Chapter 436
Xiang'er heard the words, nodded and said: "Understood, Aunt Huang!"

He said so, but in a tone of indifference.

Nan Yan didn't mind either, she turned her head and said, "Okay, I won't disturb your meal."

"In addition, Your Majesty has ordered that King Yelang is seriously injured. During this period, it is best to rest. If you need any help, you can send someone to tell His Majesty!"

After speaking, Nan Yan taught Xiang'er to Li Jiang, turned around and left here.

"My lady, go slowly!"

Everyone rushed to send them off, knowing that Nanyan had left completely, and only then returned to their seats.


" me...recognize...recognize...this word..."

Zhao Guo, outside Jiayu Village, on a small hill, stands a thatched hut.

Outside the thatched hut, there are all kinds of medicinal herbs drying in the sun, and at this time, in the hut, a beautiful woman is holding a cloth brocade handkerchief, and stammeringly asked the old man in front of her.

This old man is the most knowledgeable great wizard in a dozen or so villages around him, also known as the great witch doctor.

"Grandpa witch doctor, Sister Xiaoyu is asking you if you recognize the words on it!"

Behind the woman, there was a seven or eight-year-old girl who said to the witch doctor.

"Oh, this word is a bit familiar, but I don't know it. It seems to come from a place called Qin State in the northeast. It seems to be the language of Qin State."

"I went to the market before, and I seemed to see some Qin merchants. They seemed to use this kind of words!"

The witch doctor took the cloth brocade handkerchief from Xiao Yu's hand, observed it for himself, and said with a frown.

"Qin... Qin country?"

Xiaoyu has only lived in Jiayu Village for only a month, and he has learned very little. The words in the clubhouse are also swept away. Basically, he can only memorize word by word, so his speech is always not fluent.

"Grandpa witch doctor, what is this state of Qin?"

Behind Xiaoyu, the little girl wondered.

"Well, it is a country. I heard that it is very rich. There are very few merchants from Qin, but most of them are very rich. In this way, you let your little fish sister take this to the market to try your luck, maybe someone will recognize it. This word!"

The witch doctor said seriously.

"Oh, well, thank you witch doctor Grandpa!"

The little girl nodded, took Xiaoyu's hand, and said, "Sister Xiaoyu, let's go! Another day we will go to the market with the elders in the village, and then we will ask others!"

Xiaoyu pondered for a long time before he vaguely understood the meaning of these words, nodded slightly, stood up, and said to the old witch doctor, "Thank you...thank you..."

With that said, she left with the little girl.


"Undress me and take a bath with me!"

"Well, tell me, how did you have such small hands? They are so dexterous and can serve people!"

"Come on, tell me, what does this mean?"

In the middle of the night, on the edge of the river, the sound of the river resounded non-stop.

Xiaoyu sat quietly beside the river, the bright moon in the sky shone down, and her shadow shone in the river, making her unable to stop being in a daze.

A series of familiar voices kept echoing in my mind, as if something was about to pop out of my mind.

Gradually, she fell into a half-dream and half-awake state, and suddenly saw a fiery red war horse criss-crossing in the distance, carrying its master and thousands of troops to fight non-stop.

Blood splattered everywhere, corpses were scattered all over the ground, and blood accumulated into a river.

An inexplicable feeling surged from her heart. She wanted to see the figure of that person clearly, but found that no matter what, she couldn't see the face of that person.

Suddenly, the light of the knife slashed across, and blood appeared on the man's body, and countless knife lights slashed towards the man.

"do not want!"

Nervous emotions suddenly surged into his heart, and Xiaoyu turned pale with fright, and rushed out.


There was a sound of falling into the water, and Xiao Yu felt his whole body trembling and icy cold, and he immediately woke up, and when he looked back, he actually jumped into the river.

This section of water was wide, but not too deep, only reaching her waist depth.

She hastily took out the cloth brocade handkerchief from her bosom, only to see that the paper on the brocade handkerchief was completely untouched by water, and the red seal did not show any sign of being wet by water.


The little fish exhaled a foul breath, then took another big breath, and immediately plunged into the water, turned over, and slowly flowed down along the water.

She has a slender body, skin as white as jade, and she is dressed in linen and net clothes. She looks crude, but Nan Yan is pretty.

She lay quietly, covered her face with the cloth, slowly closed her eyes, and tried hard to think about the dream she had just had, but found that she couldn't remember anything.

Such a thing has happened not once or twice so far.

She has searched for the root cause countless times, and she knows that this should be related to her own life experience.But every time she went to look for it, she found that there was not even the slightest clue.

There was only a piece of cloth in her hand, which gave him a very inexplicable sense of familiarity, and made her pin all her hopes on it.

"Little fish, what are you doing?"

Just then, an old voice sounded.

The little fish floated up from the water, looked up, and saw Amu's mother, the old woman was standing on the bank of the river looking at him.

The little fish quickly swam ashore, walked up to the old woman, stammered, and said in a low voice, "Ah...Grandma...I..."

"Okay, we all know the result of you and the little girl going to the wizard today."

"It's okay, anyway, people in our village will bring fish to the market to sell tomorrow, so you can go with us. Maybe you can find someone who is familiar with the words on it, and you can find your family!"

Grandma looked at Xiaoyu with pity, and said with a smile.

For this girl, she really likes it more and more. Although she has amnesia, she is smart and capable. In just over a month, she can barely communicate with people, not to mention, she is a first-class expert in fishing.There are many young men in the village who cannot compare to her.

It would be great if this girl could become Amu's wife.

But now the girl is still looking for her own life experience, so it's not easy for her to mention it.

When she finds her family in the future, she may be able to propose a marriage, and maybe it will happen.

Xiaoyu looked at the old woman with a puzzled expression. The old woman said too much, and she couldn't understand it for a while.

"Little fish, I said, tomorrow we are going to...the market, understand? Go to the market to sell fish. come with go together, that is, to go together. When selling fish, let people See if anyone can recognize the strange characters on it, understand?"

Seeing this, the old woman patiently moved while explaining, and even took the cloth from Xiaoyu's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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