Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 438 Listing Set

Chapter 438 Listing Set

In the following time, everyone was more and more surprised.

It has been more than two hours since climbing six or seven mountains in a row, everyone is exhausted, but Xiaoyu seems to have inexhaustible strength. "

"Every time I set off and know which direction to go, I will go forward quickly alone. Then, when I encounter a road that I don't know how to go, I will stop and wait for everyone for a long time.

A group of young men can hardly be compared with her.

After more than an hour, I finally saw a market in the distance.

This market is so big that it can actually be called a small city, but because the city towers are low and low, like a wall, you don't laugh when you look around the surrounding area.

At this moment, at the gate of the city, a large group of people are surrounding them.

It seemed that someone had pasted something on the wall, attracting everyone's attention.

"Wow... so beautiful..."

"Who is this? Could it be the goddess in the mountains?"

People's exclamations sounded one after another.

"Hey, everyone can hear you clearly. Pass by and see the notice on the wall. The person above is the imperial concubine of the Eastern Great Qin Empire. Her name is Yinyue."

"Now, His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor has asked all nations to help in order to find the imperial concubine!"

"Remember, anyone who can find the person in this portrait will be rewarded a lot, do you understand?"

Suddenly, among the crowd, a Zhao Kingdom soldier wearing wooden armor yelled loudly.

"What is the imperial concubine? What is the Great Qin Empire?"

Everyone was puzzled and asked quickly.

"The Great Qin Empire is a country, just like our Zhao Kingdom. The imperial concubine of Great Qin is just like our princess. Remember, whoever can find it will be rewarded!"

The soldier said loudly.

Today, every country in the Southwest, every country, and every town has basically posted this notice, and what they say is basically similar.

"Oh, if you find it, what kind of reward is it? How much money can you get!"

someone asked.

"When you see this person, as long as the report is accurate, you can get a thousand gold. If the higher-ups are happy, you can even get ten thousand gold. Do you hear me clearly?"

replied the soldier.

"What? My daughter?"

"My aunt, how much is that?"

"Didn't it mean that this imperial concubine is a moving treasury?"

Thousands of gold, ten thousand gold, is an unimaginable figure for these ordinary Zhao people.

Even if they are a family, if they are rich in a year, they will not spend a single gold.This thousand pieces of gold can't be used up in three lifetimes.

"What are they talking about?"

Amu and the others were as tired as a dog, and they couldn't help being puzzled when they came close.

"I don't know, maybe I'm looking for someone!"

someone answered.

Just as he was about to go forward to investigate what happened, he suddenly saw a sound at the gate of the city. A small fish in coarse linen was carrying a lot of things on his back. He turned his head, stroked the hair on his forehead that covered most of his face, and shouted: "Hurry up!" ...Hurry up..."

They set out early in the morning, and it is already afternoon now.

Don't say later, whether this fish can be sold, at least, what Xiaoyu wants to inquire about, I'm afraid it will not be so easy to inquire about.

Everyone has heard the words, where is the time to check?Immediately, one by one went directly to the city with their things on their backs.

"Hey, just put it here!"

In the pavilion, there is a fish shed, which was jointly built by more than a dozen villages near the Shahe River.

They saw that the discussion had already been made, each village set up a stall for two days, and each village took turns. Today, it happened to be their turn in Jiayu Village.

It is precisely because of this that it basically takes them more than half a month, more than 20 days, to come to the market once.

Xiaoyu listened to everyone's words, and put the wooden shack in the fish shed.

Everyone also put down one after another, and then started to set up a stall, shouting loudly: "Sell fish, there are fresh fish, and there are old dried fish. Is there any old man who needs it?"

Xiao Yu just sat quietly by the side, looking around, as if looking for anyone who could read the words on her cloth.

"Xiaoyu, if you look at it this way, when will you find someone who knows the words on it?"

Amu and the others looked over and saw that Xiaoyu was looking around with a cloth in one hand, and couldn't help laughing.

Xiaoyu was puzzled, but Amu had already reached out and snatched the piece of cloth from her hand, and hung it on the fish shed.

"Hey, is there any old man who knows the words on it? Come and have a look, take a look. If anyone knows, just read it out, we will give him ten, no, twenty dried fish, is there anyone? know?"

Amu hung up the cloth and immediately yelled loudly, wanting to follow this method and let people see the content on the cloth.

With his yelling, he immediately attracted the attention of those who went to the market around him.

Good guy, there was no business at first, but when I heard this voice, everyone gathered here.

After all, people like to join in the fun and take advantage of it.

In particular, a few people who could read a little bit came closer to the front, but when they looked carefully, they found that they couldn't read the words on it at all.

As the flow of people gathers, although most of them join in the fun, they also bring the rhythm of doing business.

For a while, those who sell fish sell fish, and those who read characters read characters.

This scene can't help but surprise everyone.

But as time passed, the sky gradually darkened, but no one could recognize the words on it.

"Hey, it seems that there is no other way, let's ask tomorrow!"

Seeing that the sky was getting dark and the number of people in the market was getting less and less, and finally it was deserted, Amu came to Xiaoyu and said with a sigh.


Xiaoyu pondered for a moment, then realized what Amu meant, so he nodded.

Everyone started to close the stalls. I have to say that today was really lucky. It only took two hours to sell more than half of the dried fish.

That night, several people rested in the fish shed.

In the canopy, there is an iron pot and a stove.

Xiaoyu cooks for himself and cooks a few fish for several people. After everyone has eaten, they rely on the fish shed to prepare for rest.

After all, they came to buy things from the village, but they couldn't afford to go to the inn.In the market in this small town, there are only two inns in total, each of which is very expensive. If they stay for one night, they may lose most of the money they just made.

If you eat something more, maybe the money is not enough.They plan to keep this money to subsidize their family.

"Xiaoyu, it's cold at night, you can change this thing, don't catch a cold!"

Amu took a grass-woven quilt, came to Xiaoyu, covered Xiaoyu and said.


Xiaoyu nodded and said a word.

"You're welcome, have a good rest!"

As he said that, Amu also went to the side. After lying down, he was tired all day and fell asleep with everyone.

However, Xiao Yu stared at the cloth hanging on the shed, sleepless all night.

(End of this chapter)

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