Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 424 The Story of Mouton

Chapter 424 The Story of Mouton

"Before answering your questions, let me ask you a few questions!"

Wang Lin sat down in the big tent, raised his head and looked at the lieutenant general.

"Excuse me, General!"

The deputy general said quickly.

"First, let me ask you, is the Huns strong?"

Wang Lin said coldly.


The deputy general thought about it carefully and couldn't deny it.

A joke, can a nation that can be hostile to Daqin, and even force Daqin to build the Great Wall to stop it, be strong?
Even Donghu, who was three points stronger than the Xiongnu and Daqin in the west, has been beaten to the ground now. It would be a joke to say that it is not strong enough.

"Ask another question, is my Great Qin strong?"

Wang Lin asked again.

"Nature is powerful!"

The lieutenant said without hesitation.

"That's right, then you say, as powerful as my Great Qin, as the Emperor of Great Qin, do you think His Majesty will disregard face and attack a young general who is bigger than sesame seeds? Even, he will go to great lengths to send troops to assassinate him? "

Wang Lin sneered.

"Of course not!"

As the deputy general spoke, he suddenly understood, and said: "The general is saying that the assassination cavalry last night were not sent by the Xiongnu Shanyu?"

Wang Lin nodded and said, "That's right, first of all, I'm here to give gifts, and I'm just a little-known young general."

"Even if the Huns are shameless, they won't be shameless enough to deal with me. Therefore, I couldn't die after making a scene in the royal court last night."

"Assassinated last night and received the reward today, I can't die. On the contrary, for my own face, some people have to die. This is the price the Huns must pay!"

"The last point, you have to remember. To be a human being, the most important thing is to understand your own position. We are not qualified to attract the attention of the Xiongnu Chanyu. His opponent is only one, His Majesty the current emperor."

"If it was His Majesty, he might still pay attention to three points, and even trap and kill at all costs. But such a situation will never happen to us. Just because of us, we are not qualified, understand?"

Hearing the words, the deputy general's expression flickered.

Wang Lin's words seem to be self-deprecating, but in fact, they are not unreasonable.

Yes, the Huns are indeed cruel, and they kill the Qin people when they see them.But they came here to give gifts this time, and everything that should be let go was let go.

And what they are facing now is the lord of the Xiongnu, the Lord Shan Yu. As a generation of heroes, if they really want to take action against these little people, wouldn't it be a shame?

"The last general understands. I really didn't expect that after [-] years in the army, I have lived at such an age, but I can't think clearly like a general at such a young age. The general's words are really enlightening!"

The lieutenant sighed, said goodbye, and turned to leave.

As the deputy general left, Wang Lin just sat quietly in the tent without going anywhere, as if waiting for something.

About half an hour later, a war horse came from afar, walked outside the big tent, and shouted loudly: "Chan Yu has ordered, Xuan Wanglin goes to the palace!"

In the big tent, Wang Lin stood up abruptly, walked out of the tent, got on his horse, and rode away.

When he came outside the royal court, he dismounted from his horse and walked directly into the main hall without anyone stopping him.

As soon as I came to the hall, I saw that the hall was already full of people.

Before Wang Lin could stand still, Mao Dun waved his hand on the throne, and threw out a bloody head.

"Little boy, I'll give it to you, let's play with it!"

Mao Dun stared at Wang Lindao with gloomy eyes.

After Wang Lin left, he sent someone to investigate, and it turned out that it was his subordinate, a representative of a tribe leader who dispatched troops behind his back to attack the Qin army.

In his life, the thing Mao Dun disliked the most was being betrayed by others, and anyone who disobeyed orders would be killed without mercy.

Immediately, with the sword in hand, he directly beheaded the person who gave the order.

Even at this moment, troops have been sent to take the head of the tribal leader behind this person, and directly ordered to destroy the tribe.

This approach does not mean that Daqin should be given an explanation, but Wang Lin should be given an explanation, just because his eyesight can't rub the sand.

In history, Mao Dun was a ruthless person, and his words can be called overbearing ancient and modern.

Destiny should be in your own hands, even if there is only one ten-thousandth danger, it must not be controlled by others.

Although in this life, because of the appearance of Ying Shou, it seems that the whole history has shifted, and Mao Dun did not kill his father or king, but his character has not changed at all.

I remember these words from the beginning, when he killed his father and king, he said it out of emotion.

In that period of history, it was because his father Touman Shanyu looked down on him, so he became interested in Prince Fei Li, but he couldn't speak up, so he was sent to the neighboring Yuezhi as a hostage.

It was too much for the dignified prince to be a hostage, but Tou Manchan sent troops to attack the Yue family, which clearly put him to death.

At that time, Modun took away a BMW from Yueshi and fled back to the Xiongnu. When his father saw this, he was amazed at his strength, so he didn't doubt him, and gave him the military power to conquer everywhere.

He did not disappoint Touman Shanyu, he won every battle, and he was even more loved by his father.

However, even though he has been favored at this time, he has already given birth to murderous intentions.

He knew that favors belonged to pets, and if he could not hold his own destiny in his hands, he would be in danger of dying at any time.

So he decided to train his own dead soldiers, ready to seize power.

One day, he led his army to hunt, shot and killed a prey, and ordered the army to follow and shoot the prey.

However, who dares to move the prince's prey?
No one did anything, he shot several people without hesitation, and ordered those who did not listen to kill.

When the army saw this, how could they dare to hesitate?They shot arrows one after another, and shot the prey into a sieve.

One day, he shot an arrow at his BMW and ordered the army to shoot the BMW.

How dare the army shoot the prince's favorite horse?In the end, he shot and killed a few more people, and ordered these troops to shoot and kill his beloved horse frantically.

The next day, he shot and killed his concubine with an arrow, and ordered the army to shoot him.

Now, who dares to shoot and kill the prince's concubine?
But as before, after he shot a few people to death, the rest shot arrows and shot his concubine to death.

Finally, he set his sights on his father, and shot his father's horse first.

This time, no one dared to hesitate, everyone shot arrows and directly shot the horse to death.

At this time, Mao Dun knew that his training of dead soldiers was successful.

Until one day, his father dabbled in hunting, he followed, and shot an arrow at his father.

Without any hesitation, the army behind them shot arrows one after another, killing Touman Shanyu in an instant.

At this point, Touman Shanyu died, and Modun massacred his stepmother and young son as quickly as possible, and killed all Touman's close ministers, thus successfully seizing power.

This is the story of Mao Dun killing his father and king.

Although Tou Mandan died in Daqin in Yingshou's life, Modun did not kill his father and king, but in fact, Modun had already done everything except for killing Touman.

It was precisely because he had an army of dead soldiers that he was able to control the power of the Huns in a short period of time, defeating Donghu every step of the way!

(End of this chapter)

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