Chapter 434
"Mountain Eagle Soaring, um, good name!"

"I believe that in the future, this child will be able to fly like his name, soaring high and beyond the nine heavens!"

Ying Shou nodded, and said with great satisfaction: "Li Jiang, Li Jiang, you didn't lose me from Daqin, you taught a good son."

"If this son can not be reconciled to being ordinary in the future, he will definitely leave his name in history!"

Li Jiang trembled slightly, bowed and said: "Thank you for your praise!"

"I'm not a compliment, I deserve this sentence at this time!"

Ying Shou waved his hands, then looked at King Yelang, and said with a smile, "King Yelang, oh King Yelang, you are really blessed, the darling of heaven."

"I hope you can hold on to the love God gave you in this life, and don't let it down!"

Seeing Ying Shou speaking to King Yelang, the translator at the side immediately followed the translator.

Yelang Wang heard the words, his face was filled with fear, and he said: "Xiao Wang understands, Xiao Wang will definitely live up to His Majesty's explanation!"

Ying Shou frowned, and his face darkened instantly.

"You understand what the fuck do you understand?"

Ying Shou was furious, and he yelled, "Don't do this in front of me, what is the king of Yue Goujian, the humiliation of the crotch, do you really think that I can be stupid enough to be manipulated by you?"

"I tell you, today I let you go, not because of how realistic your performance is, nor because of how capable you are."

"It's for the sake of Li Jiang and your son that I let you go. Otherwise, with your face, I would feel guilty if I didn't torture you to death!"

"His Majesty!"

King Yelang trembled all over, under the interpreter's translation, he was frightened.

From Ying Shou's tone, he could hear that Ying Shou didn't seem to need to ask him at all. He had already confirmed that Han Xin was in Yelang Country.

This is not good news for him, probably because of this reason, this person in front of him will kill him at any time.

"You don't have to panic, I said I let you go, so naturally I won't touch you again!"

Ying Shou waved his hands, with a look of disdain on his face, and said, "It's really ridiculous to say that crooked ways, some people always call them classics and respect them like gods."

"I hate this the most in my life. You still have to use this trick to get in front of me. Tell me, you have to be so cheap!"

"Go back and tell Han Xin not to think too highly of himself. His self-righteousness, in my opinion, is the behavior of a clown. Imitating the king of Yue, but willing to be humiliated by his crotch, this kind of person can't become a big climate!"

If this is the case again, the thoughts in King Yelang's mind are more certain.

"Your Majesty, you have already confirmed that this Han Xin is in my Yelang country?"

Although he was sure, King Dang Yelang couldn't help asking.

"Do you think I look like a fool?"

"Do you think it's useful to bring it in front of me just like you and Han Xin?"

Ying Shou sneered, and said disdainfully: "I know that this Han Xin is indeed a great talent, and I won't deny that."

"It's a pity that this person has a bad temper, is rebellious by nature, and is disgusting, so I don't use him. But you plan to rely on him to restore your country and lay the foundation for your Yelang country's final strength!"

"I also don't deny that Han Xin has this ability, but I'm afraid that the powerful Yelang country in the future will not be your Yelang country, but Han Xin's Yelang country. Don't blame me for not reminding you, you better be careful a little!"

King Yelang's heart was shocked, Ying Shou's words made him think.

He didn't understand Ying Shou's meaning, was he trying to sow discord, or was he trying to show something?
"I can see that you don't believe what I say, since that's the case, let's just wait and see!"

"In my great Qin Dynasty, there is an old saying that the king worries about the humiliation of his ministers, and the king humiliates his ministers to death. A courtier who can push the king to be humiliated all the time, you go and ask, how many people in this world can tolerate him?"

"Just recently, your queen begged me to kill you, just to preserve your last bit of pitiful dignity."

"The same is true for your son. You can see clearly that a child and a woman can understand the truth."

"Do you think that Han Xin doesn't understand? After all, you are just a poor bastard who was played by him in the applause!"

"The war between the Dian Kingdom and the Yelang Kingdom was initiated by this person. If he hadn't killed the envoys of the Dian Kingdom and pretended to be your Yelang soldiers to send the heads of the envoys, how could there be such a war? How could you Yelang Kingdom How can you be so embarrassed?"

Having said that, Ying Shou shook his head and looked at King Yelang with pity.

It's really hard for him to imagine how stupid this must be to be played like this.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty is serious?"

After getting the translation, King Yelang's heart suddenly turned cold. He didn't know whether what Ying Shou said was true, because he had no way of knowing these things.

"Is it true? You can check it yourself. In the end, don't you want to imitate Goujian, the king of Yue? Then Han Xin should have told you the story of Goujian, the king of Yue, right? Goujian's ending, do you want to hear me describe it to you?"

Ying Shou sneered, and said with magic in his voice.

"Also ask Your Majesty to enlighten me!"

King Yelang hurriedly cupped his hands.

"Okay, today I will teach you the story of Goujian, the King of Yue. That's right, Goujian, the King of Yue, defeated the Wu Kingdom in the end, and most of the credit for this is attributed to two people. One is Fan Li, and the other is Wen Zhong."

"This Fan Li is a smart man. After assisting the King of Yue to conquer the hegemony, he took the gold and silver beauties and left happily."

"However, this kind of language is self-reliant and hardworking, unwilling to delegate power, playing with the King of Yue in the palm of his hand, and finally thinking of replacing him. After all, the King of Yue couldn't bear it, and finally died for what he deserved!"

"I don't know what you think, this Han Xin, is he Fan Li or Wen Zhong?"

While speaking, the corners of Ying Shou's mouth raised slightly, and there was a smile on his face.

King Yelang frowned, Ying Shou's words seemed to set off a storm in his heart.

The horror in his heart made Yelang Wang silent for a long time, speechless.

"Okay, go down and rest first. I don't want your answer, just keep your answer in my heart!"

Suddenly, Ying Shou waved his hand, and immediately someone stepped forward to help King Yelang leave here by himself.

Li Jiangxiu frowned slightly, and couldn't help looking at Ying Shou quietly, with doubts and inexplicable expressions in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, when can the empress leave?"

Finally, Li Jiang asked in a low voice.

"Of course, go and serve your family, King Yelang. But Li Jiang, as the Emperor of Qin, I can be considered as your natal family."

"Here today, I will give you a piece of advice. King Yelang is so stupid that there is no cure. If you and your son want to save their lives, you must be careful of Han Xin! Otherwise, one day your home and country will be lost, so don't regret it!"

Ying Shou nodded, and while speaking, looked down at the child in his arms, and said with a smile, "Shanying, Xiang'er, a good name, a good child. Let your mother go and take good care of your father!"

(End of this chapter)

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