Chapter 431
"Swallow is here!"

"Don't be afraid, Your Majesty, Yan'er is always with Your Majesty!"

Nan Yan is kind, what she saw and heard today made her burst into tears, but now seeing the majestic and intimidating emperor showing such a cowardice unknown to outsiders, she couldn't help but feel distressed, tears fell again Falling.

It was hard for her to imagine how much harm the flood had caused him.

But now, the great flood caused by the Yelang Kingdom is simply worse.

Don't blame him for being angry or cruel, just because he is really scared.

Everyone will lose all reason in the face of their own fear, including the emperor is no exception.

Nan Yan at this moment can understand Li Jiang's heart very well.

As a woman, who can bear to see her husband suffer like this?

Ying Shou didn't speak, just hugged Nan Yan so tightly.

Without lightning and thunder, his body would tremble one after another, as if the sound of lightning and thunder was the sound of a big river crashing on the bank!

"Yan'er, tell me, how should I deal with that Yelang King?"

At this moment, Ying Shou's mind was in a mess. In his mind, the faces of Nanyan, Yinyue, Li Jiang, and even that child kept coming up.

The appearance of each face will bring him a different feeling.

The warmth brought by Nanyan, the grief brought by Yinyue, the touch brought by Li Jiang, and the empathy brought by that child.

In that child, he seemed to see Ying Shou who fled with his mother back then, how could it not hurt?

At this moment, for King Yelang, he didn't know whether to focus on family and country affairs or personal emotions.

In a state of confusion, he could only look at Nan Yan.

"Your Majesty is the Son of Heaven, how can Yan'er interfere in dealing with the people of the world!"

Nan Yan hugged Ying Shou tightly and whispered in her ear.

"I'm in chaos, completely in chaos. Yan'er, now that Silver Moon is gone, she can't give me a hint, so tell me, what should I do?"

Ying Shou closed his eyes, rested his head on Nan Yan's shoulder, and could not help but hear Yinyue again in his mind.

If she is still by her side at this moment, she doesn't need to say anything, she knows what to do.

But at this time, she is not here, love messes with my heart, sky messes with my mind, the ruthless flood is like a magic barrier, when I see the water, I am afraid, and when I see the water, I will be chaotic!

Nan Yan's tender body trembled slightly, feeling endless grief again.

"Your Majesty, let King Yelang go. Yan'er can tell that His Majesty doesn't want to kill that King Yelang. Your Majesty is not in trouble. Your Majesty has always been clear-sighted. He never thought of killing that Yelang King, let alone think about it." To humiliate that Yelang King!"

"Today's matter, His Majesty is following the trend, and His Majesty is very clear about what he should do. At this time, it is just a demonic barrier that hinders His Majesty. Yan'er knows very well that His Majesty just wants to find an opportunity to release someone. Why not take advantage of it?" Therefore, let him go?"

Nan Yan took a deep breath and said what had been held in her heart for a long time.

As soon as this remark came out, Ying Shou pushed her away violently, raised his head, and looked at her pear-blossoming little face.

"Okay... I listen to you..."

Ying Shou grinned, and at this moment, he suddenly felt extremely relaxed.

Unexpectedly, in the whole world, the one who understands me best is this kind queen who seems to be incompatible with her cruel personality!

He did not think about killing Yelang King, nor did he ever think about destroying Yelang Kingdom.

After all, it seems that all countries in the southwest are afraid of Daqin, but if Daqin really destroyed Ye Lang and caused the destruction of the country, the fearful countries will rise up and deal with Daqin.

Daqin doesn't have the strength to deal with all parts of the Southwest now, or even if it has, after the First World War, Daqin's losses will be unimaginable.

Therefore, no matter what, he will not kill Yelang King, let alone destroy Yelang Kingdom. What he wants now is a result, which is to make the southwestern countries surrender.

As for humiliating King Yelang in this way, it was a layout, a layout for something that might happen in the future.

At this moment, King Yelang seemed to be his pawn, and humiliation was only the first step. In the end, he would not kill King Yelang, but send him back.

It's a pity that no one in the world knows about such thoughts, except Nan Yan, who speaks the truth at this moment, which makes Ying Shou feel like a confidant.

"Go, follow me out to have a look!"

Ying Shou got up, pulled Nan Yan, and walked straight out of the palace gate.

But at the moment when he was about to step out of the gate of the hall, facing the torrential rain, Ying Shou's shouting suddenly stopped.

"Your Majesty, it's just rain!"

Nan Yan's eyes flashed, and she reminded in a low voice.

Ying Shou's pupils shrank suddenly, looking at the stagnant water on the ground, the torrential flood appeared in his mind again.

After hesitating again and again, he finally did not step out of the palace, but pulled Nan Yan away from the side and walked into a corridor.

Outside the hall, the interpreter who had been guarding there saw the emperor leave and hurried to follow.

This is the Kingdom of Dian, and many people speak different languages ​​than Daqin, so he must follow the emperor at all times.

Several people walked through the corridor and came to another courtyard. From a distance, they saw a huge jar in the garden and beside the pond. King Yelang's body was completely soaked in the jar. A head leaked out.

Under such a violent storm, it looked very bleak.

There was no one around, making King Yelang look like a lonely ghost.

"Go get someone to come over and let..."

Ying Shou stood in a corridor far away from King Yelang, frowning slightly, waved his hand, and said in a deep voice to the interpreter following behind him.

But before he finished speaking, he suddenly stopped.

Not far away, in front of the courtyard gate, under the pouring rain, a thin and small figure came stealthily and furtively.

Ying Shou hurriedly pulled Nan Yan and the translator back and hid in a corner.

"It's the little prince!"

Nan Yan exclaimed, and saw that child, it was Li Jiang's son.


Ying Shou made a silent gesture, frowning and looking, with a touch of surprise in his eyes.

The child sneaked into the courtyard, hurried to his father, King Yelang, took out a piece of meat and a rice ball from his arms, stretched out his little hand, and patted the face of King Yelang who had fainted.

Because I was standing far away, I couldn't hear what he said, but I could see that he seemed to be calling for King Yelang.

"Father...Father, wake up..."

While patting King Yelang's face, the child screamed softly, as if he was afraid of disturbing other people.

King Yelang opened his eyes in a daze, only to feel his whole body was stiff and numb, and bursts of severe pain hit him. To him, it seemed that there was no such pain.

"Xiang'er, why are you here? What are you doing here?"

King Yelang's voice was hoarse, surprise flashed in his eyes, and he shouted in a low voice.

"Father... don't talk, and see what Xiang'er brought you!"

The child quickly covered King Yelang's mouth, and took out the rice balls and meat in his arms that had been soaked by the heavy rain.

(End of this chapter)

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