Chapter 441

"I see, I see, sir!"

Tian Xin nodded, he is not stupid, Mu Shan reminded him, he immediately reacted.

Seeing that Amu and the others were still unable to extricate themselves from the shock, Tian Xin suddenly said: "By the way, my master has thought about the bounty matter, and we have to think about it in the long run!"

As soon as this remark came out, Amu and the others immediately looked at him.


Amu said stupidly.

"My master said that if I give you ten thousand gold at this moment, it will inevitably be missed by the thieves. If something happens, I'm afraid you will get it for your life, but you won't be able to use it. So after thinking about it, my master has decided not to give it to you."

"Of course, if you force it, my master will not be short of this little gold. If you agree, my master has also said that from now on, we will collect all the fish in your fishing village. You just go fishing, and we will collect it every two weeks. One day, someone will come to the door and charge the highest price, how about it, you should think about it!"

Tian Xin didn't talk nonsense and said directly.

"How can I do that? Just now I said that I was paying thousands of dollars, but in a blink of an eye, I won't give it up. No matter, don't talk about thousands of dollars, even if it's ten thousand dollars, our fishing village can't catch fish that have been fishing for 100 years. Don't do it!"

"That's right, if you don't give it to us, we will take Xiaoyu to your Majesty the Emperor, so we won't give it to you!"

As the saying goes, money touches people's hearts, no matter how seemingly kind and simple people are, they will lose all resistance in front of huge wealth.

Before Amu could speak, several young people behind Amu started shouting loudly.

Facing such huge wealth, they can't say no to it.

"So, you are determined to want Wanjin, right?"

Tian Xin frowned slightly, a little dissatisfied.

"That's right, even if you don't give Wanjin, we still want Qianjin!"

"That's right, otherwise you don't want to take Xiaoyu away!"

Everyone nodded quickly. At this moment, they seemed to have forgotten the original intention of finding the life experience of the little fish in their mouths.

Yinyue stood quietly at the side. These people spoke too fast and had too much content. With his understanding of language, he couldn't keep up with the content of these people for a while, so he could only stand stupidly. There.

This is like in later generations, a primary school student who has only been exposed to English for less than half a year knows only a few English words.

What's "care to touch you" and "hey" and so on, but when others speak in English, it is impossible to understand, anyone would be stupid.

"Why, they don't want to?"

Mu Shan didn't understand Zhaoguo dialect either, but seeing the excitement of the crowd, he still guessed something and asked Tian Xin.

"That's right, master, they don't agree. They also said that even if they don't give Wanjin, they must give Qianjin, otherwise they will never let him go!"

Tian Xin frowned, and when he spoke, his eyes turned cold, and he said, "Master, do you want to teach them a lesson and let them gain some insight?"

Mu Shan waved his hand, shook his head and said, "No, absolutely not. We are businessmen, and the right way is to make money with harmony, and we must not do such crooked things!"

As he spoke, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and muttered to himself, "Never let anyone go!"

Finally, a mocking smile appeared on the corner of Mu Shan's mouth. He took a deep breath, looked at Tian Xin, and said, "Give it to them, ten thousand gold, as much as possible. Since they want it, I will give it to them as a gift."

"In addition, they also saved the imperial concubine after all. While giving money, they sent a few people to protect them. I will deal with it after I see His Majesty the Emperor and ask His Majesty's opinion!"

Hearing this, although Tian Xin was a little upset and felt that these people were completely ignorant, but the master had already given orders, he didn't talk nonsense, nodded and said: "My master said, if you want money, I will give it to you. Wanjin is not a little bit less .”

"Later, you take away the two golden carriages in the back. In addition, it can be said to protect your safety. My master said, take a few people and stay with you!"


Everyone was overjoyed and shouted quickly.Even Amu, who had been silent all this time, was moved at this moment.

He looked at Yinyue, although he felt a little guilty, but faced with such a huge wealth, it was difficult to resist the temptation.

"Of course!"

"Come on, pull up the two carriages behind and hand them over to them!"

Tian Xin nodded, and as soon as he gave an order, someone pulled two carriages over. On top of the carriages, there were ten large boxes, each containing a thousand pieces of gold.

"Would you like to check?"

Tian Xin's eyes were silent, and he said coldly.

"Of course!"

Everyone responded, pulled Amu forward, and began to open the box for inspection.

After this inspection, he was stunned immediately, so he was really overjoyed.

"Okay, we've accepted your gold ingot, you can take it away. By the way, you don't need to send someone to protect it. There are so many of us, there is nothing to be afraid of!"

Behind Amu, a tall and strong young man nodded and said with a big smile.

Amu hesitated for a moment, then came to Yinyue, and said in a low voice: "Xiaoyu...they...they know...your relatives, understand? go with them...I...I won't Take you back!"

Yinyue didn't hear anything else clearly, but Amu spoke very slowly, so she could hear clearly.


Yinyue looked at Mu Shan and the others warily. There was always an inexplicable panic in contact with strangers.

"Well...we have already follow...them, and you can find...your husband..."

Amu nodded.

"OK then……"

Yinyue nodded timidly. At this moment, although she felt that something was wrong, she just felt that because she couldn't understand what these people said, she didn't realize that she had been betrayed.

"Okay, Amu, let's go!"

The rest of the young people didn't talk nonsense, they stepped forward and pulled Amu, the horse, and the carriage, and left directly.

"Master, they don't want us to send someone to protect them, what should we do?"

Tian Xin frowned, looked at Mu Shan and asked.

Mu Shan's eyes, like the eyes of a mouse, were extremely bright, and he glanced around, flickering.

"Let's shoot a few masters to protect them secretly. Wealth will not be exposed. Although there are not many people this early in the morning, it doesn't mean that there are no people."

"This ten thousand gold has already been taken into consideration. Before His Majesty finds out, I must ensure their safety!"

Mu Shan shook his head and instructed Tian Xin.

As a generation of great businessmen, he can always think of more things than others, and is more thorough than others.

"it is good!"

Tian Xin didn't ask why, but responded, and immediately found four or five guards. Although these guards were not first-class masters, they were not comparable to ordinary people.

After giving instructions to these people, the five people immediately followed them quietly from behind, paying attention to protecting Amu and others.

(End of this chapter)

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