Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 429 Why Didn't Come Back

Chapter 429 Why Didn't Come Back
"Your Majesty... Your Majesty, may I ask..."

King Yelang lowered his head, his voice was low and weak, and he didn't dare to look up at Ying Shou at all.

On the side, the translator translated his words, and Ying Shoufang said coldly: "Tell him, hand over Han Xin, otherwise, die..."

The interpreter turned around and translated Ying Shou's words without moving. Suddenly, King Yelang, who was prostrate on the ground, trembled.

Sure enough, as Han Xin expected, the emperor really mentioned Han Xin.

But how could he hand over Han Xin at this time?
Not to mention that Han Xin is the source of his revenge now, even if he is not, if Han Xin is handed over at this time, it is really because Han Xin angered the emperor again, and he will be killed directly at that time, wouldn't his previous humiliation be in vain?

"Han Xin... what... what Han Xin..."

King Yelang raised his head slowly, his face full of pain, but he asked in puzzlement.

"Hehe, what Han Xin? Do you want me to tell you what Han Xin is?"

Ying Shou sneered, playing tricks in front of him, really looking for death.

"I'll ask you one last time, Han Xin, you pay it, or not!"

Ying Shou leaned on the throne, staring silently at King Yelang, and said in a solemn voice.

"Your Majesty, Xiao Wang... Xiao Wang really... I really don't know who Han Xin is... So, Your Majesty will give Xiao Wang some time to find out who is Han Xin... and then... I will hand it over to Your Majesty... okay ..."

King Yelang stared at Ying Shou with fear on his face, tears and snot mixed with blood, flowing continuously, and when he spoke, he was desolate, miserable, and made people feel sore.

Above the main hall of the court, all the officials of the Dian Kingdom, including the King of Dian, couldn't bear to see it.

In the final analysis, he is still a king. How can he suffer so much?
However, they dare not say even a single word.

"Your Majesty, who is this Han Xin? Why do you want him to hand over Han Xin? Judging by his appearance, he doesn't seem to know anything about Han Xin!"

Beside Ying Shou, Nanyan was kind-hearted, and even more troubled, she couldn't help asking in a low voice, trying to persuade the emperor.

After all, she didn't know anything about Han Xin.Besides, even if they knew, few people in this world would believe that the emperor would go to war for such an unknown person.

"Is it?"

Ying Shou sneered, replied to Nan Yan, stared at King Yelang again, and said coldly, "Are you sure again, you really don't want to hand over Han Xin?"

Ying Shou's eyes were cold, and there was a murderous look in his speech.

"Your Majesty...Xiao Wang really doesn't know who Han Xin is, how can I hand it over...If His Majesty is dissatisfied, just kill Xiao Wang, Xiao Wang really can't hand over Han Xin!"

King Yelang kowtowed like pounding garlic, and wept loudly, his voice full of fear and fear.

This crying and wailing made one have to believe that he didn't recognize Han Xin and his like at all.

"Okay... Since you insist on pretending to be confused, I don't bother to argue with you. If you don't go on a good road, you will find yourself to suffer. Today, I will let you suffer!"

"Witch doctor, prepare a jar of healing medicine later, soak this bastard thing in it, and put it in the palace, in the open-air terrace. As long as he doesn't hand over Han Xin for a day, no one can let him go without permission, otherwise , I will destroy his nine clans, go!"

Ying Shou stood up abruptly, waved his sleeves, and said solemnly.

As soon as the order was given, someone stepped forward and dragged King Yelang away from here.

"Your Majesty, there is a saying that Xiao Wang doesn't know whether to say or not!"

As King Yelang was taken away, King Dian finally couldn't bear it, stood up and cupped his hands.

"Brother Dian, please tell me!"

Ying Shou glanced sideways and said silently.

"Your Majesty, this Mu Nan is a king even if he talks about it. It's inappropriate for you to treat him like this. I'm afraid he will be cast aside by the world!"

"Furthermore, although Xiao Wang doesn't know who this Han Xin is, if His Majesty really wants to find Han Xin, and Han Xin is in Yelang Kingdom, you can ask his wife and children, why do you have to persecute King Yelang like this?"

King Dian frowned, and while speaking, he was also somewhat dissatisfied with the emperor's actions.

After all, a soldier can be killed, but not humiliated, let alone a king?

"Oh, so speaking of it, Brother Dian is not ashamed of Ying Shou?"

"Okay, since Brother Dian said that, I don't mind admitting it. I really don't care about this so-called Han Xin, but Brother Dian had better be careful. As long as this Han Xin is still in Yelang Kingdom, Your Dian country is equivalent to being neighbors with tigers. One day, your Dian country will be destroyed!"

"Of course, with his ability, if he wants to deal with me, he doesn't dare, and he doesn't have the ability. So I'm worried about you, remember what I said today!"

"In the end, you all heard me clearly. My methods may be a little harsher, but I never attack innocent people. This king Yelang's fault, he should bear it himself. Why should I force it on his wife? on my son?"

"That's right, in this world, there are many stories about cutting weeds and eradicating roots, but I never do anything about cutting weeds and eradicating roots. Except for my Daqin law, I will deal with whoever I really want to deal with. From now on, whoever dares to speak falsely about him?" Wife and son, I will not let him go first!"

After speaking, Ying Shou waved his sleeves, turned around and left.

The officials frowned, and the King of Dian bowed his head.

Everyone's thoughts were complicated, and they were drawn into confusion by the emperor's every move.

First of all, the cruelty of the emperor made them feel fear and dissatisfaction.But the emperor's understanding made them feel admiration.

This is an unpredictable person, whoever pays attention to him will be confused and unable to see through him at all.

Walking out of the main hall, the cold wind hit, Ying Shou looked up to the sky, and saw dark clouds gathered, and an inexplicable oppressive air enveloped him.

"The rainstorm is coming, Yue'er, where are you now?"

As he said that, Ying Shou lowered his head, couldn't stop rubbing his temples, and felt a burst of pain at the temples.

"Your Majesty, don't worry too much. Now, all countries in the southwest are trying their best to find Yinyue. I believe that she is auspicious and will be fine. She will return soon!"

Seeing this, Nan Yan hurried forward, supported Ying Shou and said.

"Is she really safe and sound? Why hasn't she returned so far? If she's really fine, don't you know that I'm looking for her?"

Ying Shou turned his head, his eyes were a little red, and while rubbing his temples, he walked forward.

"Your Majesty, the wives and children of King Yelang have been arranged!"

Just a few steps away, at this moment, Tu Sui stepped forward, cupped his hands and said.

"Oh, let's go, take me over there to have a look!"

Ying Shou raised his head and said in a deep voice.


Tu Sui responded, led the way ahead, and brought Ying Shou to a palace. At this time, in the luxurious palace hall, King Yelang's queen, concubine, and the princes and princesses had all burned incense. Take a bath and put on a brand-new Dian palace costume.

(End of this chapter)

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