Chapter 433

Seeing that his son was still in the puddle of water, Li Jiang exclaimed, and rushed forward to pick up the child.

But the child suddenly got up from the water, and frantically rushed towards King Yelang again.

"If I don't go, I just won't go!"

The child's eyes were red, and he yelled loudly while rushing.

"Go away!"

Those soldiers got angry, stepped forward to pick up the child again, and threw it out.

However, as soon as the child landed, he quickly got up again and rushed forward again.


All the soldiers were furious, kicked the child without mercy, and the child fell directly to the ground.

But as soon as he fell, the child quickly got up again.

"Don't give up!"

When a soldier gets angry, you step forward and punch and kick the child.

"No, don't hit my son!"

Li Jiang's expression changed, and he hurried forward to pull the soldier.


With a wave of his hand, the soldier slapped her on the face with his backhand, causing her to stumble and fall, and then continued to punch and kick the child, shouting: "Get out, get out!"

"do not want!"

Heartbroken, Li Jiang rushed forward, lay on his son's back, and let his fists and feet land on him.

"Come on, don't fight, you guys go!"

King Yelang's heart was broken when he saw this scene.

Previously, he had suffered all kinds of humiliation, and he could still bear it, but seeing his beloved son and wife being ravaged like this, he couldn't stand it no matter what.

He struggled frantically, shaking the jar in a daze.

With a sound of "bang rumbling", the jar fell to the ground and smashed into pieces. His legs were disabled, so he could only use all his strength to crawl forward, lying on La's wife and children, resisting his fists and feet.

"Okay, since you are looking for a fight one by one, don't blame us, let's go together!"

The soldier's face was livid with anger. He had a mission and had nothing to do. He wanted to drive away people, but these people insisted on making trouble.

Once the higher-ups find out, he must die.

In order to save his life and accuse him, he didn't care about anything, so he could only beat people.

But he still kept his hand. After all, if a disabled person, a woman, or a child were to be ruthless enough to beat him, he would feel that he was not human.

Seeing this, other people on the side also rushed up, but they only wanted to teach the family a lesson, and had no intention of beating them to death.

"Your Majesty, let them go!"

Not far away, in the corridor, Nan Yan had already burst into tears, and finally couldn't help it, she grabbed Ying Shou's arm and begged.

Ying Shou didn't speak, but nodded slightly.

Seeing this, Nan Yan rushed out and shouted: "Stop, do you hear me, I tell you to stop!"

The soldiers were shocked, turned around and saw that it was the Great Qin Empress, they all knelt down and shouted in Dian dialect: "See the empress!"

Nan Yan shouted: "Go, let them go!"

A group of Dian soldiers went in without knowing it, and they couldn't understand what this lady was talking about.

At this time, Ying Shou and the interpreter had already walked to the corridor.

Ying Shou winked, and the interpreter immediately stepped forward and shouted, "Your Majesty said, let you let them go!"

"Yes Yes Yes Yes……"

These people didn't have the voice of Daqin's promise, but they hurriedly responded.

"Let them bring King Yelang, Queen and little prince with me!"

At this moment, Ying Shou spoke up, shaking his head and saying.

"Did you hear that, His Majesty has an order to bring them to follow!"

The interpreter shouted at the soldiers.

"good good good good……"

The soldiers responded, and immediately stepped forward to help King Yelang, Li Jiang and the little prince, followed behind Ying Shou, and returned to the hall.

"The empress pays homage to His Majesty the Emperor!"

In the main hall, Li Jiang broke down in tears and kowtowed to Ying Shou.

Yelang Wang stared at Ying Shou quietly, his legs were dripping with blood, but he didn't say a word at this time.

As for the child, he lay tremblingly in his mother's arms, looking at Ying Shou unyieldingly.

"Go back!"

Ying Shou shook his head and said to the soldiers.

After those soldiers bowed to leave, Ying Shoufang looked at Nan Yan who was already drenched by the heavy rain, and said in a deep voice: "Yan'er, go and call a few maids over, take them to wash, change into clean clothes, and come again see me!"

Nan Yan nodded, and in response, she summoned the palace maids and brought King Yelang's family away.

"Thank you Your Majesty!"

Looking at the empty hall, Nan Yan couldn't help but whispered.

The scene just now moved her heart, but she couldn't bear the pain in her heart, she had already burst into tears.

He was terrified that the boy would end up being killed for disobeying the emperor's orders.But the emperor was merciful after all and let them go.

"Are you afraid that I will kill them?"

Ying Shou saw through Nan Yan's mind and said with a smile.

"Hmm! After all, that kid made his own decisions and did that kind of thing!"

Nan Yan nodded.

"Filial piety is the first thing to do. My Great Qin governs the country with propriety, and filial piety is the foundation of propriety. How can I kill such a filial son? Both my parents have died in this life, and I don't have the opportunity to serve tea and water at the bedside. It is a great pity."

"Now, if this child makes up for the flaws in my heart, it's too late for me to cherish, let alone kill him?"

"Okay, look at you, your clothes are soaked, go and change!"

Ying Shou shook his head and sighed, then gave Nan Yan a reproachful look and said.


Nan Yan was overjoyed, quickly agreed, turned around and trotted away.

Soon, Nan Yan changed her clothes and came.

Then, Yelang Wang's family also washed their bodies, changed their clothes and came to the hall.

"Little Wang pays homage to His Majesty the Emperor, Long live Your Majesty!"

"I pay my respects to His Majesty the Emperor, Long live Your Majesty!"

As soon as they entered, they knelt down and worshiped Ying Shou.

"Be flat!"

Ying Shou and Nan Yan sat on the couch and waved their hands.

"Come on, give me a seat!"

As soon as they got up, Ying Shou greeted them again, and someone brought the mats to them immediately.

Li Jiang supported King Yelang and sat down on the mat.

"Child, come here!"

As soon as the child was about to follow, Ying Shou waved and called to him.

The child trembled, and couldn't help but look at Ying Shou, then at his mother, Li Jiang.

Li Jiang nodded lightly, and said: "Your Majesty calls you, just go!"

The child looked at Ying Shou with some fear, but after hesitating for a moment, he still walked up.

Ying Shou waved his big hand and hugged him in his arms, with a smile on his lips, he said, "Tell me, what's your name!"

The child was a little afraid of Ying Shou, hearing the words, whispered: "Xiang, my name is Xiang!"

In front, Li Jiang hastily shouted: "Your Majesty, on the day my child was born, I saw a mountain eagle soaring in the distance, so I named it Mountain Eagle, which means flying high, so it was also called Xiang!"

Li Jiang is a native of Qin, gave birth to a son, and is also teaching him the language of Qin. Therefore, both mother and son can talk to Ying Shou, but King Yelang, who is at the side, is a little dazed.

(End of this chapter)

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