Chapter 423
"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

A round of arrow rain hit the Qin army's camp in the dark night.


"Pfft puff..."

There was a burst of screams. Although the Qin army was ready and set up shields, hundreds of people were shot and killed instantly.


Among the Qin army, Wang Lin's voice suddenly sounded, and Wang Lin, who was supposed to be asleep, suddenly walked out of the camp with a spear in his hand.

Following his order, three thousand Qin soldiers took out crossbow arrows from their waists at the same time, set them up and shot them out round after round.

The [-] Huns army, after a round of arrow rain, had rushed to the front and was about to slaughter with a knife, but they did not expect that the Qin army would react so quickly.

Especially the crossbow, which is different from the bow.

Bow and arrow still need to draw the bow and set the arrow, which takes a lot of time.

And this arrow crossbow, as long as the ten arrows equipped in it are not shot out, it can be shot out wave after wave.

In an instant, the army of the Huns, who had no shields at all, charged up and killed a row. In just a short moment, the five thousand army fell down wave after wave like grass harvested by a harvester. .

After ten crossbow arrows were fired, the moon emerged from the clouds again.


Wang Lin held a spear in his hand and swung it violently.


Three thousand cavalry, waving and singing, rushed towards the Hun army frantically.

"Boom boom boom..."

"Clang clang..."


A group of people turned their backs on their backs, the sound of gold and iron intersecting resounded endlessly, and the screams followed one after another.

There are the sounds of the Qin army being stepped on by the enemy's horseshoes on the tower, the sound of the enemy's war horse being overturned, and the sound of someone screaming before dying.

During the battle, Wang Lin's eyes were silent, like a god of death, he flew up and rushed into the enemy army, waving a spear in his hand frivolously.



There was a sound of broken bones, and there was a muffled rumbling sound. Wang Lin shot off the four legs of a war horse with a single shot.

Then, Wang Lin flew forward, his spear shining with silver light, broke through the neck of a Hun cavalryman, and directly picked up the Hun cavalryman.

Dozens of war horses came galloping around, Wang Lin flicked his spear, and the corpse on the tip of the spear was thrown out.Immediately afterwards, he jumped up in the air, and the spear in his hand was like silver across the void.

With a sound of "stab", the blood light flashed, and the necks of dozens of Hun cavalrymen burst into blood light at the same time.


Roaring sounded continuously, and three thousand Qin soldiers frantically culled them, without any timidity because this place was the territory of the Huns.

After a burst of slaughter, the remaining two thousand Hun cavalry fell one after another, and the dead could not die any more.

In less than half an hour, the battle was over.

The Qin army lost three hundred, and the rest stood on the spot covered in blood.

Holding a long spear, Wang Lin stood in front of the army, raised and waved his thugs, and shouted: "Chop off all your heads, and send them to the Huns' court tomorrow to receive a reward!"


The army responded, drew out his guillotine, stepped forward, and cut off heads one by one.

The bloody scene is like an endless hell.

After the heads were cut off one by one, no one cared about the bodies of the five thousand Hun soldiers.

Daqin soldiers rested with their bloody heads one by one, and did not let go while sleeping.

In their view, this is glory, this is merit, as long as they don't hand it in, they have to carry it with them at all times.

The next day, at the court of the Xiongnu king, the Xiongnu Shanyu Modun was awakened early in the morning.

"What, then Qin Jun came to receive the reward with five thousand heads?"

Mao Dun was surprised, isn't this Qin Jun too bold?Come to your own territory, dare to kill your own people to receive a reward?
In a fit of rage, Mao Dun Shanyu summoned Wang Lin in the royal court hall.

Wang Lin and the [-] soldiers put down their weapons, as if they were going to leave their lives here, but each of them raised their heads and came to the palace of the king.

All the soldiers were waiting outside the king's hall with their heads raised. Only Wang Lin, covered in blood, walked into the hall alone.

"Wang Lin, a young general of the Great Qin Dynasty, met the Xiongnu Shanyu!"

Standing in the hall, Wang Lin cupped his hands.

"Bold Wang Lin, I heard that you came to receive the reward with 5000 heads."

"In my territory of the Huns, if you don't stay obediently, you dare to kill my people of the Huns, and even come to show off your power, do you really think that I dare not kill you?"

Mao Dun was furious, pointed at Wang Lin and shouted.

"This statement alone is absurd!"

"My Qin army has never managed to take action against the common people. As long as there are no swordsmen, my Daqin soldiers will never attack. Since they attack, the ones who should be killed are the ones who should be killed!"

"Just now Shanyu asked about the crime. Here, Wang Lin also wants to ask Shanyu. Is it possible that sending troops to assassinate in the middle of the night is the Huns' way of hospitality? If you Huns want to fight, I will wait for you even if there are only 3000 troops. Disgusting!"

Wang Lin narrowed his eyes slightly, and retorted.

"What did you say? You said I sent troops to assassinate you?"

After listening to it, I was immediately happy.

What kind of person is he, why assassinate if he wants to kill?

Even the emperor of Great Qin is not worthy of his assassination, let alone a mere young general.

Even though he had to admire this young general, he hadn't gotten to the point where he had to kill him.

"Why, Shan Yu thinks that I am wronging you, the Huns?"

Wang Lin snorted coldly.

"Wait a minute, I don't know what's going on for the time being, but I will definitely investigate what's going on."

"Remember, I want to kill you, but I haven't reached the point where I need to assassinate you. After I investigate clearly, if this matter is your problem, I will definitely kill you."

"If this matter is someone else's problem, I will definitely give you an explanation. Don't worry, I really don't like Qin people, but since I keep you, I will give you the treatment you deserve. Take me to see, then Where are the 5000 heads!"

Xiongnu Shanyu Maodun's heart moved, and he was really not sure what was going on for a while, so he said coldly.

While speaking, he stood up and walked directly outside the hall.

When he saw Daqin Heijia outside, holding human heads in his hands, and feeling bloody all over his body, his pupils suddenly constricted, and an inexplicable cold air rushed straight from the bottom of his feet to the Tianling Gai.

This army is so iron-blooded that it is terrifying!
"Little boy, you go back first, the head will be kept, I will decide whether to reward or punish later!"

Mao Dun took a deep breath and said coldly.


Wang Lin didn't talk nonsense, bowed his hands, turned around and left with the army, walked out of the royal court, each took back their weapons, and came to the camp.

"General, how did you know that the Xiongnu would come to attack last night? And today, I was waiting in front of the Xiongnu Shanyu to show off his power, but he let us go. Why?"

Back in the camp, a middle-aged lieutenant general who followed Wang Lin this time in the Qin army was puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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