and sat down directly.

"Sir, you are an envoy of the Great Qin Dynasty. You have traveled thousands of miles to the Kingdom of Dian. Here, Mr. Wang Jing is here!"

King Dencho sat on the throne, raised his wine bottle, and said with a smile.

"Your Majesty is joking, it should be Gongsun Tanjing Your Majesty, come on!"

Gongsun Tan raised his bottle in respect, covered his face with his big sleeves, and drank it all in one gulp.

"it is good……"

Dian Ding Wang heroically shouted hello, raised the wine bottle, and drank it in one gulp.After putting down the wine bottle, he asked knowingly, "I don't know why the envoys of the Celestial Dynasty came to our town today?"

After all, it is a bit embarrassing to pay homage to the emperors of other countries.Even if you have to go, you can't just go with your face.Therefore, these official words must be spoken.

"Returning to the king, Gongsun Tan came here today. It is true that His Majesty the Emperor has something, and I want Gongsun Tan to convey it on his behalf!"

Gongsun Tan didn't beat around the bush, he just said it directly.

"Sir, please speak quickly!"

Dian Dingwang said politely.

"That's how it happened. Just before that, His Majesty the Emperor sent Gongsun Tan to the Kingdom of Dian."

"To express etiquette, the concubine Yinyue was specially sent to represent His Majesty. After arriving in Dian Kingdom, the King of Dian respected His Majesty and decided to go to Daqin with his ministers to meet the emperor."

"However, at this time, the Yelang Kingdom killed the envoys of the Dian Kingdom and declared war on the Dian Kingdom. The Dian King couldn't escape for a while!"

"My Great Qin and the Dian Kingdom have good relations. Although they have no blood relatives, they have a brotherly relationship. This Dian Kingdom can't beat the Yelang Kingdom, and the world knows it."

"As the eldest brother in the Celestial Dynasty, how can I watch my brother being bullied? However, the Emperor Daqin didn't want to break the etiquette, so it was inconvenient to send troops to help, so he sent generals Yuwen Chengdu, Li Yuanba, and Xu Chu to help."

"And my imperial concubine, who has followed His Majesty for a long time, gained deep knowledge of the battle formation, and also contributed to the Dian Kingdom's fight against Yelang!"

"Who would have thought that the enemy country would attract floods and do such things that angered the heavens and caused people's grievances. They spared the lives of [-] people and destroyed [-] troops of the Dian Kingdom. Even my mother and mother were washed away by the flood, and there is no trace of them."

"So come here today, Gongsun Tan, on behalf of the Great Qin Emperor, asks the Great King of Dian Town to take action and search the country to see if my Great Qin Empress has come here through the water!"

Gongsun Tan opened his mouth and spoke politely.

It was originally to force others to do things, but when he said it, it made people feel dissatisfied.

"Hahaha, it's easy to talk about, easy to talk about. Sir, wait a moment, this king will send people immediately, even if we use all the power of the whole country, we will definitely find the Great Qin Imperial Concubine!"

Dian Ding Wang laughed and said very boldly.

"Since that's the case, Gongsun Tan would like to thank the King. There is one more thing, I hope the King can appreciate it!"

Gongsun Tan clasped his fists together and said with a smile: "The chaos in the Southwest has a long history. This war has brought disaster to my mother, and His Majesty the Emperor is very unhappy."

"In order to prevent future wars in the Southwest, His Majesty the Emperor had no choice but to come forward and intend to form a brotherly alliance with other countries."

"In the future, whoever dares to mess around again, I, Daqin, will be the master. So, the world will be peaceful, wouldn't it be better? What do you think, Your Majesty?"

King Dian Ding frowned. It sounds nice, but in fact, all fools understand that this is to make them attach themselves to Da Qin.

But if he understands it, can he still resist?Can't you find death?

Anyway, what people say is nice, so let's borrow the donkey to go down the slope.

"Oh, what you said is reasonable. Since it is so, it is really admirable for His Majesty to be considerate of the world. In the future, Xiao Wang will personally thank His Majesty the Emperor!"

King Ding Ding nodded and said with a smile.

"Since that's the case, please trouble your majesty, and please go to Dian Kingdom as soon as possible. My emperor is busy, but he is still waiting!"

Gongsun Tan cupped his fists and said respectfully.

"Don't worry, sir, Xiao Wang will go to visit the Great Qin Emperor soon!"

"From now on, don't talk about the company, let Xiao Wang accompany Mr. to get drunk first!"

King Dian Ding waved his hand, and while speaking, settled the matter.

On that day, Gongsun Tan was not polite, and had a hangover with King Dianding.The next day, the King of Dianding sent people to look for the traces of the Great Qin Concubine, and at the same time made preparations to rush to the Kingdom of Dian for a pilgrimage at any time.

But Gongsun Tan took a step ahead and left directly.

(End of this chapter)

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