Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 425 Recruiting Wang Lin

Chapter 425 Recruiting Wang Lin
For a character like Mao Dun, in order to control his destiny, he will do whatever it takes. He will not show mercy to anyone who resists himself, refuses to listen to him, or acts foolishly behind his back. There is only one word, "kill"

At this time, Wang Lin went to the hall, and he threw the head out directly, saying "Take it for fun" can be described as full of momentum.

Wang Lin stared at the head, his pupils suddenly constricted. At this moment, he also felt the horror of this Maodun.

Before he could speak, Mao Dun stared at everyone below, and said coldly: "Let me see clearly one by one, from now on, whoever dares to mess around without my order will be his fate! "

After the words fell, the representatives of the leaders of the tribes below trembled all over, and they didn't even dare to look at Maodun.

Mao Dun's aura was fully revealed at this moment.

"Little boy, please sit down!"

Mao Dun glanced at everyone again, and finally his eyes fell on Wang Lin, and said in a deep voice.

"Thank you Shan Yu!"

Seeing this, Wang Lin didn't pursue the matter anymore, and walked to the side and sat down directly.

"Okay, little boy, tell me. This time you were ordered to come to my Huns, what is the reason?"

Mao Dun didn't talk nonsense, and went straight to the topic when he opened his mouth.

"Establish diplomatic relations!"

Wang Lin raised his head, understated two words, and said the purpose of this time.

"Establish diplomatic relations?"

Mao Dun was stunned for a moment, and said: "You Daqin want to establish diplomatic relations with my Xiongnu? Why, are you not afraid of my Xiongnu?"

While speaking, Mao Dun couldn't help feeling amused.

It is undeniable that he really yearns for the Central Plains. After all, the Central Plains is rich in products, and just a little bit is enough to feed all the Huns. Otherwise, the Huns would not have continuously invaded the Central Plains for hundreds of years.

But precisely because of this, the Central Plains people fear and loathe the Huns, and have no contact with them at all.

Now, Daqin suddenly proposed to establish diplomatic relations, how could he not be surprised?
"That's right, the establishment of diplomatic relations? It's the same sentence. If His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor doesn't speak, the Xiongnu will never want to touch a grain of soil, a drop of water, let alone a grain of our Great Qin."

"But now, His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor is benevolent and determined to establish diplomatic relations for the sake of the two countries. If diplomatic relations are established, business travelers will naturally be able to get what they need in the future. How does Shanyu feel?"

Wang Lin cupped his hands.


This sudden good thing, for a while, when the time came, Ling Maodun hesitated.

He couldn't figure out what the Great Qin Emperor was playing.

In the words of the Central Plains, isn’t establishing diplomatic relations with the Xiongnu just like attracting wolves into the house?
He never denied that he was a wolf, let alone that he longed for the land of the Central Plains.Once the opportunity arises, not to mention the establishment of diplomatic relations, even if it is a trick, the fight must be fought.

As the saying goes, the prosperity of the world is all for profit, and the hustle and bustle of the world is for profit.The war between the two countries is for the benefit. Could it be that the Great Qin Emperor didn't understand this truth?
"Okay, as long as you Daqin dare to establish diplomatic relations, I have absolutely no objection, and I agree with both hands!"

After pondering for a moment, Mao Dun slammed the table and shouted in a deep voice.

He couldn't figure out what the Great Qin Emperor was thinking, but no matter what the opposite was thinking, as long as diplomatic relations were established, it would be good or bad for the Xiongnu.

Given the opportunity, he can naturally go to the Central Plains to be the autumn wind.Even if there is no chance, for the land of the Xiongnu, the benefits of establishing diplomatic relations outweigh the disadvantages. How could he disagree?
"Since Shan Yu has no objection, the young general will leave now, return to Daqin, and report to His Majesty the Emperor, who will soon send envoys to owe a contract with your country!"

Wang Lin heard the words, got up to say goodbye, and was about to leave.

"Hey, wait a minute..."

Seeing this, Mao Dun quickly waved his hands and said with a smile: "Since we are talking about the establishment of diplomatic relations, why don't we communicate first? If we establish diplomatic relations this time, what can you Daqin give me?"

"After all, the establishment of diplomatic relations requires sincerity. In my impression, when you established diplomatic relations in the Central Plains, most of you are good at using marriage as a relationship. I don't know which princess you want to send to marry this time, Great Qin?"

Wang Lin frowned when he heard this.


"Hehe, what Shan Yu said is really true. This marriage is indeed the best way to promote the alliance."

"But why do we have to send princesses from Great Qin instead of our country to send princesses to Qin?"

Wang Lin sneered, now Daqin proposed the establishment of diplomatic relations is good, but it does not mean that Daqin surrendered.This will also send the princess to join forces, what are you kidding?
How wise and powerful is the Great Qin Emperor?How could it be possible to do such a thing of exchanging a woman for a covenant?Even if a marriage alliance is to be made, the Xiongnu must send a woman to make it happen.

"Little boy, if you want to say that, I won't be happy. Since we have established diplomatic relations, we must have sincerity. You Daqin, this is obviously not showing any sincerity!"

Mouton sneered, a little dissatisfied.

"Shanyu Redemption, I have no princess in Daqin. Now the Ying clan has only His Majesty the Emperor, the former King of Qin, and the elder Ziying."

"Half a year ago, His Majesty recognized a younger sister, who was divided into Princess An, and now she is married as a wife. If I want a princess, I, Daqin, don't have it."

"Furthermore, even if my Great Qin has a princess, I'm afraid I wouldn't dare to send it to the Huns. After all, Shan Yu's name of killing his wife is known all over the world. If there is a princess from my Great Qin who marries to the Huns, wouldn't it be a disaster?"

Wang Lin cupped his hands and spoke mercilessly.

This marriage is related to the dignity of a country.If things are like the Warring States period, between countries, you marry and I marry, then that's fine.But if this is still the case for the Huns, what is the face of the Great Qin?

"Hahaha... good... well said... I didn't expect that my name is quite famous in your Daqin, um, good!"

Faced with Wang Lin's sarcastic words, Mao Dun didn't get angry, but laughed heartily.

In his opinion, the name of killing his wife is not a derogation, but a compliment.

He just wants to let the world know that everything in the world is just his tool, even if it is his own woman, if he kills it, he will kill it.

He can kill whoever dares to disobey.

"Little boy, I find that I like you more and more!"

"Well, you don't want to go back to Qin. How about staying with me, the Huns, and working for me?"

After a big laugh, Mao Dun suddenly looked at Wang Lin, his eyes were full of love for talent.

He really likes Wang Lin. If he is one of his subordinates and has such a courtier, he can wake up with a smile in his dreams.

It can be said to be unyielding, look at this little boy, why is he overly aggressive, look at this little boy, how is he satisfied, like pointing his arms, look at this little boy.

This is simply the virtuous minister that the kings of all dynasties dreamed of!
"Thank you for the great kindness of Shanyu, but Wang Lin was born as a member of Daqin, and died as the soul of Daqin? In this life, he is doomed to be incapable of serving Shanyu. Please forgive me!"

Wang Lin's heart skipped a beat, he didn't expect Shan Yu to throw an olive branch at him.But how could he betray Daqin and serve the Huns.

"So you don't give me a chance at all?"

Mao Dun sighed, a little bit reluctant, said.

"Please forgive me, Shan Yu!"

Wang Lin handed over again and refused without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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