Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 437 The Monster Fish

Chapter 437 The Monster Fish
"Thank...thank you grandma..."

Did Xiaoyu understand Grandma's words? He replied intermittently.

"Okay, no thanks, no thanks, she is such a distressed girl, go back and have a good rest first, change into clean clothes, don't let it dry!"

The old woman looked at Xiao Yu with pity, reached out and rubbed her head lightly, and pulled her back with a smile.

Early the next morning, every household in the village had already woken up, prepared the dried fish that had already been dried in the sun, and fresh fish, packed them in their backpacks, and prepared to carry them to the streets to sell.

"Amu, are you ready?"

"The whole village is well, and you are the only one missing!"

At the door of Amu's house, more than a dozen young men came together, carrying a large bag on their backs, with dried fish on the bottom and freshly slaughtered fish on the top. There are also one hundred fifty or sixty catties.

"Hey, you guys are here? Quickly put down the strap and see if you can help me!"

Standing at the door, Amu looked at a big bag, almost 200 catties of dried fish had been loaded, and there was more than half left on the side, so he could only shout.

"Hey, Amu, there are so many!"

"I can see it. Since Xiaoyu came, the harvest of the Amu family has grown exponentially."

"Fortunately, this little fish doesn't go fishing every day, otherwise, the house of Amu's house may not be able to hold it!"


While talking, a group of young people laughed.

"Stop talking sarcastic, see if you can recite a little for me!"

Amu glared at these people and said very speechlessly.

"Hey, there is nothing we can do about it. Look, we are all carrying a full load. Although it is not as heavy as yours, the road in this market is rough, and we are not as strong as you. It is no problem to carry two or three hundred catties. !"

A group of young people shook their heads. It's not that they don't want to help. The key is to go to the market.

In addition to the rugged roads, even though they only carried [-] to [-] kilograms, it was enough to be exhausted.

It is also because of the long distance that almost everyone rarely brings fresh fish to the market, because if one is not careful, it may be damaged and they will not make a lot of money.

"Hey, so to speak, I'm afraid there is no other way. Forget it, since that's the case, let's take these back home first!"

Seeing this, Amu shook his head helplessly.

"Then... that... I... I... I can help... carry... back... can I?"

At this moment, a stuttering voice sounded, and Xiaoyu came over from not far away, holding a big wooden pole in his hand. That wooden pole, good guy, was three points bigger than Amu's back pole.

It is used by Amu to carry water on weekdays. It can hold four to five hundred catties of water, and two to three hundred catties of dried fish.

There is a river not far behind this house, and Amu would be exhausted to carry the water. Seeing that she was going to use this thing to carry fish, Amu and other young people immediately laughed.

"Haha, Xiaoyu, are you sure you want to use this thing to recite it? I'm afraid that if you can't recite it, it will already crush you?"

"That's right, Xiaoyu, just like you, I'm afraid it's not as heavy as that premonition, so don't make trouble, hahaha!"

A group of young people laughed and joked, looking at Xiaoyu with admiration.

But this is also normal, such a delicate and soft woman, she is unparalleled in beauty, it is the first time I have seen her, as long as she is a man, anyone who sees her will feel admiration.

"Okay, Xiaoyu, I know you're going to actually ask someone for help. But you don't have to help me, it's a long way, and it's already great if you can walk over it, don't even think about helping!"

Amu also shook his head and said with a smile.

Xiao Yu frowned slightly, and looked at the crowd puzzled.

Everyone was talking too fast and too complicated, she basically couldn't understand a word, there was no way, she didn't have any time to think.

Immediately, she could only shake her head, ignored the crowd, carried the wooden shovel, came to the door, put it on the sill, and hugged those premonitions bit by bit, pretending slowly, the rest The more than 300 catties of dried fish that she bought were packed by her.

Everyone was stunned, this kid, wouldn't he just want to carry them all away like this?
Are you kidding, is this something a woman can recite?
When everyone was surprised, they saw that Xiaoyu had already put on the straps, and with a sudden force, he actually carried all the dried fish that weighed more than 300 kilograms to nearly [-] kilograms.

Good guy, that dried fish is pointy and looks heavy.

Everyone gasped and wanted to go up to stop her, fearing that she would fall down within two steps.

However, before everyone came to the front, she saw that she was walking lightly, and her speed did not stop, as if she was very relaxed, she walked out directly.


Everyone is completely stupid, is this a monster?
Before he could react, Xiaoyu had already walked a hundred meters away, and turned around and shouted, "Quick...quick...go..."

Everyone looked at me, and I looked at you. In the end, everyone had shame on their faces. This group of men can't compare to a woman?
"Hey, you guys get ready, she won't be able to recite it later, so you have to bear the burden!"

Amu looked at the crowd, shrugged his shoulders, with a helpless expression on his back, but felt that he was so powerful that he could only walk slowly. The pace was completely different from that of the little fish in front of him. And language.

Without hesitation, everyone put their belongings on their backs and chased after him.

Leaving the fishing village, driving across the Shahe River, the next step is to climb a big mountain.

This kind of mountain, for some rich and accustomed people, I am afraid that I will not take anything with me, and I will not be able to climb a few steps, so I have to lie down and rest for a long time.

However, to these fishermen, it was nothing.

However, to the surprise of these fisherman, this is not enough to climb. They have already seen that the little fish, which is more than twice as heavy as everyone else, has already climbed to the top of the mountain.

This time, everyone was even more shocked.

This girl must have too much strength, right?

It only took Xiaoyu less than half a quarter of an hour to climb to the top of the mountain, but it took almost half an hour for everyone.

After climbing up, everyone was out of breath, and looked at Xiaoyu speechlessly, only to see that Xiaoyu had already put down the wooden shovel, sitting there quietly, playing with the piece of cloth in his hand.

"Little fish, are you too fast?"

"I said Xiaoyu, you are not a monster, are you? Aren't you tired?"

"Little fish, you are amazing!"

Everyone looked at Xiaoyu speechlessly and said.

"Quick... strange... monster... powerful?"

Xiaoyu was puzzled and muttered to himself.

Everyone had black lines on their foreheads, knowing that Xiaoyu couldn't understand what they were saying, so they didn't say any more.

(End of this chapter)

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