Chapter 440
"Xiaomin sees the imperial concubine, the empress is a thousand years old!"

The middle-aged man and Na Tian Xin, who had reacted, immediately bowed down.

They paid homage in Qin dialect, so neither Xiaoyu nor Amu and the others could understand and looked confused.

"He... they... said... what?"

With a confused face, Xiaoyu looked at Amu and the others and asked.

"do not know!"

Amu and the others also scratched their heads, only to hear Amu say: "Hey, we don't understand what you are saying, can you get up first? Why do you all have to kneel and talk?"

This time, before the fat middle-aged man could speak, Tian Xin hurriedly said: "You said he couldn't understand us, it's impossible, what's going on?"

Amu frowned, and replied: "Master, Xiaoyu was rescued by our village by the river a month ago. At that time, she was injured all over her body and her head was smashed, so she lost her memory. Are you Know her?"

"She is now looking for her life experience everywhere. If you know each other, it will be easy!"

After saying this, Tian Xin and the middle-aged man suddenly realized.

"Oh, that's right, little brother, this is my Great Qin Imperial Concubine!"

Tian Xin stood up, feeling inexplicably excited.

The imperial concubine was washed away by the flood. This matter is known all over the world. For this matter, the emperor came to the southwest in person, disturbing the peace of the countries. They also took this opportunity to expand their business. How can they not be clear?
"The imperial concubine of Daqin?"

Amu and the others were puzzled.

"Yes, you come with me!"

Tian Xing pulled Amu and the others and said.

"Wait a minute, we still have to sell fish!"

Amu and the others hurriedly shook their heads.

"Ding dong..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Tian Xin immediately recognized a gold ingot, and said, "I bought all your fish. I will give the rest to you!"

While speaking, Tian Xin was extremely excited.

Just kidding, this is the great concubine of the Great Qin Emperor. If the emperor is happy to bring her to the emperor, the benefits will not come in a hurry.

For this reason, not to mention a gold ingot, he is willing to throw out a thousand gold ingots.

After following the master for a long time, he still has this vision.


When everyone saw it, they were shocked.

These fishermans have never seen such a big gold in their life. For a while, they hurriedly picked it up and played with it. Like the master, they followed Tian Xin and the fat middle-aged man, and headed towards him. Go outside the city.

"You wait here, master, I will come as soon as I go!"

The middle-aged man came to the front of the team, gave an order, and then left.

When he came outside the city, Tian Xin pointed to the notice, and said to Amu and the others: "Did you see it, is it this girl?"

It was too early at this moment, and there were no people inside or outside the city. Amu and the others saw the notice on the city wall at a glance, and all of them were filled with disbelief for a while.

"It's a little fish, really a little fish!"

Today, the woman that everyone in the world is looking for, they did not expect to be the little fish beside them.

And Xiaoyu is exactly Yinyue, the imperial concubine who the emperor ordered the world to look for.

The reason is that in the portrait, Yinyue is dressed in gorgeous Central Plains clothing with an elegant temperament, while Xiaoyu now is dressed in coarse linen clothes with her hair covering her face. The comparison between the two is completely different. Therefore, almost all No one recognized that the imperial concubine was in the city.

Otherwise, I am afraid that someone has already gone to claim the thousand gold reward.

"What's written on it?"

Amu and the others are illiterate, even if it is written in Zhaoguo, they don't know it. Therefore, they can recognize the portrait, but they can't recognize the characters below that.

"This is a notice issued by your King Zhaoguo. It is written in the notice that anyone who finds my concubine, the Great Qin Concubine, will be rewarded with a thousand gold!"

"Recently, we are also looking for the imperial concubine. Since you have saved the imperial concubine, it is a great achievement. As long as you are willing, my master will give you two thousand gold!"

Tian Xin said loudly.

As he said that, he looked at the master at the side and said, "Master, it's okay to exchange two thousand gold for the imperial concubine or empress?"

The master widened his eyes, and slapped him on the back of the head: "Bastard, empress, can you actually exchange money for things?"

"This is called rewarding them. Let's reward them temporarily instead of His Majesty the Emperor. Do you understand? Tell them, Wanjin. If saving my Great Qin Concubine is only worth a thousand gold, it would be too cheap and not in line with my Great Qin Concubine." identity of!"

When Tian Xin heard this, his mouth trembled.

It never occurred to him that this stingy master could be so generous, as if he was afraid that the money would not come out.

"Listen well, we are merchants from Daqin. The one next to me is my master named Mu Shan. He is the number one merchant in Daqin and is the richest man in the world. Today we are going to pay homage to His Majesty, which is your mouth. Here, this little fish is the husband of my Great Concubine Qin."

"Since I met the imperial concubine here, as a subject of Daqin, I must bring it to your majesty. Thanks to your meritorious service, my master is generous, so it can be regarded as a reward for your majesty, understand?"

Tian Xin turned his head and said to Amu and the others.

"Two thousand gold?"

At this moment, Amu and the others have long been stupid. To them, getting two thousand gold out of thin air is no less than dropping gold ingots from the sky, making them dizzy.

"Who told you it was two thousand gold?"

Tian Xin stared.

"Uh, isn't that what you said?"

Amu and the others were taken aback. Could it be that they want to go back on their word?
"Remember, ten thousand gold, listen clearly, ten thousand gold!"

Tian Xin reminded.

"What, ten thousand gold?"

Amu and the others felt short of breath, and almost rolled their eyes and passed out.

On the side, Mu Shan seemed to have thought of something, frowned slightly, and suddenly said: "Wait a minute, Tian Xin, these are a group of ordinary fisherman, if you give them ten thousand gold, I'm afraid they will have their lives to take it, but they won't spend it. Forget it." Tell them, Master Ben won't give them gold anymore!"

Tian Xin was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Master, isn't that a reward?"

Mu Shan nodded, and said: "My master thought about it. Although these people have made great achievements, they should be rewarded, but this master is not qualified to reward them on behalf of His Majesty the Emperor. It is not good to do so on behalf of the emperor."

"In addition, you have to understand the principle of the crime of embracing bi. These people, if they hold one or two gold ingots, it's okay, if they are ten thousand gold, if nothing else, I'm afraid even King Zhao will not let them go. Instead, It’s better to let His Majesty reward them. No one in this world dares to target them if His Majesty rewards them!”

"As for us, let's make it convenient for them. Since they are fishermen, we will collect all their fish from now on. We will collect as much as we have. In this way, even if the rewards from His Majesty the Emperor are ignored, it will be enough for them to be rich for a lifetime. Already!"

While speaking, Mu Shan organized his thoughts logically.As the richest businessman in Daqin, he is not a fool.

Whether it's officialdom or shopping malls, he understands many rules clearly.I was excited just now, so I didn't pay attention.If you react now, you won't make a mistake.

(End of this chapter)

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