Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 426 Yelang King's Plea

Chapter 426 Yelang King's Plea

"Hey, since that's the case, then fine. It's a waste of money if you can't join me under my command."

"I really don't understand, what's so good about Emperor Qin, that you are so flocked to just by giving you the title of a young general. Could it be that I, the General of the Huns, can't compare to your status as a young general?"

"You don't want to, and I don't force it. Since you can't be friends in this life, I hope that one day you can be enemies on the battlefield. Don't let me down!"

"Besides, it's still the same thing. Since we want to establish diplomatic relations, marriage and alliance should be the most important thing. If you don't want to be my Hun's general, you should be my Hun's son-in-law. It shouldn't be a problem, right?"

Mao Dun sighed, then laughed.

"Ah... Shanyu wants to marry the young general?"

This time, Wang Lin was completely dumbfounded.

Even if this is a joint operation, it is also a marriage of the royal family. What does it have to do with me?

"That's right, marrying you. I like you very much. It just so happens that I have two daughters, and they are in their prime, in their prime."

"Even if you look at the world, my two daughters are peerless beauties. One, the year and the seventeenth, and the other one, the year and the fifteenth."

"These two princesses are deeply loved by me. I plan to betroth the eldest princess to your emperor, and the little princess to you. In this way, you won't be disrespecting your emperor's face, how about it?"

Maudun nodded, stared at Wang Lin with a half-smile and said.

Wang Lin was stunned, what is this all about?

I have never met the lord of a country, and I wish I could send all my daughters away, it is really unreasonable.

But when Mao Dun said this, he really didn't know how to refuse.

"Thank you Shan Yu for your great love. However, in my Central Plains, a marriage requires the orders of the parents and the words of the matchmaker to succeed."

"Now the young general is not here to marry a wife, but for the important affairs of his family and country. Therefore, the young general cannot agree to this matter!"

After hesitating again and again, Wang Lin finally refused.

"Then it's easy to handle. Since it's an important matter for the family and the country, it should be handled in the same way as the important affairs of the family and the country. The marriage today is really for the sake of the family and the country."

"Don't you need a matchmaker? I'll be the matchmaker. Send a letter to you, Emperor Qin, and ask him to be the matchmaker."

"At that time, your emperor will issue an order. I'm afraid your parents will have to agree, right? That's how this matter is settled!"

Unexpectedly, just after Wang Lin said his refusal, he took an excuse to answer and directly settled the matter.

Wang Lin felt his mind was blank and completely speechless.

"Since this is the case, the young general will not be disrespectful. I also ask the two princesses to clean up and return to the country with the young general as soon as possible. The young general has to return to his life!"

Helpless, Wang Lin had no choice but to agree, and had a different view of the heroism of the Huns.

After confirming the marriage and the establishment of diplomatic relations, Wang Lin finally retreated after talking for a while.

On the other hand, Maodun did the same. After returning, he immediately ordered the princess to pack up, and then sent three thousand cavalry to escort the princess into Qin together with the three thousand cavalry of Daqin.

The marriages that the nobles and royal families of various countries have only seen are as simple as that, and the decision is made in a few words.

But at this time, Ying Shou, who was far away in the southwest, didn't know that, quietly, he had another woman.

This day was already Ying Shou's deadline for King Yelang.

"Report to His Majesty the Emperor, that King Yelang is here!"

Early in the morning, Tu Sui came to Ying Shou to report.


Ying Shou was combing his hair under Nan Yan's service, when he heard this, he raised his eyebrows and said coldly, "How did you get here?"

Tu Sui said: "I don't know about the general, but I heard from the people below that King Yelang is wearing a prison uniform, trapped in a prison cart, carrying thorns on his back, and brought the whole family with him. It seems that he is pleading guilty with thorns!"

Hearing this, the corners of Ying Shou's mouth rose slightly, revealing a contemptuous smile.

"Apology, it seems that a certain person has really worked hard in this regard!"

Ying Shou sneered, needless to say, he knew who was paying attention.

"Your Majesty, King Yelang can suffer so much humiliation, as if the courtiers saw Goujian, King of Yue back then!"

Behind Ying Shou, Nan Yan was also quite surprised and couldn't help but say.

"Not only Goujian, the king of Yue, but also the humiliation of the crotch!"

Ying Shou curled his lips. He believed that in the whole world, except for that person, no one could do such a shameful thing.

King Yelang and that person are really a match made in heaven!

While speaking, he had tied up his hair and put on a crown, and immediately stood up and said, "Go, go to the main hall, and summon this King Yelang!
After the words fell, he turned around and headed towards the main hall of the Dian King's Court.

At this moment, the court meeting was taking place above the court hall of the Kingdom of Dian. Following the arrival of Ying Shou, the King of Dian immediately got up and went up to greet him and said, "The little king pays homage to His Majesty the Emperor. Long live, long live, long live, His Majesty!"

How could the people below be calm when King Dian bowed this time?

For a time, everyone kowtowed.

Although he didn't want to, the king of Dian had already made a decision to be a vassal of the Great Qin, so what could they do?
"Be flat!"

Ying Shou waved his sleeves, went straight to the throne and sat down, turned his head to look at King Dian, and said, "Brother Dian, I said before that you and I are brothers, and Daqin and Dian are brothers. You don't need to give me such a big gift, come and sit down!"

When the king of Dian heard this, he was speechless. He accepted the ceremony, and said that he should not salute. Who is he going to listen to?

Of course, he would not say this, but stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty's words are wrong, how can the little king be compared with your majesty? Since your majesty is here in person, he will take the seat with the empress, and the little king will invite another one to sit in your highness's place." !"

After saying that, before Ying Shou could refuse, King Dian sent someone to send a chair. He stepped down from the throne and sat down on the chair, as if he was a courtier.

Seeing this, Ying Shou was polite again, before letting Nan Yan who was standing behind him sit down.

Nan Yan took the order and sat down, but she couldn't help being a little nervous.

Although she is the Queen of Great Qin, she never dared to involve the court.

Although this place is only the court hall of the Dian Kingdom, she still feels a little uncomfortable with the feeling of being so superior, and instinctively feels nervous.

"It is said that Yelang Wang Munan is going to the palace!"

As Nan Yan sat down, without any hesitation, Ying Shou waved his sleeves and shouted loudly.

"Let King Yelang go to the palace!"

Tu Sui's voice was heard outside the door, and after a while, a group of people dressed in prison clothes and thorns, men, women, old and young, gathered together, a total of 61 people, the scene was not a big one.

Among them, King Yelang was the first, followed by 33 concubines of King Yelang, twelve sons, and fifteen daughters!
When King Yelang came to the palace, there was an uproar immediately, and everyone looked over in astonishment.

Apparently, no one thought that King Yelang, a majestic generation of kings, could really endure such humiliation, plead guilty, and bring the whole family with him.

(End of this chapter)

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