Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 435 Princess Nanli

Chapter 435 Princess Nanli
"Thank you Your Majesty, Xiang'er will take good care of my father!"

Shan Ying nodded, looked at Ying Shou and said.

Then, he jumped out of Ying Shou's arms, came to his mother, helped her up, held her hand, and walked outside.

As the whole family left, Nan Yan finally couldn't help asking: "Your Majesty, this language is clearly not a rebellion, but was framed by treacherous ministers, why do you want to say that to King Yelang?"

Ying Shou turned around, looked at Nan Yan, shook his head and smiled, and said, "Whether Wen Zhong rebels or not is not important, what matters is that he has the strength to rebel, and that's enough. I remember what King Zhaoxiang said when he killed Bai Qi. That's the same thing."

"He is afraid of Bai Qi, so Bai Qi must be. King Yue is afraid of Wen Zhong, and Wen Zhong cannot live. And from today onwards, Han Xin will always be King Yelang's nightmare!"

Nan Yan was startled, and said in disbelief: "Your Majesty, do you want to kill Han Xin by the hand of King Yelang?"

Ying Shou shook his head and said disdainfully: "Hmph, I have never been afraid of anyone in my life. If I want to kill anyone, no one will survive. It is even more ridiculous to borrow a knife to kill someone for the sake of one person!"

With that said, Ying Shou stood up, opened his arms, and said, "Stop talking, undress me, let's rest first!"

Nan Yan looked at Ying Shou quietly for a while, and suddenly, she didn't understand what Ying Shou meant, so she could only respond and stood up to wait for Ying Shou to rest.

"Your Majesty, the concubine still can't figure out what you mean by calling King Yelang here and talking so much?"

"Since you don't want to use his hands to kill Han Xin, why do you want to sow discord? Does Your Majesty have deep meaning?"

Lying in Ying Shou's arms, Nan Yan tossed and turned all the time, unable to think clearly, so she could only ask.

"There is a reason for me to do this. I believe that King Yelang will give me a great gift in a short time. As for what the gift is, Yan'er will know when the time comes!"

The corners of Ying Shou's mouth twitched slightly. After this day, his chess piece was completely buried.

There are some things that he doesn't need to do. Naturally, someone will do them properly for him.


The next day, in a separate courtyard of the palace, King Yelang and his family were all sitting here, preparing to eat.

However, King Yelang looked pensive and did not move, and none of the concubines and children dared to move.

"My lord, what are you thinking?"

Seeing the oppressive atmosphere, Queen Li Jiang couldn't help asking.

King Yelang raised his head, looked at Li Jiang, frowned and said, "Queen, tell me, what did the emperor mean when he told me so much last night?"

Li Jiang was taken aback, frowned and said, "What did your Majesty say?"

King Yelang shook his head, with a pensive look on his face, and said: "You are also from Qin, tell me the story of King Goujian of Yue, Wen Zhong really rebelled and died instead?"

Li Jiang's heart moved, she was not a stupid woman, in fact, from the very beginning, she knew very well what King Yelang was talking about.

It's just that sometimes, it's rare to be confused.

When Ying Shou gave her last advice last night, she inevitably kept some small thoughts.

"Back to Your Majesty, Wenzhong did die in the name of rebellion!"

Li Jiang nodded, speciously speaking.

King Yelang's body trembled. These words, like a knife, were deeply inserted into his heart, making Han Xin's figure constantly appear in his mind.

Ying Shou's words, like a magic voice, kept echoing in his mind.

"I wonder if this Han Xin is Fan Li or Wen Zhong?"

Thinking of this sentence, King Yelang also asked himself in his heart, is this Han Xin Fan Li or Wen Zhong?

And himself, is he the king of Yue?

At this moment, suddenly, a crisp voice sounded.

"His Majesty's imperial edict has arrived, Li Jiang accepts it!"

As soon as the voice fell, Li Jiang and others hurriedly looked up, only to see the empress and Nanyan coming with the imperial decree in hand.

"Li Jiang is here!"

Li Jiang hurried forward and knelt down on the ground.

On the side, the other princesses of Yelang didn't dare to hesitate, and brought their children to kneel down one after another.

King Yelang frowned, trying to get up pale, but there was no one to help him, but he was helpless.

"King Yelang doesn't need to be extra polite. His Majesty the Emperor said that you don't need to perform such a grand ceremony in the future because your legs are disabled!"

Nan Yan looked up and said loudly.

"Thank you, His Majesty the Emperor!"

King Yelang looked troubled, Baoquan said.

Nan Yan didn't hesitate. Seeing that everyone had already knelt down, he immediately opened the imperial decree and said: "The emperor has an order. Princess Yelang, Li Jiang, is a citizen of my Great Qin. Although she married Ye Lang far away, she will not lose my Great Qin." Face, she is really a strange woman."

"However, in order to avoid being bullied by others in the future, I am hereby conferred as Princess Nanli of Great Qin Dynasty and my righteous sister."

"From today onwards, seeing Princess Nanli is like seeing me. Whoever dares to bully Princess Nanli, I will destroy his nine clans, this is what I do!"

At the imperial decree, everyone turned pale in an uproar.

Under the translation of the translator at the side, everyone in the Yelang Kingdom could hear the objections to the imperial decree.

Where is this canonizing the princess?It is clearly conferring a queen on the Yelang Kingdom.

With this decree, from now on, in Yelang Kingdom, who would dare to disobey this woman's order?

Disrespecting her is tantamount to disrespecting the Great Qin Emperor, which is purely courting death.

"Li Jiang leads the order to thank you!"

Li Jiang was also excited, he never thought that the emperor would confer himself a princess at this time.

As a native of Qin, this can be described as a supreme honor.

"Empress, Your Majesty's imperial decree has been received, and please convey it to Your Majesty. Thank you, Your Majesty, for your great kindness!"

Li Jiang received the imperial decree, looked at Nan Yan, and said solemnly.

"Hehe, Sister Li Jiang, what you said is wrong. From now on, you change your words. Don't call each other a foreign queen. From now on, my palace and His Majesty the emperor will be my sister's natal family, not outsiders. You should come to the palace As the emperor's wife, call your majesty the emperor's brother, do you understand?"

Nan Yan smiled lightly and reminded.

"Li Jiang is being rude, that's right, he should be called Brother Huang, sister-in-law Huang!"

Hearing this, Li Jiang hurriedly said.

"That's right, you all get up!"

Nan Yan nodded, and hurriedly said to the people around her who were still kneeling.

"Thank you, Empress!"

The concubines got up, and the children couldn't help looking at Nan Yan.

Nan Yan's eyes couldn't help but look at the five or six-year-old child behind Li Jiang, Xiang'er, and suddenly stepped forward, hugged Xiang'er, and said with a smile: "Xiang'er, you have to change your mouth in the future, and call yourself Ben. The palace is the emperor's uncle, and the emperor is called the emperor's uncle, understand?"

Xiang'er frowned and looked at her mother.

Li Jiang hurriedly said: "Silly boy, why don't you call me Huang Aunt?"

Hearing this, Xiang'er just said: "Uncle Huang!"

Nan Yan smiled slightly, and said: "That's right, so Xianger, so good. Remember, your uncle asked me to tell you a word."

"From now on, you will be my descendant of Daqin. In this world, no one can bully you. If anyone dares to bully you, you can tell the emperor's uncle, or tell the emperor's aunt, we will make decisions for you, understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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