Chapter 432

King Yelang swallowed hard, it was already late at night, and he hadn't eaten for more than a day.

Under the heavy rain, Yunnan is located on a plateau, and the cold wind is raging. In addition, he was soaked in the water, which made him suffer from hunger and cold.

At this moment, not to mention rice balls and meat, even if another bowl of pig food is placed in front of him, it is a delicacy for him.

What royal power and wealth, what delicacies from mountains and seas, at this time of distress, is simply a joke.

"Father, eat quickly..."

The child said that the rice ball stretched out to King Yelang's mouth, and King Yelang couldn't stop immediately, opened his mouth, and bit it down.


The child let out a cry of pain and quickly withdrew his hand.

"what happened?"

King Yelang was taken aback and shouted hastily.

The child put the rice ball in the other hand and raised his hand. Not far away, under the afterglow of the lantern and candlelight, he could still see blood flowing.

One finger was almost bitten off by King Yelang.

"Xiang'er, I..."

King Yelang's heart trembled, and he looked at his son guiltily.

"Hey, father, it's okay, Xiang'er doesn't hurt, come on, keep eating!"

Seeing his father in a state of distress, the child quickly grinned, grabbed the rice ball and stretched it over.


The heavy rain mixed with King Yelang's tears, and although he was suffering from hunger and cold, he could no longer open his mouth.

"Father, eat quickly, Xiang'er really doesn't hurt, eat quickly!"

The child laughed again, but if the heavy rain hadn't covered his face, his eyes would be full of tears at this moment.

"I won't eat it, my father won't eat it. Xiang'er, hurry up, don't let others see it, otherwise, they will hurt you, hurry up!"

King Yelang shook his head. At this moment, he suddenly felt that he was an asshole.

If you want to be humiliated, you can just come by yourself, why do you have to bring your wife and children with you?

What is wrong with them, why do they have to suffer all these hardships.

Fortunately, even though Ying Shou was cruel, he still let them go, otherwise, he really didn't know what he would do to them.

At this moment, he suddenly rang, this is the palace of the Dian king, and now it is Yingshou's territory.

It's surprising that Ying Shou can let his wife and children go once, but there won't be a second chance.

If the tyrant found his son came to feed him, wouldn't he want to kill him?

"No, father eats first, Xiang'er will leave after eating."

"Xiang'er knows that the father is very hungry. This is the meal that the royal palace sent us just now. Xiang'er secretly hid it. If the father doesn't eat it, Xiang'er will never leave. Eat it quickly!"

The child shook his head and said firmly.

"Go away, they will hurt you!"

King Yelang roared in a low voice, waiting for the child to shout.

"Do not……"

The child is very stubborn and refuses to leave if he refuses to leave.


King Yelang was sad in his heart, but when he saw the child still looking at him with a smile on his face, his heart suddenly softened, he couldn't speak anymore, he could only open his mouth gently, and ate the rice ball mouthful.

"Father, don't eat rice balls, there is still meat!"

The child quickly handed over the meat, and King Yelang took another bite.

A mouthful of meat, a mouthful of rice balls, accompanied by rainwater and his son's blood, they were swallowed.

Soon, after eating, King Yelang felt much better.

"Okay, King Father is done eating, Xiang'er, let's go!"

Yelang Wang Qiang smiled to himself, and chased the child away.

"No, Xiang'er wants to stay with her father for a while longer!"

Although the child is young, he shows unimaginable sensibility, and his filial piety is even more touching.

He knew that maybe he didn't get along with his father for a long time, so he could stay as long as he could.

The queen mother has already forced the emperor to kill the father, maybe when the father returns to the west tomorrow, there will be no chance to get along like this again.

So no matter how embarrassed his father is at the moment, he still wants to stay by his side for a while longer.

"Go away, your mother won't be able to find you later, so you should be in a hurry, go away!"

After all, King Yelang couldn't stop crying and roaring in a low voice.

"It's okay, father, look who it is!"

The child shook his head and pointed to the gate of the distant courtyard.

King Yelang turned his head to look, and saw a woman in white clothes covering her face and crying, looking at this side.


King Yelang's eyes froze, he didn't expect her to come too.

Li Jiang turned his head, nodded slightly towards this side, then sobbed and looked around vigilantly.

At this time, not far away, a pair of patrolling guards came, Li Jiang was shocked, rushed in quickly, and was about to leave with the child.

"Queen, what are you doing?"

cried the child hastily.

"Let's go, the patrol is coming!"

Li Jiang cried out in a low voice.

"No, I won't go, I want to accompany my father!"

The child was persistent, and forcibly pulled the jar, and refused to leave if he said no.

"Run, Xiang'er is obedient, run!"

King Yelang was also taken aback and shouted hastily.

"No, I don't want to leave. I want to admire the king. The queen mother taught the sons and ministers to respect the father. Now that the father is suffering, how can the sons live with it. Father, the son wants to accompany you in the rain, and the son must not let the father suffer. Wang Gudu, even if he dies, his son must accompany his father!"

The child was crying loudly, and while talking, the group of patrol soldiers had already arrived.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

With a yell, a group of patrol soldiers rushed forward.

"Master, it's okay, the child is running around, we'll go back!"

Li Jiang hastily smiled, but was a little powerless to pull the child.

"Why are you so fierce? Can I come and see my father?"

The child was bold and raised his head to confront the soldiers.

"Hey, it turned out to be the seed of King Yelang. You dare to come to see him now, and you can't find death? You are a child, so leave quickly, or don't blame me for being merciless!"

Dian Kingdom and Yelang, as well as Zhao Kingdom and Bashu, have the same language.

At this moment, the soldiers recognized the child and said coldly.

"I won't leave, what do you want? Kill me, come on!"

The child stuck his neck and refused to let go.

"Hey, this little brat, you really don't know the heights of the sky and the earth!"

Those soldiers sneered, but they didn't do anything to a child, but turned to look at Li Jiang, and said coldly: "Take him away quickly, or the one above will get angry later, and no one can save you!"

Li Jiang nodded quickly, and replied: "Okay, okay...thank you, I will be great with the child!"

As she said that, she quickly picked up the child, but the child was holding onto the jar tightly, and for a while, she felt a little powerless to carry it away.

"Queen, let me go, I won't go, I won't go!"

The child roared loudly and struggled frantically.

"You little brat, you mean to cause trouble for us, don't you. If you don't go, I'll send you away!"

Those soldiers were upset, and stepped forward to lift the child.

How can a child struggle in front of these soldiers?

Immediately, he was carried out of the courtyard and thrown out.

(End of this chapter)

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