Chapter 442
"Your Majesty, from now on, let Xiaomin serve you, and take Your Majesty back to His Majesty the Emperor. Also please get on the car, I will set off immediately!"

With everything that should be arranged, Mu Shan immediately looked at Yinyue and knelt down to worship.


Yinyue frowned slightly, not understanding what Mu Shan said.

She could feel that Qin Yu was inexplicably familiar, but she just didn't understand the meaning.

"Your Majesty, my master invites your Majesty to get on the car, and then leads your Majesty to the presence of His Majesty the Emperor, see Long Live My Emperor!"

Seeing this, Tian Xin quickly knelt down and translated for Mu Shan.

Yinyue thought for a while, but she didn't understand what he said, she didn't understand what is empress, what is Long live my emperor, His Majesty the emperor.

But she still nodded slightly, and Mu Shan immediately ordered someone to pull his own carriage.

As the world's richest businessman, because of this era, there are distinct levels, and there are various rules when riding a car.

For example, there are definitions of what kind of chariots the common people can take, what kind of titles they can take, what kind of carriages they can ride, etc. Therefore, Mu Shan, as a commoner, must not have more than two horses in his chariot.

But even so, the carriage is extravagantly furnished and of excellent workmanship.Sitting on it may not be as good as the emperor's Kowloon chariot, that is, a nine-horse chariot, but it is by no means inferior to an ordinary four or five-horse chariot.

Under Mu Shan's respectful guidance, two more maids were called, and they slowly got into the car with Yinyue.

After sitting in, Mu Shan got on his horse without any hesitation, gave an order, and shouted, "Let's go, the destination is Dian King City!"

After the voice fell, the team immediately started to move forward, but changed the previous route.

"Master, let's not visit the king cities one by one?"

Tian Xin galloped up to Mu Shan, hesitating.

"Are you stupid? Why do we visit the king's cities? Why do we give gifts one by one?"

When Mu Shan heard it, he was immediately happy, and cursed with a smile.

"In order to make friends with other countries, it is better to do business on the borders of all countries in this southwest!"

Tian Xin replied instinctively.

"Isn't that right? How many years have you been with the master and me with your brain, and you can still ask such stupid questions!"

"It's all thanks to the blessing of His Majesty the Emperor and his old man that I can come to the Southwest countries to develop now."

"Because His Majesty the Emperor can control the world, we Qin people dare to come here to do business, and the monarchs of all countries must give His Majesty face!"

"Now, I'm waiting to visit one by one, just to deepen mutual feelings. But now, the kings of all countries have rushed to the Dian King City to pay homage to His Majesty the Emperor. We didn't have the opportunity to participate in such a grand event before, but now, we are escorting Your Majesty is going to pay homage to His Majesty."

"At that time, if you get a little more honor from His Majesty the Emperor, and offer gifts to the kings of the countries on the spot, the you understand?"

While Mu Shan was speaking, there was a cunning and cunning smile on the corner of his mouth.

Seriously complied with that sentence, there is no profiteering without business.

"Oh, I see, the master is really cunning and cunning!"

Tian Xin laughed loudly, and suddenly realized what his clothes looked like.

"Well, I like to hear about the cunning and cunning, but today we are all our own people here, so it doesn't matter. But if you are in front of others, you can't say that about your master and me!"

Mu Shan smiled, and the relationship with his subordinates seemed very harmonious during the conversation.

This is in line with his words, harmony makes money.

"That... that... can... can you tell... tell me... my name... what's my name...?"

At this moment, in the carriage beside her, Yinyue opened the window, poked her head out, and asked cautiously.


When Mu Shan saw it, he clasped his fists in a salute, and asked Tian Xin who was beside him, "What did you say?"

Tian Xin replied: "Your Majesty, ask us again, what's her name!"

Mu Shan nodded, and said: "Understood, the empress is looking for her own life experience. In this way, I can't understand what the empress said. Next, you can answer whatever the empress asks. Remember, you know everything and say everything, understand. ?”

Tian Xin nodded and said, "Understood, master!"

While speaking, Mu Shan expressed complete trust in his subordinates, and he was not at all worried that his subordinates would deliberately curry favor with the imperial concubine at this time and take credit for it.

So, along the way, Yinyue stammered and asked all kinds of questions, and Tian Xin knew everything to say, and he couldn't stop talking.

From the beginning, I asked about the name, then I asked about what His Majesty the Emperor was, and then I asked about what was written in the imperial decree and so on.

Along the way, Mu Shan didn't dare to go too fast for fear of bumping into the imperial concubine, but he didn't want to go too slow for fear of missing the holy scriptures of the Dian Kingdom.

Time passed, and in a blink of an eye, six or seven days had passed.

On this day, in the Dian King City, Zhao Qian, Princess Hean of Daqin, came on horseback, followed by hundreds of cavalry.

Finally, Zhao Qian parked her horse outside the palace, dismounted, and walked straight into the palace, where the emperor Yingshou and the empress lived.

"Emperor Brother...Emperor Brother..."

From a distance, Zhao Qian yelled loudly, and walked to the palace gate, only to see that the empress was combing the emperor's hair and crowning the emperor in the palace.

"Zhao Qian greets the emperor's brother and the emperor's wife!"

When Zhao Qian saw Nanyan, a look of indignation flashed in her eyes, but she knelt down and worshiped.

"Be flat!"

Ying Shou waved his hand, because he was combing his hair, so he couldn't look back, so he said silently: "Qian'er, where have you been recently, why didn't you say hello?"

Zhao Qian stood up, glared at Ying Shou with dissatisfaction, and then walked slowly behind Ying Shou with her hands behind her back.

"Elder Sister Yinyue, although she is just someone else's servant, Dai Qian'er is like a mother, like a sister. Qian'er respects her very much."

"Nowadays, Sister Yinyue is in great trouble. Some people may not care about it. You should still love me, and you should enjoy it, but Qian'er can't sit still. As long as you don't find Sister Yinyue for a day, Qianer will be very anxious. It's not that good." stay in this royal palace compound!"

Zhao Qian stood beside Ying Shou, squinting at Ying Shou, as if pointing something.

In this world, everyone is afraid of Ying Shou, including the empress and imperial concubine, with some fear in their hearts, but she is the only one who is not afraid at all.

At the beginning, if it wasn't for protecting her sweetheart, she wouldn't have cared about the emperor at all.

Now, most of his feelings for the emperor come from Yinyue.

Now, Yinyue is in danger, life or death is unknown, but the emperor can still stay in this palace compound, which really makes her very dissatisfied.

Behind Ying Shou, Nan Yanyu, who was combing Ying Shou's hair, shook her hands slightly and looked at the princess inexplicably.

She was not familiar with Zhao Qian, and even met once when she arrived at Dian King City. After that, Zhao Qian left without even saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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