Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 418 Domineering Celestial Dynasty

Chapter 418 Domineering Celestial Dynasty
The City of the King of Fu is similar to Dian Town. Early in the morning, the King of the Kingdom of Fu led the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty to welcome the envoys of the Great Qin outside the King City.

However, it was not Gongsun Tan who was sent to the country of Hu this time, but other members of the mission from Gongsun Tan.

After all, there are many countries in the Southwest, and Gongsun Tan can't arrange them one by one. He only needs to choose one as an example.And this example was honored by Dian Ding.

Dian Town, which got Gongsun Tan as an envoy, naturally got some good looks, but other countries were not so lucky.

" drive..."

Outside the King's City, after waiting for a full two hours, the King of the Kingdom of Hu saw dozens of Daqin cavalry rushing from a distance, majestic and majestic, like a black dragon, which made people tremble and was full of momentum.

"Here we come, here we come... Hurry up and welcome..."

The King of the Kingdom of Fu, like the King of Dianding, had already been overwhelmed by the Great Qin, and greeted him from afar.

"Xiao Wang of the Kingdom of Hu, I heard that the envoys of the Great Qin Dynasty are coming, and I am here to greet you, Xiao Wang is very polite!"

While speaking, the officials bowed to greet him, and the King of the Kingdom of Chu was no exception.

On the side, the translator hurriedly translated, and passed it into the ears of a centurion guard of honor of the Great Qin Mission on this mission.

The centurion led the men to stop the horse at the same time, and did not dismount, standing high above, looking down at the king of the country.

"You are the great king of the country, right? Now that you have come out, I can save some trouble. I will give you a few words from His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor, and remember them well."

"I was swept away by the flood in the northwestern border of the Great Qin Imperial Concubine. His Majesty the Emperor was furious and ordered you to search for it with all the strength of the whole country. If you find it, you will be rewarded. If you can't find it, my army of [-] is right behind, so you can come here in person." Look for the country!"

"In addition, now that His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor shines on the sun and the moon, and is coming to your northwest land, you should prepare quickly and go to the Kingdom of Dian to pay homage within a month. A little later, I, the Great Qin Hundred Thousand Tiejia, don't mind coming to meet the King. Farewell! "

After finishing speaking, without giving the King of the Kingdom of Chu a chance to speak, the centurion gave an order, and dozens of cavalry rode away.


The King of the Kingdom of Fu was furious, too rampant, really too rampant.

However, after thinking about it, what if he has this strength, no matter how rampant he is?Can you beat others?Shut up obediently if you can't beat it, this in itself is the attitude that a powerful country should have.

Back in the court, although the king was not reconciled, he still gave an order to use all the power of the whole country to find the Great Qin imperial concubine at all costs.At the same time, he packed up and set off for Daqin.

This kind of thing is constantly happening in the Southwest countries.

Except for Gongsun Tan, a famous master who is a real envoy, those soldiers don't give face or reason at all.

In a word, you must worship obediently and obey obediently, otherwise, don't blame me for a hundred thousand troops to come to your border.

Not to mention facing the Great Qin's [-] cavalry, even if facing the Great Qin's [-] soldiers still in the southwest, these countries would not dare to provoke at this moment.There is no choice but to obey.



In the Dian King City, Li Yuanba and Xu Chu rode their horses and headed straight for the palace.

"See Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Long Live Long Live Long Live Long Live Your Majesty!"

When the two came to the palace, Ying Shou stood in front of him and immediately knelt down to worship.

"Pingshen, how are you doing what I asked you to do?"

Ying Shou waved his sleeves and said silently.

During this period of time, he never took a single step out of the Dian King's Palace, as if this was no longer the Dian King's Palace, but the Great Qin Imperial City.

Every day, he is here waiting for reports from all parties.

At this moment, when Li Yuanba and Xu Chu arrived, he just wanted to know whether King Yelang had his leg broken or not.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the last general and the son went on this trip and wiped out nearly [-] enemy troops, and successfully broke the legs of King Yelang. I also told him that if you can't come within half a month, Worship, the two of us will go again and kill him Yelang!"

Xu Chu clasped his fists, and when he said this, he couldn't help pausing for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "It's just your majesty, will King Yelang really be obedient and come to worship? If he doesn't come, will we really destroy his kingdom? , can you let Xu Chu lead the army, hehe!"

"You reckless man, what else can you do besides fighting all day long?"

Ying Shou stared. He claimed to mobilize an army of [-] to fight anyone he wanted. In fact, he knew very well that he could not fight anyone.

Of course, if he is in a hurry, he will really do some frightening things.

But at least, no one dares to make him fear in all parts of the Southwest.

This point, Han Xinxin of Yelang Kingdom is clear and clear, and Ying Shou himself is also clear.

If King Yelang doesn't come this time, Ying Shou really doesn't know what to do, because Ying Shou knows very well that he must come, he will come, and even now, he should be on the way.

Not for anything else, just because although Ying Shou didn't get any news from Han Xin, he can be sure that Han Xin must be in Yelang.

If he doesn't, King Yelang might still dare to resist one or two.

But where is this guy who is famous for his crotch humiliation? Today, the shame of King Yelang has to be endured, and he has to suffer if he doesn't.

Ying Shou believes that what he knows, Han Xin also knows.I understand that the countries in the Southwest cannot be moved, so Han Xin naturally understands.

But he was really in a hurry, and he had to move if he couldn't move. Han Xin knew this too.

Therefore, for future development, he will definitely play an immeasurable role in this event.

"Your Majesty, you are wrong. The general just wants to serve His Majesty, why does His Majesty leave him aside every time he talks about war? It's not fair, not fair at all!"

Xu Chu muttered dissatisfiedly.


Ying Shou scolded, this guy is only thinking about beating.

It seems that his existence, if it is not for fighting, is of no value.

"Go away!"

Xu Chu muttered in displeasure, this good credit was taken by others, and the more he thought about it, the worse he got.

But for the emperor's loyal ministers, he didn't know what to do, so he could only obey obediently.Immediately, he got up and walked outside.

"Hey, this big black guy is so stupid!"

Li Yuanba stood aside and smiled, and said with an expression of seeing a joke.

"Don't laugh too, it makes you look like a good person. I'll be fine in the future, stay in the palace more, and learn etiquette from your sister Nanyan. How old you are, you can marry a wife, don't fight and kill all day long Kill it, what do you want to say!"

Ying Shou glared at Li Yuanba, and scolded unceremoniously.


Li Yuanba shrank his neck. At this moment, he was really afraid of Ying Shou, so he could only shut up immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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