Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 430 Qin Daughter Li Jiang

Chapter 430 Qin Daughter Li Jiang
"Meet Your Majesty the Emperor!"

In the palace, there were sixty people, one queen, 32 concubines, twelve princes, and thirteen princesses. Food was placed on the table in front of them, but everyone was frowning, and they didn't even have the appetite to eat. No.

Seeing the emperor's arrival, the concubines and queens stood up one after another, pulled the princes and princesses and bowed down.

"Be flat!"

Ying Shou waved his hand, came to the top seat and sat down, looked at everyone, and said, "Get up, you must be starving during this time, why don't you eat!"

"Reporting to His Majesty the Emperor, the Empress and all the concubines, princesses and princes are deeply impressed by His Majesty's majesty, and they are licking their sorrows, so they don't want to eat!"

After Yelang Kingdom, she was a tall and handsome woman who understood Ying Shou's words without an interpreter, and replied in the language of the Great Qin Dynasty of the Central Plains.

But between the words, he didn't dare to mention King Yelang at all.

After all, how much the emperor hated King Yelang is obvious to all today.Speaking of King Yelang at this time, she was afraid that everyone in this hall would die.

That's all for adults, but children, how innocent are you?
"Hey, are you from Qin?"

Ying Shou was a little surprised.

"Returning to Your Majesty, the foreign queen is from Shu, also from Qin, named Li Jiang. When my father went to Yelang to do business, he encountered disaster on the way, and the foreign queen was rescued by the king of Yelang, so she married the king of Yelang. Actually God's will is unpredictable, the king has no intention of being an enemy of Da Qin, but was tricked by the sky, and such a thing happened, please kill King Yelang!"

Saying this, Li Jiang, Queen of Yelang, knelt down abruptly, weeping uncontrollably.

Behind Li Jiang, a kind of princess and prince also sobbed one after another, very desolate.

"You said, let me kill Mu Nan?"

Ying Shou raised his eyebrows and looked at Li Jiang strangely.

Although after Li Jiang's death, those concubines, princesses and princes also looked very sad because of being implicated this time, but it can be seen from their expressions that no one dared to propose to kill Yelang Wang Munan.On the contrary, it was Li Jiang, who seemed sad, but made this request, which surprised Ying Shou
"Yes, Your Majesty, kill Yelang Wang Munan. My Daqin has a good saying that a scholar can be killed but cannot be humiliated. No matter how he is, he is still a king. If he is so humiliated, what face will he have in the world in the future? Kill him Come on, don't torture me like this again!"

"Finally, these remarks are made by the Empress. If Your Majesty is dissatisfied, you can kill the Empress. Don't implicate the princesses and princes and princesses, please Your Majesty!"

Saying that, Li Jiang kowtowed his head abruptly, only heard a muffled sound, when he raised his head, his forehead was split open and blood flowed horizontally.


A crisp voice sounded, and a four or five-year-old boy ran out suddenly, hugged Li Jiang, and wept uncontrollably.

"My son!"

Li Jiang hugged the child, hugged the child in his arms, and wept sadly.

On the side, Nan Yan, who was standing behind Ying Shou, couldn't help but turn red when she saw this.

Although His Majesty the Emperor was furious at the moment, seeing this scene, she still couldn't bear it.

What a mother-child relationship.

How concentric is this Li Jiang?But for the sake of her husband's face, she had to propose to kill her husband.

"Could it be that the queen doesn't hate that Yelang king at all? As the saying goes, a man is a man who protects his family and the country. Now, he can't protect his family, he can't even protect his country!"

"At the beginning, he held an army of 20, and he could just watch his brother perish, seize the throne, and put the country in danger. Now, for his own selfishness, he disregards his wife and children at home. How can you still treat such a man? Thinking of him so much?"

Ying Shou sighed, inexplicably softened by Li Jiang's hit, and said in a deep voice.

"Your Majesty, Daqin is polite, the king insults his ministers to death. The king is wrong, blame the minister for being unfaithful! The husband is wrong, blame the wife for being unvirtuous. The minister is loyal to the Lord, and the wife is loyal to her husband."

"Today, my husband made a mistake, how can Li Jiang stay out of it? As the saying goes, marry a chicken and marry a dog as a dog, even if the husband is wrong again, can Li Jiang still let him suffer all the humiliation? I don't ask your majesty to bypass my husband, but please Your Majesty...kill...kill him!"

Li Jiang burst into tears. Although he married Yelang, he did not forget the etiquette of the Central Plains.

Ying Shou shook his head, sighing inwardly.

This King Yelang has really accumulated virtue for eight lifetimes!

If you have a wife like this, what can your husband ask for?
He raised his head, looked at the other concubines of King Yelang, and said, "How do you want me to deal with King Yelang?"

These people could not understand the language of the Central Plains, so they had to be helped by translators.

Hearing the translation, the faces of the concubines changed, and they knelt on the ground in panic, no one dared to say a word.

Behind them, a group of princes and princesses also knelt down one after another, their faces full of horror.

"Emperor, just kill my father. My mother is right. If you still don't let go of your hatred, you can kill me and my mother again. Don't torture my father anymore!"

At this moment, the clear and mournful voice sounded, and next to Li Jiang, the little prince suddenly raised his head, pointed at Ying Shou and shouted loudly.

"Prince, don't be presumptuous, don't talk to Your Majesty like this!"

Li Jiang quickly hugged the child, looked at Ying Shou, and sobbed, "Your Majesty, please don't be angry with the child's words!"

Ying Shou shook his head and sighed deeply.

In front of this mother and son, he suddenly found that all kinds of anger in himself seemed to disappear in an instant.

"Okay, Li Jiang, don't worry, I haven't reached the point where I can get angry with a child. King Yelang has accumulated virtue in his previous life. With a princess like you and a prince like you, he will die without regret. You guys Let's eat first, my mind is in a mess right now, let me think about it!"

Ying Shou sighed again and again, stood up, and walked out of the hall.

Suddenly, he stopped at the entrance of the main hall, turned his back to Li Jiang and said: "You should take care of the princesses in the future. Today, I treat him with state courtesy, and I hope the queen will not brush my face!"

Hearing this, Li Jiang trembled all over, turned his head quickly, and shouted: "Thank you Your Majesty, the empress will take good care of everyone!"

Ying Shou nodded and left without saying a word.Nan Yan followed behind, couldn't help looking back at Li Jiang again, with pity in her eyes, and left behind.


Finally, dark clouds covered the top, and between lightning and thunder, heavy rain poured down.

Hearing the pattering rain outside, Ying Shou sat in the palace garden, feeling a sense of fear for no reason, as if a torrent of water was coming again.

He seemed to have seen that girl who was still struggling to survive in the flood, now, whether he is dead or alive, where is she?

Ying Shou stared blankly at the heavy rain outside, his body trembling slightly, whether it was because of the cold or fear.

"His Majesty……"

Nan Yan's heart ached, she stepped forward, and gently hugged Ying Shou from behind.


Ying Shou turned around and hugged her in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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